FEATURED Morning Pops!

Good mornin' Pops and fellow yawners and butt cheek scratchers. Isn't it odd how those two things go together in the morning? It is as if one is the trigger for the other. I can do either later in the day without the other but mornings, it must be a wake up call to the rest of the body that it's time to face the day but not without a full on morning breath in your own face and here's the mystery, it's the same hand and cheek every time so that cheek doesn't itch, this is purely a Pavlovian response because as we know, Pavlov was the first to discover dogs yawning and butt dragging connection. He's my favorite Doc of all time, even better than Schweitzer, Pasteur, Freud or Oz. Tomorrow, I will experiment and try scratching the same cheek with the other hand and if successful, will have my own, soon to be patented, Yoga move......The Twisted Cat.

Anyway, I think of these things for you so you don't have to because most of you have important things to do and this was my only important thing of the day but I am glad I got it out of the way early so I have the feeling of accomplishment with me all day.

Woooooooooooo Pig Souieeeeeeee, go Razorbacks. Please get crossways with the NCAA and get the death penalty. The last team to do that, you hired your HC from there so it is only fitting that history repeat itself. I can think of no good reason for the Arkansas Razorbacks to have a football team. Not one. No, not even that.

OK, I had two things to do today.
We have more important things to do? Oh, yeah, that's it, lotsa important stuff. Why just ahwhilago I threw some acorns at the dog so I could watch him wonder where they were coming from, snuck through the house and moved some stuff around to confuse the wifey, and went through a stack of papers then put them back on the desk because I may need the design of our doghouse in 2038!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't tell my I've nothing to do, Mister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have more important things to do? Oh, yeah, that's it, lotsa important stuff. Why just ahwhilago I threw some acorns at the dog so I could watch him wonder where they were coming from, snuck through the house and moved some stuff around to confuse the wifey, and went through a stack of papers then put them back on the desk because I may need the design of our doghouse in 2038!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't tell my I've nothing to do, Mister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, ya gotta hold onto that doghouse design, or you'll feel like you paid the architect for nuthin'!
We have more important things to do? Oh, yeah, that's it, lotsa important stuff. Why just ahwhilago I threw some acorns at the dog so I could watch him wonder where they were coming from, snuck through the house and moved some stuff around to confuse the wifey, and went through a stack of papers then put them back on the desk because I may need the design of our doghouse in 2038!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't tell my I've nothing to do, Mister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"counting flowers on the wall...…...
Good afternoon Pops and friends. I was going to comment while it was still considered morning, but couldn't make heads or tails of Coach's comment about his beloved Hogs. I thought he liked them but now he's wanting them killed. Very confusing. It's Saturday! The least and most demanding day of the week. Shall we watch college football or try to be weekend warriors? The jury is still out on that one but the TV is on the Oklahoma game. Have a good Saturday everyone.

"counting flowers on the wall...…...
That don't bother me at all.... now I've got that stupid song stuck in my head and I don't know all the words. Ugh, daddy's music. :banghead:
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Good afternoon Pops and friends. I was going to comment while it was still considered morning, but couldn't make heads or tails of Coach's comment about his beloved Hogs. I thought he liked them but now he's wanting them killed. Very confusing. It's Saturday! The least and most demanding day of the week. Shall we watch college football or try to be weekend warriors? The jury is still out on that one but the TV is on the Oklahoma game. Have a good Saturday everyone.

That don't bother me at all.... now I've got that stupid song stuck in my head and I don't know all the words. Ugh, daddy's music. :banghead:
That don't bother me at all. Playing solitaire til dawn, w/ a deck of 51. Smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kang.....Kangaroo, now don't tell me.....I've nothing to do!!!!
Good Evening Pops! My dog's being abused again.
Morning, Pops and Cowboys fans. It's game day and I'm going to the game, but I have no idea what to expect out of our Boys. Hopefully it's good. All you easterners take care and stay out of harms way.
Good morning Pops and fellow forum dwellers. Makes us sound like some abhorrent species doesn't it? I like it.

Well, just couldn't help myself, just had to watch the Hogs in their latest effort to prove renting out their stadium might be more profitable and if getting blown out wasn't bad enough, they were on the wrong side of a play that will be discussed and replayed for years. I must say, I have not seen the stadium empty out like that at the end of the first half before. The old saying "he went to **** and the Hogs ate him" might just come to fruition with this new HC.

And now, I get to see my pro team play tonight and I feel this isn't going to be pretty. Was the team just rusty in CAR or is it really not a very good team? We'll find out tonight in what amounts to a must win for both teams, especially for Dallas since a 0-2 conference and 0-1 division record is a steep climb for a good team and I would not use that word to describe this team right now.

Enjoy this day, make it your own for tomorrow is not promised. Actually it is, tomorrow is mine but you can have today.
Good morning Pops and friends. Pretend I just poured out the greatest advice you've ever seen. It will lift you up when things aren't going your way and make you smile when you find yourself down. It's such an awesome piece of advice that you share it with others when you see them down. No matter what, don't forget who told it to you. You're welcome.
I could be a morning person if morning started at noon!!!!
Preaching to the choir.
Nooners for my men and horses!!!!
and me!

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