FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Believe what you wish. I would just tell you this. Pops was a school teacher. He impacted the lives of young people for many, many years. Pops was not a prude and he did have a great sense of humor but I believe that he was a person who would elect to view things in terms of what is best for children and family. I believe he would not view things in terms of sacrificing those beliefs for the sake of humor. I mean, he was around kids his whole life. It's who he was. Now, in a less public venue, that's different.

Ultimately it's up to you to how you choose to proceed.
I wonder how many children read this forum? I would be more worried about how they see some treating each other out in the Fan Forum and if I thought there were children here, I wouldn't be. I don't watch Nickelodeon and really don't want to hang with them. Maybe they should have a "L'il Buckaroos Zone"?

And what young kids are exposed to these days and their awareness level of things they should not know, ole CC ain't gonna warp young minds with his goofiness, I'd hope they'd get a good laugh out of it and think 'one never outgrows their need for silliness'. Because they'll learn soon enough, sometimes you need silly to stay sane.

Well I am guilty as I do not view things in terms of what is best for children and family, not my job. I view what is best to have fun and try not to hurt any feelings along the way.

What I wrote obviously didn't sit well with you but in my mind, that's pretty PG13 stuff, I've pushed the envelope further than that and in this thread before but I did pull back when I considered the title of it. I can get on a roll and forget where I am and I do try to keep a governor on myself but really didn't see the problem with that post.

ABQ, I like you and respect you and consider you a good guy; however, this is me, it's what I do and why I am here as I am limited about how much I want to talk about the Cowboys but unlimited in getting outside the lines and having some fun. And I love me some of the folks in here like family so I guess I am just going to have the be the black sheep but I think Pops would have thought I was OK. Not as a kid, oh no, naughty, naughty boy and nasty, Father Flannigan never met me. But I learned my most valuable survival lesson along the way, silly > serious.


Regular Joe....
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I wonder how many children read this forum? I would be more worried about how they see some treating each other out in the Fan Forum and if I thought there were children here, I wouldn't be. I don't watch Nickelodeon and really don't want to hang with them. Maybe they should have a "L'il Buckaroos Zone"?

And what young kids are exposed to these days and their awareness level of things they should not know, ole CC ain't gonna warp young minds with his goofiness, I'd hope they'd get a good laugh out of it and think 'one never outgrows their need for silliness'. Because they'll learn soon enough, sometimes you need silly to stay sane.

Well I am guilty as I do not view things in terms of what is best for children and family, not my job. I view what is best to have fun and try not to hurt any feelings along the way.

What I wrote obviously didn't sit well with you but in my mind, that's pretty PG13 stuff, I've pushed the envelope further than that and in this thread before but I did pull back when I considered the title of it. I can get on a roll and forget where I am and I do try to keep a governor on myself but really didn't see the problem with that post.

ABQ, I like you and respect you and consider you a good guy; however, this is me, it's what I do and why I am here as I am limited about how much I want to talk about the Cowboys but unlimited in getting outside the lines and having some fun. And I love me some of the folks in here like family so I guess I am just going to have the be the black sheep but I think Pops would have thought I was OK. Not as a kid, oh no, naughty, naughty boy and nasty, Father Flannigan never met me. But I learned my most valuable survival lesson along the way, silly > serious.

I like you too Coach. I'm sure you know that. However, to answer your question, I don't know how many kids still post on this forum but I'd imagine that that number might surprise you. I can tell you that mine did, and occasionally still does, although he is no longer a kid. I can tell you that there is a poster here, who started posting on this board in his teens and went on to become a journalist who writes for publication. There are kids and I understand what you are saying.

I encourage you to remember that this is a place for families and for kids. I get what you are saying about how people treat people on this board. Heck, I am guilty of that myself but as I am sure you know, this thread is different. This thread is not like the rest of the board and I imagine that this is why most of us come here. I can't say that it's fair or it's right or that it's wrong. I can only tell you that you can't measure this thread by the rest of the board. It's a little different.

OK, enough said. I am headed for the garage, a cold beer and a bench that needs to be sanded and re-stained. I want you to have a great weekend. Hell, I want everybody to have a great weekend.

Enjoy it everybody!


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@ABQCOWBOY , as someone who's known CC for a few years, I can promise you, the last thing he wants is to offend anyone. The man is here to make other people laugh, and I can't imagine that's something Pops would be offended by.
Appreciate that Runny but we did PM about this and I understand better where ABQ is coming from and do see his perspective on this.

To be completely candid, I have not viewed this as a tribute thread, even though I have said Good Morning Pops, I didn't know the man and certainly not as well as ABQ and some others that have been here a while, it really should be their thread where they share their stories about him and keep "in touch" with him. It is a thread about him. I really have no place in their thread.

I turned it into my first stop, most of the time, because it was the most welcoming thread here and it became the gathering place for people that I like and unfortunately, as Jan mentioned in her post, I do not see interaction in the Fan Forum with Xelda, Jan or the other ladies that come to this site and that's really different from the old haunt. I also turned it into a thread where I shared what was on my mind and that's really not the place for that. I took advantage of the freedom and shouldn't have.

So, I am going to think of a new thread to start, or anybody can, that can serve as a gathering place, greetings, here's what's going on in my life and aren't you glad you're not me and more personal stuff because that's why I am here. I really get into your shoulder tribulations, Hooter's, your niece, your family only loves you for the chili and field trips to the City more than your views on the Cowboys because I can visualize that and better see you in my mind's eye.

I do think I turned a thread that was meant as a tribute to a man I didn't know into my own thing and I don't know how many that come there actually knew Pops. But ABQ is right in calling it to my attention, I forgot what that thread was all about and why it was created.


Regular Joe....
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Appreciate that Runny but we did PM about this and I understand better where ABQ is coming from and do see his perspective on this.

To be completely candid, I have not viewed this as a tribute thread, even though I have said Good Morning Pops, I didn't know the man and certainly not as well as ABQ and some others that have been here a while, it really should be their thread where they share their stories about him and keep "in touch" with him. It is a thread about him. I really have no place in their thread.

I turned it into my first stop, most of the time, because it was the most welcoming thread here and it became the gathering place for people that I like and unfortunately, as Jan mentioned in her post, I do not see interaction in the Fan Forum with Xelda, Jan or the other ladies that come to this site and that's really different from the old haunt. I also turned it into a thread where I shared what was on my mind and that's really not the place for that. I took advantage of the freedom and shouldn't have.

So, I am going to think of a new thread to start, or anybody can, that can serve as a gathering place, greetings, here's what's going on in my life and aren't you glad you're not me and more personal stuff because that's why I am here. I really get into your shoulder tribulations, Hooter's, your niece, your family only loves you for the chili and field trips to the City more than your views on the Cowboys because I can visualize that and better see you in my mind's eye.

I do think I turned a thread that was meant as a tribute to a man I didn't know into my own thing and I don't know how many that come there actually knew Pops. But ABQ is right in calling it to my attention, I forgot what that thread was all about and why it was created.

OK, this is totally wrong. You are a member of this forum, you are a member of this group and you have every right to be here and take your beating just like the rest of us.

This thread would not be as good, in general, as it remains to this day, if good people didn't contribute to it. If you are thinking that this is just about Pops and those who knew him, you are wrong. That is not what this is. Yes, it is about Pops and yes, many posters come here and remember him but it also serves to promote the best things about the guy. One of those, among many, is the ability to make everybody bettter because that's what Pops did. He made everybody that knew him a better person. That's no lie. Now, you and I Coach, that's probably a bridge to far for us, I don't know if we can be fixed, but, I know this. I would not be happy to see you feel like this is not your place too. If that happens, and that's what I've done here, then I have failed and I can't have that.

So gear up, take your licks, you can stand right here, next to me.



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I like you too Coach. I'm sure you know that. However, to answer your question, I don't know how many kids still post on this forum but I'd imagine that that number might surprise you. I can tell you that mine did, and occasionally still does, although he is no longer a kid. I can tell you that there is a poster here, who started posting on this board in his teens and went on to become a journalist who writes for publication. There are kids and I understand what you are saying.

I encourage you to remember that this is a place for families and for kids. I get what you are saying about how people treat people on this board. Heck, I am guilty of that myself but as I am sure you know, this thread is different. This thread is not like the rest of the board and I imagine that this is why most of us come here. I can't say that it's fair or it's right or that it's wrong. I can only tell you that you can't measure this thread by the rest of the board. It's a little different.

OK, enough said. I am headed for the garage, a cold beer and a bench that needs to be sanded and re-stained. I want you to have a great weekend. Hell, I want everybody to have a great weekend.

Enjoy it everybody!

Afternoon Pops and friends. Be sure and wear hearing protection and dust mask ABQ. Got to take care of that hearing and lungs. The company I used to work for hammered safety so much, it’s second nature now lol.

It’s Friday folks. My wife is coming to south Texas by bus tomorrow. She stayed behind last week because she heads a church ministry for the widows of the church. Sometimes we tend to forget the people that are really hurting and need a hand up not necessarily a hand out. A word of encouragement goes a long long way.

Enjoy the weekend folks. Make someone happy.


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Afternoon Pops and friends. Be sure and wear hearing protection and dust mask ABQ. Got to take care of that hearing and lungs. The company I used to work for hammered safety so much, it’s second nature now lol.

It’s Friday folks. My wife is coming to south Texas by bus tomorrow. She stayed behind last week because she heads a church ministry for the widows of the church. Sometimes we tend to forget the people that are really hurting and need a hand up not necessarily a hand out. A word of encouragement goes a long long way.

Enjoy the weekend folks. Make someone happy.
Well, I tried making ABQ happy to only find out that wouldn't make him happy so I am going to have to find someone else. There is that old widder lady that lives down the lane and she's had her eye on me but she'll have to put it back in before I come a callin'.

RGV, you give your wife a hug for me. And remember it's a hug from me, hands above the waist. You can hug her later for yourself. You've got yourself a fine woman.


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Well, I tried making ABQ happy to only find out that wouldn't make him happy so I am going to have to find someone else. There is that old widder lady that lives down the lane and she's had her eye on me but she'll have to put it back in before I come a callin'.

RGV, you give your wife a hug for me. And remember it's a hug from me, hands above the waist. You can hug her later for yourself. You've got yourself a fine woman.



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Good Morning Pops and welcome to your Saturday, ZoneHeads.

One of my dogs woke me up at 5:30 this morning, not unusual, because he was tired of me sleeping. So, what does a person do at 5:30 and it's dark outside? Easy, make gazpacho and risk appendages chopping. I completed the task with all 10 digits still attached so I am calling this a good and successful day regardless of what goes wrong.

I've already had my morning coffee allotment and I am not totally awake yet. My body is awake but my mind is sleepy, also not unusual, and when I am trying to go to sleep, it's the reverse. I should be a bat.

Before you face the day, because some of you lucky suckas are still sleeping as I try to compose this, I want you to consider this. Today is the last Saturday of July in the year 2019, never be another, invest it wisely. I would say a package of bacon cooked and a goodly amount of gazpacho made before 7am was invested wisely. I should call it a day and treat this like a night but he's watching and waiting for that move. I can only sleep when he sleeps.


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Good morning Pops and friends. One of my nephews wanted to know how to smoke a brisket. We started a earlier this morning. I’m not used to this pit so the temp gauge has been bouncing around. Hopefully we can find a steady 250 degrees for 4 hours or so. Be good


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and posters from all corners of the internet! Happy Saturday, or Happy First Saturday, if you have Monday off.

I have a follow-up appointment with the doctor on Monday, though frankly, since I've been back to work for almost two months, I think it's just an excuse for him to milk my insurance company.


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Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends.

I've been in Texas the past couple of days visiting my mother. She's 84 and becoming increasingly more frail. Nonetheless, she was at her absolute elderly best last night, methodically reviewing each and every item on the menu with our teen waiter. I knew, she knew, everyone in the restaurant knew she would select a chicken dish. Regardless, she wanted to know all about the pasta, fish and beef dishes. I almost felt sorry for the waiter - I left a good tip.

She accused me of having a "sissy" drink - a low carb, lite beer with little or no taste. Can't really argue her point. She thoroughly amused me by requesting a "grape" drink. The vacant look on my face prompted her to add, "a glass of wine, I want a glass of wine." 84 and she still likes messing with me.

With humidity hovering near 80% and the mercury steady on 94, I am thankful to return to Colorado tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Here's to the start of TC!!


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Well, I tried making ABQ happy to only find out that wouldn't make him happy so I am going to have to find someone else. There is that old widder lady that lives down the lane and she's had her eye on me but she'll have to put it back in before I come a callin'.

RGV, you give your wife a hug for me. And remember it's a hug from me, hands above the waist. You can hug her later for yourself. You've got yourself a fine woman.
I would give you more than one "like" for the expert use of "widder" lady.


"We Are Penn State"
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Good morning Pops and Zoner Friends. With humidity hovering near 80% and the mercury steady on 94, I am thankful to return to Colorado tomorrow.


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Happy Saturday Pops and friends.

Good luck with the smoking RGV. I'll bet your full and napping now, aren't you?

Dogs are wonderful, Coach. I have one that pokes me when she's decided I've slept enough. My other pup simply farts to get me moving at all hours of the night. I wouldn't trade either one for anything..

I'm with you on the doctors, Runny. He's just milking your insurance and doesn't care that he's wasting your time. I have a CT scan Monday and have been a bundle of nerves thinking about it. I ran out of that building the last time yelling "Reschedule". My former doctor (God rest his soul) stopped sending me for scans after my epic escape. I guess the new doctor will just learn the hard way. Oddly, I'm not afraid of shots but come at my veins and we're going to have problems.

Colo, your momma's setting a bad example for you. I hope you aren't picking up her bad habits.

DABZ, that's a good idea and I'll bet it actually confuses them.


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Happy Saturday Pops and friends.

Good luck with the smoking RGV. I'll bet your full and napping now, aren't you?

Dogs are wonderful, Coach. I have one that pokes me when she's decided I've slept enough. My other pup simply farts to get me moving at all hours of the night. I wouldn't trade either one for anything..

I'm with you on the doctors, Runny. He's just milking your insurance and doesn't care that he's wasting your time. I have a CT scan Monday and have been a bundle of nerves thinking about it. I ran out of that building the last time yelling "Reschedule". My former doctor (God rest his soul) stopped sending me for scans after my epic escape. I guess the new doctor will just learn the hard way. Oddly, I'm not afraid of shots but come at my veins and we're going to have problems.

Colo, your momma's setting a bad example for you. I hope you aren't picking up her bad habits.

DABZ, that's a good idea and I'll bet it actually confuses them.
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Xel... I hope this scan goes well for you. I know all too well that 'bundle of nerves'. I'm hoping your issue is able to be resolved.

Runny, good luck at the doc. Maybe you should take in a representative pint of milk when you go see him and see if he catches on...

RGV, hope you had success with that brisket. Sounds de-lish!

Coach, dogs have always been the best 'people' I've known. Wish I could have one to wake me in the morning. Probably one of the first things I'll do whenever I can move will be to get me a dog.

...and Colo... I like grape juice too. I see no problem with her request ;)

My thoughts are fairly scattered at the moment... I'm hiding in my apartment avoiding the melee downtown this weekend. The Quad City Times Bix 7 Road Race and street festival is happening this weekend and the crowds are ridiculous. I hate crowds. It's too humid to be out in all that with a bunch of sweaty, smelly, drunk people. No thank you. If the weather were better I'd be on the bike path as I've find myself kicking me for feeling sorry for myself over everything that's happened over the past few years...but no more. What got me going was I saw a documentary on a runner named Gabrielle Grunwald. Incredible story. 10 years she fought an incurable cancer and never stopped running. She lost her battle in June. Shame. On. Me. It's time for me to take back what I can.

To all of you... set a goal for each day and strive to meet it. It's okay if you don't. Just make the effort.


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Happy Saturday Pops and friends.

Good luck with the smoking RGV. I'll bet your full and napping now, aren't you?

Dogs are wonderful, Coach. I have one that pokes me when she's decided I've slept enough. My other pup simply farts to get me moving at all hours of the night. I wouldn't trade either one for anything..

I'm with you on the doctors, Runny. He's just milking your insurance and doesn't care that he's wasting your time. I have a CT scan Monday and have been a bundle of nerves thinking about it. I ran out of that building the last time yelling "Reschedule". My former doctor (God rest his soul) stopped sending me for scans after my epic escape. I guess the new doctor will just learn the hard way. Oddly, I'm not afraid of shots but come at my veins and we're going to have problems.

Colo, your momma's setting a bad example for you. I hope you aren't picking up her bad habits.

DABZ, that's a good idea and I'll bet it actually confuses them.

Actually X, the brisket is still in the pit lol . I wrapped it in aluminum foil about 4 hours ago, so I figure it will be ready in another hour. ;)

I like brisket like I like steaks...well done :thumbup:


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Actually X, the brisket is still in the pit lol . I wrapped it in aluminum foil about 4 hours ago, so I figure it will be ready in another hour. ;)

I like brisket like I like steaks...well done :thumbup:
If you get a good bark on that brisket, use butcher paper instead of foil, it breathes better and will not make your bark soggy. I do the same with ribs.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Afternoon Pops and everyone.

Xel... I hope this scan goes well for you. I know all too well that 'bundle of nerves'. I'm hoping your issue is able to be resolved.

Runny, good luck at the doc. Maybe you should take in a representative pint of milk when you go see him and see if he catches on...

RGV, hope you had success with that brisket. Sounds de-lish!

Coach, dogs have always been the best 'people' I've known. Wish I could have one to wake me in the morning. Probably one of the first things I'll do whenever I can move will be to get me a dog.

...and Colo... I like grape juice too. I see no problem with her request ;)

My thoughts are fairly scattered at the moment... I'm hiding in my apartment avoiding the melee downtown this weekend. The Quad City Times Bix 7 Road Race and street festival is happening this weekend and the crowds are ridiculous. I hate crowds. It's too humid to be out in all that with a bunch of sweaty, smelly, drunk people. No thank you. If the weather were better I'd be on the bike path as I've find myself kicking me for feeling sorry for myself over everything that's happened over the past few years...but no more. What got me going was I saw a documentary on a runner named Gabrielle Grunwald. Incredible story. 10 years she fought an incurable cancer and never stopped running. She lost her battle in June. Shame. On. Me. It's time for me to take back what I can.

To all of you... set a goal for each day and strive to meet it. It's okay if you don't. Just make the effort.
It's easy to see someone else go beyond what you'd expect, and feel like an underachiever, but when you can't do the things that used to come easy, it's human nature to feel defeated. Don't beat yourself up over not being the same as someone else.