FEATURED Morning Pops!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who have decided to start their weekend by stopping in to check out the thread.

Congratulations everyone, you made it to Friday! I feel like some decent Chicken Wings!

No Cowboys so maybe I'll go see a movie or something. Wife and Daughters are headed to Disneyland this weekend so gonna have to find something to do. Need to be smart about it though, I don't want to end up on DBRPs top 10 sightings! LOL...

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, how is everybody today? Go out and do something fun this afternoon ya'll!

Everyone, enjoy your weekend. Have fun, be safe and maybe consider doing those things with somebody you might like to hang out with yeah? Welcome to the Weekend Everyone!


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Good morning Pops and friends. It’s really really really bitterly cold today. It’s 52. I suppose the rain and humidity make it feel colder than 52. This is first time I’ve felt the 50s in several months. All my cold weather clothes had been put up so had to dig some up. I know this is tee shirt weather for most folks living up north lol.
I’ll be hitting the road to south Texas this coming Sunday then bring my mom back the following Sunday. She’ll spend the holidays at my sister’s and my house up until March or so. It will cut down on some of our travel time and my mom will get a chance to spend more time with her gkids and great gkids. Win win
I haven’t given up on my Astros but the Nats team look like a good bunch of guys. They have taken the league by storm and deserve every trophy they earn, too bad if it comes at the expense of my beloved Astros.
I’ll watch some football this weekend and watch others fans squirm. Us fans deserve an off weekend also.
Happy Friday everyone. I’m happy :thumbup:


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and friends. It’s really really really bitterly cold today. It’s 52. I suppose the rain and humidity make it feel colder than 52. This is first time I’ve felt the 50s in several months. All my cold weather clothes had been put up so had to dig some up. I know this is tee shirt weather for most folks living up north lol.
I’ll be hitting the road to south Texas this coming Sunday then bring my mom back the following Sunday. She’ll spend the holidays at my sister’s and my house up until March or so. It will cut down on some of our travel time and my mom will get a chance to spend more time with her gkids and great gkids. Win win
I haven’t given up on my Astros but the Nats team look like a good bunch of guys. They have taken the league by storm and deserve every trophy they earn, too bad if it comes at the expense of my beloved Astros.
I’ll watch some football this weekend and watch others fans squirm. Us fans deserve an off weekend also.
Happy Friday everyone. I’m happy :thumbup:

I know this is tee shirt weather for most folks living up north lol.

Hey, you climatize to the weather in your area. I can't imagine living through a typical Texas summer anymore.

No doubt, you saw the image @daboyzruleperiod posted of me in my birthday suit clearing snow?


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I know this is tee shirt weather for most folks living up north lol.

Hey, you climatize to the weather in your area. I can't imagine living through a typical Texas summer anymore.

No doubt, you saw the image @daboyzruleperiod posted of me in my birthday suit clearing snow?

yeah I saw that and you’re wearing gloves....looks like everything climatized with the exception of your hands :muttley:


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the Weekend! Auburn vs LSU might be a decent game to watch today since both are ranked in the top 10. Our weather has turned much cooler as it was 45 yesterday morning. We are supposed to reach 70 today and that's close to ideal. See Ya.


"We Are Penn State"
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Good morning Pops and thank you Astros for another game. Like to see this go at least 6 but 7 would be special. Tonight is going to be a claw and scratch game with the pitching. A lot of the posters out there in the War Zone don't like Joe Buck, I don't share that, he is a doofus with that grin to the camera but he and John Smoltz are as good as it gets in any sport. They make it a real pleasure to watch the game.

Got some good, at least that's what it looks like now, games with OSU-WIS, AU-LSU and MI-ND. Looks like we've got some wetness on tap and that always adds a little to the games. And speaking of wetness, and I was, heard the Arkansas players were crying as the coaches made them get on the plane to go to Tuscaloosa. The HC was overheard to say "my gosh, what a bunch of babies acting like they're getting shots at the doctor's office. Good thing I got a big bag of suckers for the flight home. Might be the only way I can keep them from running away before the game. Really wish this wasn't a night game, we'll have to keep watch on them all day and couple of them are really fast".


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Good afternoon Pops and friends. It rained all day yesterday. I made the second batch of taco soup in order to free up some space in the cabinets. If I could get some bye polar working, I'd have 3 cakes to go with my taco soupsicles.

I've got several projects that can't be ignored today. Might I inform y'all that it's mighty hard to do anything with football going in the back ground. Those announcers get excited so I stop what I'm doing to watch... and then I sit down. Tonight, right when I'm sleepy, I'll walk into the bedroom and see my interrupted project staring me in the face. Yep, that's exactly what I'll do. What I need is a wife, but I have no tolerance for them. They'd have me at Walmart and the dollar store. Forget 'em!

I guess I'd better start on it so there won't be much to do before bed. Have a good Saturday everyone.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Good early morning, Pops and pen pals. I woke up at 3 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up. It's 4 o'clock here as I type. I watched some of the KS/OU game and was shocked Kansas State routed Oklahoma. Auburn/LSU was a pretty good game. I don't have a single favorite college football team so I'm able to watch the games for pure pleasure. I may or may not watch any games today. Y'all have a good day no matter what you choose to do. Man, coffee tastes good this early in the morning!


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Morning Pops and Leon, take a nap, nothing tastes good at 4 in the morning but a slap on the back for finding anything positive at that wretched time of the day. I was loving that KS/OU game as I look at my time in OK as detention, and dislike OK so much that I am the only man to detest Will Rogers, and the LSU Tigers are my second favorite team and will balance out the Razorbacks record making it .500 and like any good Cowboys fan, I learned to love the .500.

Football is not a priority this Sunday as the Stros evened the Series up and we'll get a game 6. I struggle with the Stros as I do with the Cowboys and some of their "characters" and have to try and look past that and Jose Altuve does that for me and I love watching this man play the game with the heart of a boy, he has renewed my long sleeping interest in the game because my love of football is constantly under assault and I have to force myself to remain a loyal fan of the team I adopted so many years ago.

In the vein of Booger Jones, I am declaring the AR-Bama game a moral victory. They scored 7 points and gave up 3 less than last week, 51 v 48. The fact they had a backup QB isn't relevant as that's all AR has. QB's so bad that Booger's grandson, L'il Booger (his rapper name), can't get in the game. Guess we can forget him taking over for Dak? Well, I'm sure they can find something for him to do.

Didn't spend a lot of time here yesterday and the time spent was not spent well spent as I woke up in a real mood and it stayed with me most of the day. Angry at what I do not know but it was a day best spent alone and even OU getting knocked out of the CFP and the Series getting evened up couldn't chase away the dark clouds. My demons don't take the weekend off and I apologize if you read any of my posts.

I use this forum, as I did the old one, as therapy. I can usually chase the demon by being silly here, making myself laugh until it goes away but that didn't work, I just let it out to do what it does.


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Morning Pops and friends. After my mission statement yesterday, I decided not to allow the tasks at hand to go unfinished. Today's tasks have yet to be determined. I spent time last week working on a flower bed in my back yard. I got the landscaping fabric down, plants transplanted and mulch down for half of it. Today my sweet little Yorkie strolled around the mulch before hunkering down to tend to some business. I looked at the flower bed, the back yard full of respectable grass, back at the flower bed and felt a tinge of defeat. Did I inadvertently create a very large sand box for my puppies? I might possibly grow the most beautiful sinking flowers in the neighborhood.

We are in a full blown bye week. I can't tell you how strange it is to see a Buffalo Bills flag waving at me. Have I staggered off into enemy territory? Am I so sleepy that I'll root for anybody? Something is amiss or we have Dabz mischief afoot! One of these days she's going to have to get Leon's golf cart back and pull Gramma out of that hole. Oh! What she caught Colo doing was, well I'm from the South so I really don't know if that's the correct way to move snow. Have mercy! I never know where she's hiding, so I make sure to behave myself when I go outside now... most of the time.

I've got a large pecan tree in my back yard and the squirrels have been having parties every day. I got a different bird feeder up but none of the birds like it. Weird! In the front across the street, the Griswolds put up more tiki torches which are now in purple and gold. It's quaint in a weird way. I've got a little Charlie Brown tree in my front yard that's a hybrid experiment. It had little red berries all over it with one droopy branch sporting two large green berries. I was embarrassed and went to cut them off, but decided to take a humorous view of it and let it flash the neighbors. As leaves get read to drop off other trees, this one is acting like it's Spring. I like it, it's different.

Have a good Sunday everyone.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Our forecast is calling for rain tomorrow, so I better get any outside work completed today. I didn't watch any NFL yesterday. Did anyone else get to see John Stephen Jones get some playing time vs. Alabama Saturday? The game was a blowout so I didn't watch much but I did see him throw a couple of passes. It's getting to be gumbo weather so I might make a pot one of these days. Have a great day.


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Morning Pops and everyone.

No football yesterday. Was mostly lazy all weekend but for my grandson's birthday party.

Thursday's forecast here calls for 1-3" of SNOW:D. Yup. I said it and threw that cheesey grin in there too. We'll see how much the forecast changes between now and then, but for now I get to enjoy listening to the whiners at work whine even more....as if there's a darn thing they can do about it. Lol I would enjoy listening to them if it were December too. All those controlling women think they got a hold on everything, but this they don't and I love to see them squirm about it.

Enjoy your Monday everyone.


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Mumble, mumble, morning Pops and friends. Something went wrong in the middle of the night for me to be up before the sun. The day should not start so early. I know the sun's up somewhere, but it's over cast here so it doesn't count. Just a sleepy morning in my little hamlet. Runny is probably on his 4th or 5th stop by now. Coach is in the bed, inappropriately grabbing pillows as he dreams about widder wimmens. Leon is enjoying his 4th cup of coffee as he contemplates golf math and gumbo. RGV is running from gators. ABQ is missing his wife about now. Dabz is laughing as she dreams of her next crazy post. Colo may or may not be clothed as he readies his snow blower. Jan sounds a little grumpy this morning so no one say anything about the weather. :eek: Xelda is sitting in a dark room griping about not being able to sleep, so it's after 8:00 and all is well.

Happy Monday my people!


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Morning Pops and all y'all, welcome to your Monday. I got whiplash last night and my Previous Channel button on my remote is in hiding. I was bouncing between the Series and the GB-KC game, which turned out to be better than anticipated. I am not anticipating anything on MNF and am sending a thank you to them for such a lousy matchup. We get the Cowboys obligatory game next Monday so I will have to endure Heckyl and Jeckyl, quite possibly the worst duo in sports broadcast history.

As far as the Cowboys are concerned, I am looking forward to seeing them up against a contender. That Eagles game should have been that but that team did not come ready to play, they made up for that in BUF and I was pulling for them. I have a theory, actually lots of them but this one is about the Cowboys. They need pressure to perform and if they clinch the East too early, one and done. Most of the posters here were pulling for BUF and I think that is a mistake, this needs to go down to the wire in that PHL, the 15th game of the season and it's there so they get to test big game away because they'll need that for these playoffs. Man, I haven't seen the NFC looking this strong at the top in a long time. NO, SF, GB with LAR and MIN close behind looks tough but the Cowboys do have two games left against two of them. And I am not underestimating CHI or DET either. Stafford likes to play against his hometown team.

Have a good week and if you are faced with a dilemma, take the choice I wouldn't take.