In announcing her decision, Tin noted that Hardy and Nicole Holder told wildly differentversions from the witness stand of what happened in the football player’s luxury uptown apartment on May 13. But the judge said the evidence persuaded her beyond reasonable doubt that Hardy beat Holder, threw her around his apartment, then tried to hide his actions with a fabricated 911 call.
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it's still her word against his. and yes, i've seen women hurt themselves before 911 shows up. unless there's a video i'm missing, or undisputable proof he hit her, you're taking her word over his.
for me, to do that, i need background history on both.
she's done this before.
he has not.
so while i don't launch myself into hardys favor just yet, i give him the nod cause i simply won't hang a man by the "victims" testimony alone. as i've said before i will sit back and see how he conducts himself before i worry bout beating the rush to call him bad things.
and not everyone who backs hardy is "shallow". if you're referring to my conversations with you, let's keep it to how we feel and have communicated.
i don't have the energy or desire to run around after this "group" of people who seem to fit your criteria.
i'm just not one of 'em. sorry.