Official non-PI Call Thread **merged**


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I said this in the post game thread. None of the haters were crying about the NFL being fixed for the Lions when they reduced the Suh suspension to a fine that amounts to pocket change for him. All haters and Lions fans got a HUGE gift before the game ever started.
Don't start crying now over a "non call" that was questionable at best.

If the Suh suspension holds up, we're not even having this conversation.

Bull Frog

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People, the media included, are acting like that was the last play of the game in the end zone. There was over eight minutes left in the game and that would have put the Lions around the 20-25 yard line. There is no guarantee that they get points anyway. They still had a 4th and 1, but wimped out. We had a 4th and 7 after that, had the guts to go for it and converted. The Lions ran 64 plays and that was one play. Bad calls or perceived bad calls happen every game. Judging from the last drive of the game, we can argue that we would've sacked Stafford and made him fumble anyway. There is no guarantee they score so on to the Packers.


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/ end of thread.

Mods please close.


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The interesting part is the complaints about this one play showing a fix is in. This pretty much ignores what happened earlier in the game. The OPI on Williams, in which he was chucked into a defender by anohter defender. The first of the two back to back sacks on Romo in the red zone that was mostly due to Levy, I believe it was, giving DeMarco a really sweet hug in the middle of the field before the ball is thrown.

Basically the refs had established a very permissive setup for the day. They were allowing the DBs to play a lot, as well as the offensive lines. They pretty much kept that up throughout the game. The Hitchens non PI to me fits in here. They let the TE play on the play. They let Hitchens play on the play, though I think the TE actually caused the contact by Hitchens with the tug on the face mask.

The ref who threw the flag and was calling face guarding on the play not PI, when the refs got together to see what was actually being called Morelli choose to pick up the flag since there is no face guarding in the NFL.


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Hard to not run in to someone when they're pulling on your helmet so hard that your eyes are covered.


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They are alive and well this morning.

So much talk about the ref (I forget his name) who apparently is always the ref when the Cowboys win.

Philly talk shows are blowing up regarding the "stinky" flag pick-up.

I guess Philly fans forget the "stinky" call during their Indianapolis game.

Salt in the wound. I love it!!
For lunch I am munching on gnashed teeth and hater tears. :) I told them you can focus on the "No Call PI" all day you can even over look the fact that Stafford had nearly 3 minutes and a full compliment of timeouts at the end of the game. However, you can't overlook the gutsy performance by our offense and wefense. Any self respecting hater and fan should always give props when props are due, that is what separates us from animals. :)


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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I am an absolute believer of the NFL conspiracy.

All I ever needed to do is look at some of the Pittsburgh Steeler playoff and Super Bowls to convince me. :laugh:


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NFL refs are scrutinized highly after each game and their ratings are important to their careers. I don't believe in agendas for or against Dallas.


Forum Architect
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There will undoubtedly be an "Anthony Hitchens Rule" come next season.

There will probably also be a "Terrance Williams Rule," prohibiting Cowboys receivers from turning up field following a catch and taking it to the house.


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Fans of any team that thinks the league is fixed (or in any way biased against their team) are idiots for 2 reasons:

1) They think the league is fixed
2) They think the league is fixed and yet still follow it with great rooting interest for their team.

It absolutely baffles me how someone can think the league is fixed and yet they still follow it and root for their team and get legitimately upset when their teams lose or their rivals win. If I ever think the league was actually fixed then that would be the last day I watch of follow anything NFL related and I wouldn't care who won the Super Bowl any more than I care who wins WrestleMania 74 (or whatever number they're on).


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Rest assure, if we win the Superbowl expect everyone to put an asterisk next to it.

Who cares, in a few years time when people look at the records the only thing that will stand out is the Cowboys Super Bowl winners and no one will remember the "PI". There can be asterisk on a number of Super Bowl runs in the history. Steelers vs Seahawk in the Super Bowl itself was on of the biggest heists in all of football, but do the Steelers care what the haters think, they are praised with being the only team to have 6 Super Bowl victories by the media.


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They are demanding a league investigation. Lol.

They did. Court is adjourned.

Here's the results....

Pentangeli: Look, the FBI guys, they promised me a deal. So, so I made up a lot of stuff about Michael Corleone 'cause that's what they wanted. But it was all lies. Uh, everything. And I kept saying Michael Corleone did this and Michael Corleone did that. So, I said yeah sure -- why not?

Committee Chairman: I'm gonna find out what the hell happened here. Alright this committee is now adjourned. The witness is excused.

Tom Hagen: Senator. Senator. This committee owes an apology! This committee owes an apology -- apology, Senator!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It is not fixed when we win, it is fixed when we lose, they try to make it fixed when we are losing and need to overcome the team and the refs and the Mara / Goodell dictatorship....:laugh:....

I think that covers all of it.

There are games with good calls and bad calls, and seemed they all used to go against us, but now we are getting a few our way.
But most likely we weren't as good when they went against us, but now since we are better, they seem to go for us. But still get our bad share here and there.
But not fixed, though at times fans see it as they want to see it.

I have a friend says Cowboys were holding, as well as the other team too, on just about every big play, when I don't see it at all.
At least not for the Cowboys...:D


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Not sure there is a penalty there. Dez didn't interfere with the official while a play was under way, and he didn't take off his helmet while on the field.

The purpose of the helmet penalty is to "reduce taunting and overexuberant celebrations" and also for safety reasons. None of that was in play at the moment, so the official correctly did not call a penalty.

I can't find any rule against players stepping out on the field to argue a call.

It is a penalty. Almost every article I've read regarding this rule has the rule included and it mentions players on the field with no helmet and confronting refs. Below is a good link because it talks about how 4 penalties could have been called on the play, even the facemask

Seconds later, Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant ran onto the field to protest the call. He was not wearing a helmet. Rule 12, Section 3, Article 1(j) prohibits "removal of a helmet by a player in the field of play or the end zone during a celebration or demonstration or during a confrontation with a game official or any other player."


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If that happened against us then we will all be acting the same way. It was something I've never seen happen before as most of you probably haven't seen either.

Of course we would be mad if the shoe was on the other foot, but the implication that the refs gave us the game is pure bull. That was one controversial call among many that went against both teams. And what did we do after that 10 yard punt? CAPITALIZED!


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That's all I've been reading about or watching on ESPN. How the lions got screwed.

Nothing acknowledging about how clutch Romo was yesterday in the 2nd half.

It really shows how many people hate the cowboys and root against them, because honestly this call had almost nothing to do with the ultimate outcome. Even if the penalty stood, there is no guarantee they would even score a field goal! There was still nearly 7 minutes in the game.

Lions could have gone for it on 4th and 1. They could have punted it further than 8 yards. They could have stopped the cowboys on 4th 6. They were gift wrapped a 2nd chance by DLAW, only to lose it again!

Kinda scary how uninformed the public is, running straight to conspiracy theories before using rationale.


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If it was some conspiracy, Suh would have stayed suspended. Also, the Lions wouldn't have gotten all of the calls for 3 and a half quarters all the way up until "PIgate".