Sorry guys, I just don't agree on this one.
1) We don't know what BP said to Gurode behind closed doors.
2) I don't think BP needs to address it. From what I've read, Fisher told BP "If the league doesn't so something about Haynesworth, I will." Fisher knows that what his player did was wrong. BP knows that.
In this instance, I liken it to a parent disciplining his kids. Haynesworth will be disciplined by his coach or the league. It's not BP's job to discipline or chide Haynesworth for his actions. It's like most parents say, I'll discipline my kids, you worry about your own.
If BP came out and said something, that would say to me that he doesn't believe that Fisher will take care of it. I'm pretty sure Fisher will do what needs to be done.
3) What is BP gonna say? He's taking the high road. Hell Haynesworth himself even said he was in the wrong. Is BP just gonna echo that sentiment? Is that gonna make you happy? Or do you want him to go on a tirade, ripping him up and down in the media? What purpose will that serve?
Some things you just don't take to the media. I trust Fisher to take care of the guy, and I bet BP does too. I won't fault BP if he doesn't address it at all. That said, I'm sure he'll be asked the question, and I figure he won't want to get into it... or he may say, Gurode's okay, Fisher has it under control.
I'm rambling, but my main point is Fisher will handle it. BP doesn't discipline other people's kids. He doesn't like to get into what other teams should/shouldn't do. And I think the type of response you're looking for would be just that.