Possible QC news

jobberone said:
As I stated I don't know that he has any disorder but if he did I would have compassion.

As far as backing up what I said, it would take quite a few references to do that. What I said is generally accepted medical knowledge.

If you're interested you could start with the DSM IV and branch out. You don't have to be a doctor to have access to this kind of information. I think POL is now Medscape but anyone can get on there although I'm not sure you can join the clinical discussions without giving out your license number of some kind.

The National Library of Congress and well as multiple websites have all kinds of information about these disorders.

The information I gave out is accurate but I'm not offended you want clarification.

Here's a start http://www.psynt.iupui.edu/Users/ssvanum/B396/id15_cf.htm and you can PM me with any questions.

All very good info. Not calling you out, once again.

Basically, not questioning the statistics. Asking if anybody will post a credible source that diffinatively states QC is afflicted with BP Disorder. Until such time, I will evaluate this very none relivant issue (where the Cowboys are concerned) on face value.
Woody'sGirl said:
Wanna spice up the offseason??? Start a QC thread... The man just sparks strong feelings in people, for whatever reason.

In my opinion, it's the QC haters who stir up the pot. I listen to QC criticism all the time and don't respond, in fact, I viewed this board for 3 years and saw all the negative hate for this one player. The haters never want to hear anything positive about him, but they'll allow you to kick him, laugh at him, his speech problems, anything goes, so long as it's negative. But the minute someone says the least positive thing about him, they start shouting down others about even mentioning his name and they justify it in their own twisted way. There has been other QB's on the roster that I haven't been keen on, but I wouldn't use every opportunity to bash them.
sacase said:
What kills me some posters talk about "how he cost us some wins in 04, how he insulted the team" Its a SPORT! This is someone's LIFE. I think that is a bit more important. None of us here is QC friend, we don't KNOW him, he could be a hell of a nice guys who happens to do drugs and is making a mess in his life and for that reason I wish him and every other addict out there the best in getting their lives strait. I guarentee he has cost himself a whole hell of a lot more than he ever cost this team.

I wonder how many posters here smoked a little bud, but are complaining about QC....

Well said.
dbair1967 said:
just going off experience...I personally know 3 or 4 individuals who were diagnosed with bipolar, and none of those 4 had an illicit drug problem...their only issue with drugs (as with many bipolars) was failure to always take their prescribed medication...further we had a couple of very public bi polar cases here with the Cowboys in Dimitrius Underwood (extreme) and Alonzo Spellman, and niether of those guys ever had any issues we knew of with illicit drug use...

the only post I've seen in this thread displaying ignorance and bitterness was the first one you made that I replied to, where you tried to insinuate something that I took offense to...

the whole QC thing is old and tired...it is absolutely sickening and appalling that in the year 2005 we still have people who think if you dont like a certain person or player it MUST BE BECAUSE OF RACE, when in fact thats not the reason...I dont know QC but he was a UGA alum so I wish him well, he was a Dallas Cowboy player so I cheered for him as I did any other Cowboys player when he was here...but that doesnt mean I cant think (and state) that he sux as a player or wish to not partake in "feeling sorry" for the fool when he brought all the problems on himself

like I said previously, if you were trying to imply what I think you were, please PM...I have a number of choice words for you...



I think I said in so many words you were ignorant and insensitive to the problem in question. I've never implied or said it had anything to do with race nor have I ever heard you say anything racial. So don't pull me into some sort of racial thing about QC or any other post I've ever made. I do not nor ever have thought you were racially prejudiced.

You do appear to be very prejudiced about people with mental illnesses and substance abuse problems. If you don't then you certainly haven't done yourself any favors with your communications today.

What I said should be sufficient for you to comment on without deflecting with race as an issue. In fact I don't even know if you like or dislike QC nor do I care. That's up to you.

PM me if you wish and I think anything else we say addressed to each other should be in the media of a private message. I don't mind addressing you and the other people here on what appears to be a very insensitive position on someone with a mental problem or any other disorder. Nor do I mind stating medical facts that others may find interesting, enlightening, educating or whatever. I also consider any member of the Cowboy's family as being relevant to this forum although the owner and the mods would have the final say on that. But a personal argument between the two of us should be via PMs. And I'll discuss anything with you as long as I have time and you're cordial and courtesous with your comments as I'm I.

Also you're entitled to saying he sucked and you think he was a fool. No problem with that as long as you have no problem with my saying you appear to have no idea what you're talking about from a medical aspect about his alleged illnesses including substance abuse.

And you do appear incredibly insensitive about his and anyone else's problems with substance abuse. Considering about 5-15% of the general population has some kind of substance abuse problem that means that there likely is a considerable number of people on this forum who have the very same problem. If you had a substance abuse problem would you take kindly to having someone say you were a fool and just pissed away your million dollar job or your life or lost your family? Or would you rather have someone take pity on your problem if that were the case? And I'm not saying that you have any problems either.
kartr said:
In my opinion, it's the QC haters who stir up the pot.
Not just the "haters." I wouldn't toss it all on them. I've been around enuff that the pro-QC contigent defends QC as vigorously as the folks who are anti-QC. So it's a wash IMO.

This thread was a simple heads up and folks have had to defend why they wish the guy well in his next life. Whatever the reason he failed in Dallas, he failed. Period. He's gone.

For those that don't care what's going on with him, they probably shouldn't post on any threads about QC. And for those who are offended by the "anti-QC" contingent, they probably shouldn't respond. No one's even debating the merit of the initial post.

Whole thread is crazy...
kartr said:
In my opinion, it's the QC haters who stir up the pot. I listen to QC criticism all the time and don't respond, in fact, I viewed this board for 3 years and saw all the negative hate for this one player. The haters never want to hear anything positive about him, but they'll allow you to kick him, laugh at him, his speech problems, anything goes, so long as it's negative. But the minute someone says the least positive thing about him, they start shouting down others about even mentioning his name and they justify it in their own twisted way. There has been other QB's on the roster that I haven't been keen on, but I wouldn't use every opportunity to bash them.

It goes both ways. You just tend to notice the posts from view that is opposite of yours.

For awhile there, you couldn't say Quincy had a bad game unless you prefaced it with "I am sure he is a great guy since he reads to kids and spends so much time at VR, but". If you didn't you would get labeled all kinds of nasty things.

I have never seen a player that is such a lightning rod for controversy. I don't know what it is. I am sure a small portion is race on both sides of the fence. Some is that he is a QB, the most high profile position on the team. Some was that he was drafted too high and counted on to do too much. Maybe some is residual from Hutch/QC. I just don't know.

Personally, I always thought the guy was just average. He outplayed Hutch to win the job in 03, that was painfully obvious in the Pittsburgh preseason game. Payton and Parcells came up with a great game plan that played to his strengths, but once defenses figured it out, he was largely ineffective. He was extremely limited as a QB.

To me, he's just another guy. He'll never be a superstar, but could have a nice career as a #2 and spot starter. Everyone wants to make excuses, but a good player should be a good player no matter the circumstances. Vinny, statistically, had essentially the same year as QC last year, but is generally regarded around here as a bum. Ekuban, Hambrick, Edwards, etc. are all bashed on a regular basis without anyone saying much. You have to walk on eggshells when talking QC though. Never understood that.

Anyway, I hope he gets his life straightened out, but I could care less about his career from this point on unless he gets matched up against Dallas.
LaTunaNostra said:

Here's the other side of the mania....rofl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's two sides to every argument. Mine, however, are not as outrageous as DBAIR, I'm just saying that QC is not the worst qb to ever play in Dallas, I'm not saying he was the best either, but with just 31 starts, who can say what he would have done. I'm on target as well when I say that other players on the team have had drug problems and weren't released. That's true. And yes, with a better supporting cast he would have played better overall. Dbair and his extreme views is what incites us all. His posts are mean-spirited, bogus and often out right lies when it comes to Carter. If more people here had chastised him earlier and others of his ilk, then I wouldn't feel compelled to speak up on his behalf. I don't feel Carter is blameless for his problems, but I don't like it when he gets ganged up on as if he was the worst qb ever to play in Dallas. I think the people with the over the top criticisms(not talking about Latuna,Kittymama or WG) are grossly unfair. Constructive criticism is okay, it's the maniacal hatred of the guy that I don't like.
Alexander said:
Read back to the original unverified rumorfrom another message board that started this entire thread.

Per that rumor, Carter himself "doesnt feel he's bi polar".

So isn't that enough to dismiss the bipolar implication?

Normally I stay out of these QC crapfest threads....I just do not have the stomach for them anymore. I tired of both sides beating or praising a guy, but if I was to be on one side I guess I was never a big fan of the guy other then he was our starting QB.
I feel the guy was drafted too high, I feel he was handed the starting job his first year and did not earn it that year. I felt for a guy playing in a major program he threw the most wounded ducks I have seen, I feel he was paranoid, I felt he rarely admitted his mistakes but would instead blame others and last but by no means least he failed his team with drugs after getting more chances then he should have gotten.

Now with all of that said I think it is quite clear I am by no means a QC lover or any other label anyone would wish to use to make it seem I am PRO-QC.


I do not know if he has bi-polar condition or not....but IF he does, him saying he does not feel bi-polar does not mean he is not.

I have seen people with bi-polar conditions that can be in different ranges. One person may have bi-polar but you may never know it, just think they are moody or often a little depressed....others have extreme conditions where everything in life is a great struggle and they are also some that you will hear stories of them doing wild/crazy or strange things (ala D.Underwood walking down the middle of a road full of cars).

I have also known and with my own eyes witnessed people with bi-polar who were ok while taking their meds and since they felt good, they felt they no longer were bi-polar and needed the meds....so they go off of them and return to having problems...some of them are so doped up before that they actually have DTs when going off the drug, because they did not feel they needed the drug or had bi-polar problems.

So just because someone does not FEEL they are bi-polar does not mean they are not bi-polar.

Who know's in QC's case....I think using the term Bi-Polar has been greatly exaggerated into an excuse to get away with things in society. If a kid just acts up and the parents just can not parent, then they say the kid is ADD or Bi-Polar...now that may be indeed true in many cases, but there are probably just as many cases where the child has no problem other then the lack of good parenting, being spoiled.

I doubt he is bi-polar, just a feeling, but at the end of the day I do not know, and even if someone says they do not FEEL bi-polar, it does not mean they are not.

Ok...now I can get away from this dirty QC thread.:D
jobberone said:
You judge people based on how it affects a football game or how it affects the team you are a fan of? And I doubt you truly know that Quncy does do cocaine. If he does I would suggest you email him directly with the same context and content as the above if you truly have his best interests at heart.

I would suggest that if you insist on judging someone you choose higher ideals than football games. I would suggest you not judge at all but make appraisals to make your choices in life.

What QC does or does not do really doesn't affect your life. If you were to make a judgmental decision to avoid QC as a friend then I would not see that as an unhealthy choice on your part. On the other hand perhaps Quincy needs as many friends as he can get if he's in trouble.

Do you think it is a healthy choice to bash someone you really don't know based on what appears to be a true illness? Would you judge me harshly if I told you I was pancreatically challenged and unable to cope with even moderate glucose loads. Or that I not infrequently was able to stay coherent due to very low glucose loads and needed help from my friends and at times even strangers. If Quincy is an addict then he has an illness. I agree it is self defeating for Quincy to do drugs especially illegal ones but I do understand his problem with dealing with those things. I hope you understand his brain is hard wired differently than yours and that is not a choice for him. It is a choice for him to treat his illness appropriately but I see no heathly motive for any forum member to so harshly criticize him.

Or that I was unable to process information unless it was properly formatted for me to see?

Someone said for with what judgment you judge, you will be judged, and with what measure you measure, it will be measured to you.

Not my wisdom but something for you to consider from someone far wiser and more temperate than I. Your harsh judgment of others is often reflected on this board. Your motives appear fairly transparent but I could be wrong.

If you cannot understand empathy, sympathy, compassion and reflect on what is truly important in life then I pity you as much as I do Quincy. Notice I said pity and not judge as that is not my task, desire, duty or reason to be.

This is not a flame and I consider myself to have at least as many faults as Quincy or any other member of this board and likely more.

It's merely something for you to reflect on based on your on comments here and previously as I remember them.

The same speech applies to you Alexander. I do grow annoyed by yours and others constant negativity towards others with motives that are self serving.

Since I'm not a moderator I feel free to say these things in the hopes the board will grow. However, I have no expectations.

You're both welcome to your opinions of me. I can take it.

Well said,bravo!
junk said:
It goes both ways. You just tend to notice the posts from view that is opposite of yours.

For awhile there, you couldn't say Quincy had a bad game unless you prefaced it with "I am sure he is a great guy since he reads to kids and spends so much time at VR, but". If you didn't you would get labeled all kinds of nasty things.

I have never seen a player that is such a lightning rod for controversy. I don't know what it is. I am sure a small portion is race on both sides of the fence. Some is that he is a QB, the most high profile position on the team. Some was that he was drafted too high and counted on to do too much. Maybe some is residual from Hutch/QC. I just don't know.

Personally, I always thought the guy was just average. He outplayed Hutch to win the job in 03, that was painfully obvious in the Pittsburgh preseason game. Payton and Parcells came up with a great game plan that played to his strengths, but once defenses figured it out, he was largely ineffective. He was extremely limited as a QB.

To me, he's just another guy. He'll never be a superstar, but could have a nice career as a #2 and spot starter. Everyone wants to make excuses, but a good player should be a good player no matter the circumstances. Vinny, statistically, had essentially the same year as QC last year, but is generally regarded around here as a bum. Ekuban, Hambrick, Edwards, etc. are all bashed on a regular basis without anyone saying much. You have to walk on eggshells when talking QC though. Never understood that.

Anyway, I hope he gets his life straightened out, but I could care less about his career from this point on unless he gets matched up against Dallas.

Great post! I agree with what your saying.
junk said:
It goes both ways. You just tend to notice the posts from view that is opposite of yours.

For awhile there, you couldn't say Quincy had a bad game unless you prefaced it with "I am sure he is a great guy since he reads to kids and spends so much time at VR, but". If you didn't you would get labeled all kinds of nasty things.

I have never seen a player that is such a lightning rod for controversy. I don't know what it is. I am sure a small portion is race on both sides of the fence. Some is that he is a QB, the most high profile position on the team. Some was that he was drafted too high and counted on to do too much. Maybe some is residual from Hutch/QC. I just don't know.

Personally, I always thought the guy was just average. He outplayed Hutch to win the job in 03, that was painfully obvious in the Pittsburgh preseason game. Payton and Parcells came up with a great game plan that played to his strengths, but once defenses figured it out, he was largely ineffective. He was extremely limited as a QB.

To me, he's just another guy. He'll never be a superstar, but could have a nice career as a #2 and spot starter. Everyone wants to make excuses, but a good player should be a good player no matter the circumstances. Vinny, statistically, had essentially the same year as QC last year, but is generally regarded around here as a bum. Ekuban, Hambrick, Edwards, etc. are all bashed on a regular basis without anyone saying much. You have to walk on eggshells when talking QC though. Never understood that.

Anyway, I hope he gets his life straightened out, but I could care less about his career from this point on unless he gets matched up against Dallas.
Well said, Junk.
Alexander said:
Oh brother.

Next you will say that if you put Carter on the Patriots he has three rings.

Go ahead. Say it.

I dare you.

What does what Carter did with the Jets have to do with anything? You made a sad comment about a poor performance against the Patriots where he was intercepted three times. Excuse, excuse, excuse. You even extend it to the Jets. I wonder if you took a vested interest in the Jets only when he started playing for them. I bet you did.

Maybe he just did not get caught with his Whizzinator. Who knows?

Earlier you excused his performances for a lack of a supporting cast, poor coaching and intergalactic cosmic rays. Now here you have him winning games by himself and because of him the Jets made the playoffs. And I guess you do not see anything wrong with that logic?

I wonder why we were so hellbent on punishing ourselves by cutting him? We never did it before--interesting.

The answer is that was a different regime. Coach Parcells does not tolerate character risks if he cannot trust their judgement on the field. Bad character + good football judgement gets more leeway.

Or maybe they just tired of his lies and deceit and could not trust him? You do not know the whole story. I don't and do not assign reasons to why he was released.

I just know he was. Because if he wasn't, we could have had our starting QB and would not have had to go through Testeverde last year.

Where are you getting this nonsense from? Are you deranged or something?

This is a joke, right?

I'm not just a Cowboy homer. I look at other boards and newspapers and get information what's going on in other necks of the woods. As for Carter's ints, trying doing a little research, other qb's throw 3 ints against the Pats too, and they had much better supporting casts. Carter doesn't need any excuses for his play. If you compare his career numbers with other qb's who've about the same number of games, he fits right in there with the norm. Try looking at his winning percentage, it's in the top 15-20. Try looking at his Bledsoe's career completion percentage, it's only about 56-57 percent, right about where Bledsoe's is. If you actually tried to be objective and do the research, you'd find that QC's career numbers are not great, but, more like average for his number of years in the league and number of starts.
kartr said:
I'm not just a Cowboy homer. I look at other boards and newspapers and get information what's going on in other necks of the woods. As for Carter's ints, trying doing a little research, other qb's throw 3 ints against the Pats too, and they had much better supporting casts. Carter doesn't need any excuses for his play. If you compare his career numbers with other qb's who've about the same number of games, he fits right in there with the norm. Try looking at his winning percentage, it's in the top 15-20. Try looking at his Bledsoe's career completion percentage, it's only about 56-57 percent, right about where Bledsoe's is. If you actually tried to be objective and do the research, you'd find that QC's career numbers are not great, but, more like average for his number of years in the league and number of starts.

If I believed that average won games, or championships, then I could see how this would apply. I do not believe that average gets it done. I think that that is where the problem lies.
LaTunaNostra said:
What about Terry Glenn!!??

Q was lucky to have him -forced to play possession receiver and go over the middle for the those passes Q hung him out to dry for. I'm just thankful Q's inaccuracy didn't end Terry's career.

Let's also forget all the extra curricula help both T and Richie Anderson put in mentoring the ingrate. Everytime I saw T go back to the huddle and tell oblivious Quincy what he had seen, it made me proud..but in the end YOUR BOY let MY BOY down.

What? The Jets LOST that game, 17-20. Q put up less than 200...too little, too late. And if he cared so much for the "real team" around him, pehaps he wouldn't have been a no-show in Pittsburgh.

Your boy screwed BOTH my teams.

It's only with the maximum of effort I can eke out what 's left of my concept of 'charity'.

Gotta love it!!

Are you kidding me? You think that losing 20-17 to Baltimore is no better than losing 30-7 to Baltimore.

As for Terry G., I like him a lot, but the word on Terry was he didn't play very well in Green Bay and his career was on the downside at that point,remember Dallas got him for 6th round draft pick, not the 1st where he was originally drafted. Terry had his best year in years with Quincy as his qb. His career has been rejuvenated in Dallas, but he's still not considered as a pro bowl quality qb. Terry body catches too much and doesn't come back to the ball enough, which caused a few interceptions in 2003 and 2004. Terry also dropped a few passes that Quincy threw perfectly in 2003. Having said that, I still like him as a receiver overall, but don't blame Quincy for everything that went wrong on the field.

Back to Baltimore. Quincy had a great first half against them when he had protection. It wasn't his fault that Hackett called that stupid half-back option or that Lamont Jordan threw the int. I saw that game myself and Quincy had little or no protection in the second half and when he did, two key third passes were dropped that were easy catches.
dbair1967 said:
like I said previously, if you were trying to imply what I think you were, please PM...I have a number of choice words for you...

Are you some cyber bully and you are going to "work him over" via pm?

Just curious -

FYI, I'm not saying anything against you, because I don't want you PM'ing me and roughing me up also. :rolleyes:
LaTunaNostra said:
If anyone really wants to know about Hutch, well, I have been keeping tabs on him.

It's kind of a crowded house in Chi-Town now,

Last I read was the excellent NFL Europe season of Kurt Kittner had really thickened the soup. The new OC there, Turner, is supposdly high on Kurt's performance.

So it's five QBs in their camp I guess: Grossman, Krenzel, Hutch, Orton, and that other kid who played in Europe - Dimwitty.)

Ask DBAIR if he thinks Quincy is better than any of those QB's?
Alexander said:
I see how it is.

You cannot have any pity for Chad because he is dumb! ;)

I pity him cause he's still got those crazy eyes!
kartr said:
Are you kidding me? You think that losing 20-17 to Baltimore is no better than losing 30-7 to Baltimore.

As for Terry G., I like him a lot, but the word on Terry was he didn't play very well in Green Bay and his career was on the downside at that point,remember Dallas got him for 6th round draft pick, not the 1st where he was originally drafted. Terry had his best year in years with Quincy as his qb. His career has been rejuvenated in Dallas, but he's still not considered as a pro bowl quality qb. Terry body catches too much and doesn't come back to the ball enough, which caused a few interceptions in 2003 and 2004. Terry also dropped a few passes that Quincy threw perfectly in 2003. Having said that, I still like him as a receiver overall, but don't blame Quincy for everything that went wrong on the field.

Back to Baltimore. Quincy had a great first half against them when he had protection. It wasn't his fault that Hackett called that stupid half-back option or that Lamont Jordan threw the int. I saw that game myself and Quincy had little or no protection in the second half and when he did, two key third passes were dropped that were easy catches.

I think it's worth noting that Glenn was on his way to having, possibly, his best year ever in 2004. Injury prevented that. I don't think that Glenn's performance in Dallas can be attributed to any of our QBs. I think you have to attribute it to the coaching staff and Terry Glenn. At the end of the season in 2003, I don't think that anybody can argue the fact that WRs were basically quiting on routes. I'm sure all of the WRs dropped some the shouldn't have but I'm equally sure that QC missed a lot of open WRs as well. There is enough blame to go around. QC was not a great QB. He was what he was and now he's gone. Really, I don't think that there is much more to say about that.
kartr said:
He's played more like Staubach than any qb's we currently have.

Sorry, but Quincy Carter and Roger Staubach should NEVER, EVER appear in the same sentence again. Any comparison whatsoever is beyond laughable.
Waffle said:
Sorry, but Quincy Carter and Roger Staubach should NEVER, EVER appear in the same sentence again. Any comparison whatsoever is beyond laughable.

So then... Waf, you don't see the simularities there?

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