Alexander said:
Read back to the original unverified rumorfrom another message board that started this entire thread.
Per that rumor, Carter himself "doesnt feel he's bi polar".
So isn't that enough to dismiss the bipolar implication?
Normally I stay out of these QC crapfest threads....I just do not have the stomach for them anymore. I tired of both sides beating or praising a guy, but if I was to be on one side I guess I was never a big fan of the guy other then he was our starting QB.
I feel the guy was drafted too high, I feel he was handed the starting job his first year and did not earn it that year. I felt for a guy playing in a major program he threw the most wounded ducks I have seen, I feel he was paranoid, I felt he rarely admitted his mistakes but would instead blame others and last but by no means least he failed his team with drugs after getting more chances then he should have gotten.
Now with all of that said I think it is quite clear I am by no means a QC lover or any other label anyone would wish to use to make it seem I am PRO-QC.
I do not know if he has bi-polar condition or not....but IF he does, him saying he does not feel bi-polar does not mean he is not.
I have seen people with bi-polar conditions that can be in different ranges. One person may have bi-polar but you may never know it, just think they are moody or often a little depressed....others have extreme conditions where everything in life is a great struggle and they are also some that you will hear stories of them doing wild/crazy or strange things (ala D.Underwood walking down the middle of a road full of cars).
I have also known and with my own eyes witnessed people with bi-polar who were ok while taking their meds and since they felt good, they felt they no longer were bi-polar and needed the they go off of them and return to having problems...some of them are so doped up before that they actually have DTs when going off the drug, because they did not feel they needed the drug or had bi-polar problems.
So just because someone does not FEEL they are bi-polar does not mean they are not bi-polar.
Who know's in QC's case....I think using the term Bi-Polar has been greatly exaggerated into an excuse to get away with things in society. If a kid just acts up and the parents just can not parent, then they say the kid is ADD or that may be indeed true in many cases, but there are probably just as many cases where the child has no problem other then the lack of good parenting, being spoiled.
I doubt he is bi-polar, just a feeling, but at the end of the day I do not know, and even if someone says they do not FEEL bi-polar, it does not mean they are not. I can get away from this dirty QC thread.