I've got moxie
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LaTunaNostra said:Caught that one, eh?![]()
Actually, I have respect for any Stanford grad.
Even Hutch.![]()
Did Hutch actually graduate though?
LaTunaNostra said:Caught that one, eh?![]()
Actually, I have respect for any Stanford grad.
Even Hutch.![]()
jobberone said:You judge people based on how it affects a football game or how it affects the team you are a fan of? And I doubt you truly know that Quncy does do cocaine. If he does I would suggest you email him directly with the same context and content as the above if you truly have his best interests at heart.
I would suggest that if you insist on judging someone you choose higher ideals than football games. I would suggest you not judge at all but make appraisals to make your choices in life.
What QC does or does not do really doesn't affect your life. If you were to make a judgmental decision to avoid QC as a friend then I would not see that as an unhealthy choice on your part. On the other hand perhaps Quincy needs as many friends as he can get if he's in trouble.
Do you think it is a healthy choice to bash someone you really don't know based on what appears to be a true illness? Would you judge me harshly if I told you I was pancreatically challenged and unable to cope with even moderate glucose loads. Or that I not infrequently was able to stay coherent due to very low glucose loads and needed help from my friends and at times even strangers. If Quincy is an addict then he has an illness. I agree it is self defeating for Quincy to do drugs especially illegal ones but I do understand his problem with dealing with those things. I hope you understand his brain is hard wired differently than yours and that is not a choice for him. It is a choice for him to treat his illness appropriately but I see no heathly motive for any forum member to so harshly criticize him.
Or that I was unable to process information unless it was properly formatted for me to see?
Someone said for with what judgment you judge, you will be judged, and with what measure you measure, it will be measured to you.
Not my wisdom but something for you to consider from someone far wiser and more temperate than I. Your harsh judgment of others is often reflected on this board. Your motives appear fairly transparent but I could be wrong.
If you cannot understand empathy, sympathy, compassion and reflect on what is truly important in life then I pity you as much as I do Quincy. Notice I said pity and not judge as that is not my task, desire, duty or reason to be.
This is not a flame and I consider myself to have at least as many faults as Quincy or any other member of this board and likely more.
It's merely something for you to reflect on based on your on comments here and previously as I remember them.
The same speech applies to you Alexander. I do grow annoyed by yours and others constant negativity towards others with motives that are self serving.
Since I'm not a moderator I feel free to say these things in the hopes the board will grow. However, I have no expectations.
You're both welcome to your opinions of me. I can take it.
Kittymama said:Dude--QC has bipolar disorder. Know anything about that? That's not drugs. That's a very serious mental disorder that affects thousands of people in this country. And something to feel sorry for with any of them. (I'm not saying that QC didn't do drugs. As I've posted repeatedly, I'm not excusing the drugs. But mental illness is a very very hard thing to live with--even in mild forms like depression.)
Waffle said:Last I checked, Quincy Carter isn't a Cowboy anymore. He had nearly three years to assert himself as the team's QB and an owner fully behind him while he was here. Unfortunately, he ended up making mistakes and his personal problems contributed to his demise in Dallas.
He's not the Anti-Christ, nor is he this All-Pro or even a Pro-Bowl type QB who was surrounded by a bad team. He was average at best and failed to capitalize on the opportunities he was given, period. He's currently out of the NFL and attempting to rectify whatever personal problems, addictions, disorders, etc. he still may have.
This might be a silly thought, but maybe we should just leave the guy alone and worry about the QBs that are actually still on the team.
Kittymama said:Dude--QC has bipolar disorder. Know anything about that? That's not drugs. That's a very serious mental disorder that affects thousands of people in this country. And something to feel sorry for with any of them. (I'm not saying that QC didn't do drugs. As I've posted repeatedly, I'm not excusing the drugs. But mental illness is a very very hard thing to live with--even in mild forms like depression.)
dbair1967 said:I live in Georgia and follow UGA pretty close, this has never been verified or even brought up locally
Alexander said:So isn't that enough to dismiss the bipolar implication?
dbair1967 said:not to the "Quincy Carter is my hero!" crowd
see, for some totally outlandish reason they've convinced themselves that QC is a dope head because of the bipolar, and thats the only possible explanation for it...even though there's absolutely no connection between being bipolar and drug abuse
dbair1967 said:not to the "Quincy Carter is my hero!" crowd
see, for some totally outlandish reason they've convinced themselves that QC is a dope head because of the bipolar, and thats the only possible explanation for it...even though there's absolutely no connection between being bipolar and drug abuse
jobberone said:You are absolutely wrong. There is at least a 30% comorbidity rate for substance abuse and a bipolar disorder. It's probably on the order of 80%.
ADD, Tourette's, affective disorders, bipolar disease(s), and substance abuse are highly comorbid disorders and are thought to perhaps be on the same allelle. Many disorders "live" with others including mental disorders as well as other diseases. People with insulin dependent diabetes often get small and large vessel artery disease and end up with coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease. Hypertension, strokes and cardiovascular disease live with each other. Obesity. Many other hereditary diseases.
I suspect most of us are not defending QC. I'm defending the human race.
But you are certainly entitled to your displays of ignorance, insensitivity, lack of compassion and bitterness.
I don't know QC has a substance abuse problem or is depressed. But if he is I have compassion for him. Just as I would a leper or someone with spina bifida. And I wish him well. He's just as important as any other former member of the Cowboy's family. I'm not down on him or Bob Hayes, God rest his soul.
jobberone said:You are absolutely wrong. There is at least a 30% comorbidity rate for substance abuse and a bipolar disorder. It's probably on the order of 80%.
ADD, Tourette's, affective disorders, bipolar disease(s), and substance abuse are highly comorbid disorders and are thought to perhaps be on the same allelle. Many disorders "live" with others including mental disorders as well as other diseases. People with insulin dependent diabetes often get small and large vessel artery disease and end up with coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease. Hypertension, strokes and cardiovascular disease live with each other. Obesity. Many other hereditary diseases.
I suspect most of us are not defending QC. I'm defending the human race.
But you are certainly entitled to your displays of ignorance, insensitivity, lack of compassion and bitterness.
I don't know QC has a substance abuse problem or is depressed. But if he is I have compassion for him. Just as I would a leper or someone with spina bifida. And I wish him well. He's just as important as any other former member of the Cowboy's family. I'm not down on him or Bob Hayes, God rest his soul.
ABQCOWBOY said:As far as I know, it has more or less been a rule that most facts should be supported by a credible source of information, when posting on this board. It amazes me how this BP disorder has taken hold on this board.
Several years ago, I recall a discussion on this board and I stated then that I suspected QC of having some sort of disorder. I got crucified. Racial inferances were immediatly drawn and it pretty much went down hill from there. Now, there are many who leap at the opportunity of some sort of disorder to explain QCs situation. My how a thing can change.
I have impathy for anybody who has this type of problem. I just don't have it where it concerns our starting QB.
This is really getting a bit out of hand and please don't miss understand, I'm not calling you out Job. Far from it, in fact.
I just wish that somebody, anybody, would post any credible proof of QCs disorder rather then just accepting it as fact with really no basis what so ever and running with it.
dbair1967 said:totally agree with the baffling part...the guy was a mediocre talent who most games played like crap more than even being average...did drugs despite apparant team warnings not to and got cut...why would people get behind a player like that?
I'm in sales, would love to speak to that crowd about the ocean-front property in Arizona
cobra said:I am really angry with the poster bringing this up.
Quincy Carter is a miserable football player and not much better of a person. There is no reason to care what happens to this guy. He provided nothing to the team except disappointment. He insulted the fans and the organization. He played up some B.S. persecution complex in the media. He blamed everyone and impugned ill motivations instead of admitting that the problem people had with him was his poor play and decision-making ability.
He left here, insulted the organization some more, and then proceeded to do more stupid things personally and play poorly elsewhere.
He is scum. He brought nothing but problems and unneeded drama to the team. I have all the empathy and concern in the world for people who are humble and have problems. But Carter? Forget it. I would be perfectly happy to never hear that stain on our organization's name ever mentioned again.
And for what it's worth, I am highly suspicious of the motivations of people who still have an interest in this guy. He has done nothing to deserve it.
kartr said:That's just your opinion. Being in sales hardly qualifies you speak intelligently about NFL talent. But if I'm wrong, how come Henson hasn't beat out Romo yet. How come the bidding war for Henson's services didn't escalate last year? How come all 19 teams that watched his workout all left without making a single offer, not even a day two pick. Why did Houston have to call Dallas up later and beg them to take Henson off their hands? How come Carter, Romo and even Hutchinson didn't need to throw 5000 passes in their second year to improve their throwing motion? How could Henson beat out Carter whom you claim is mediocre, if he can't beat out UDFA Romo?
kartr said:Being in sales hardly qualifies you speak intelligently about NFL talent.
Why did Houston have to call Dallas up later and beg them to take Henson off their hands?
How come Carter, Romo and even Hutchinson didn't need to throw 5000 passes in their second year to improve their throwing motion?
Aikmaniac said:I've never understood how some fans became so enamoured with Quincy Carter. It's not like he was Staubach or Montana...and the guy's a druggie on top of that. Why are so many so quick to defend QC?
I wanted him to succeed as our quarterback but anyone in the right mind could tell that he wasn't the right fit in Dallas. Many QB's have not been the right fit. Why aren't the same people that defend Quincy defending Anthony Wright or Hugh Millen?
I don't get it. He's gone...he's an also-ran. I hope he turns his life around but he's not getting any more attention from me than all the other part-time QB's the Cowboys have had recently. I'm ready to win, people.
kartr said:You wont win with the current QB's on this roster. He's played more like Staubach than any qb's we currently have. He's not perfect, but he's done more with less than what Bledsoe had in Buffalo. If he had Travis Henry or McGahee and Eric Moulds and Josh Reed and Lee Evans and didn't get his team to the playoffs, you might have a legitamate argument, but he didn't have them, so you're argument is bogus. Bledsoe had nearly the same qb rating as Vinny, yet had a better supporting cast. Carter in NY had a good supporting cast and had a better qb rating than either Vinnie or Bledsoe and helped his team get to the playoffs. We didn't get to the playoffs with Millen, we didn't get to the playoffs and with Wright and we didn't draft Wright. Drafted Cowboys are always favored over FA Cowboys, because their home grown. If Carter won 10 games with the 2003 roster, he could win 12 games with this roster. That's why people here are frustrated. No one here really likes Bledsoe's chances and Henson is fool's gold. No qb with his lack of experience in college and his mode of entry into the NFL has ever been successful. To pin ones' hopes on a long shot is both foolish and reckless and is probably going to doom us to failure.