Quarterback Poll: Would you want Brett Favre as the starter in Dallas?


The Duke
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DragonCowboy said:
OK bledsoe4mvp, here's my stance...

I'll root for Bledsoe, and I'll hope for him to lead us to a win. I by no means hate the guy. If he's leading us, I'll root for him. He certainly has the ability to lead us.

The problem is, you and dead guy:)laugh2: still laughing, hos) need to loosen up the Studsoe stuff a bit. Every time you argue a point, it hurts you. People don't take you seriously when you talk like that. If you want respect as a poster, use words that demand respect...
Fellow Cowboys fans, that is advice coming from a 15 year old kid to two grown men.

A wiser man than me once said, "and a little child shall lead them."

That was a compliment Dragon, so don't take being called a child wrong.

You just gave two grown men solid advice. The sad thing is neither one of them will realize how right you really are.

Aces man.

Post of the day.


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gbrittain said:
I know you may not believe this but I promise you I am not a Bledsoe hater, I am more of what you call a Bledsoe doubter.

I am worried about his age and most of all his lack of mobility. I do not blame Bledsoe for the horrid O line last year, but I cant help but think his lack of mobility made things harder for an O line that did not need any additional challenges.

Just because I am a Bledsoe doubter when the pads are on and the whistle blows he is the QB of my team and I will cheer him and the team on to my fullest extent.

Again, all Bledsoe has to do is prove us doubters wrong. No small task, because it will take Superbowl victory to do so. All Dallas QBs will be judged by Superbowl rings and not yards passed for.

Why worry about his age? Yes he's not fresh out of Washington State anymore, but he just turned 34...that's still very young, especially considering a lot of QB's in recent memory (elway, trent green, rich gannon, etc) have had some of their best seasons when they were supposedly well past their prime. Even Favre has put up the big numbers, at least in terms of yardage, despite not being the same guy he was 8 years ago.

I think the problem is that some people think that I'm lobbying for him to be the QB of the future, when in reality all I care about right now is the present. I know that realistically he's probably not going to be here past 2007, especially if we win a world title this year or next.

Also the whole statue thing is still blown out of proportion...sure he's not michael vick, but Bledsoe has improved dramatacially in recent years in terms of his pocket play. He's still not likely a threat to take a naked bootleg 80 yard for a TD (but then again this is Bledsoe were talking about :bow: ) , but when protected he's the best in the business in terms of sheer passing abilities.

Speaking of the oline I was very dissapointed last season, but then again nobody planned for flozell going down either. I will admit I'm still very concerned going into 2006, but you have to believe that fabini and flozell will return to form, and that Marco Rivera will bounce back as well. My only real concern is at center, but free agency isn't over yet and we still have the draft.
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Hostile said:
I'm calling him dead guy because after I told him he wasn't in my league I ended my first spanking of him with a joke about lying down in the chalk outline on his sidwalk.

I quoted you as B4MVP because I didn't feel like typing out the whole name. Would you prefer dead guy's twin?

If you didn't agree with him you should have engaged him in a debate. You jumped on the coat tails of a skirmish he already started that was out of his element. Don't blame me for that.

For the last time, I don't hate Bledsoe. When you get that through your thick skull let me know.

Sad when 2 on 1 is badly outnumbered, and not the way you think it will be.

Hostile, I wish you didn't need to misrepresent my opinions in order to prop up your own. I didn't say Bledsoe was superior to Favre, I said he was better NOW. In fact, I said quite a few nice things about Favre. I said he was an exceptional QB for a very long time. Favre has a ring, Bledsoe does not. Favre has more impressive career stats too, no doubt. What I said was that whereas Favre's career is basically over, Bledsoe could just now be entering the prime of his.

Also, I think you need to go read your code of conduct:

4) Personal attacks or insults directed at other members of this site are not allowed. Name calling and commentary about another user's family, intelligence, etc. are all considered personal in nature. Violating this guideline will result in your account being suspended or banned.


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Bledsoe4MVP said:
* 43447 career passing yards....and counting
* 252 career TD's (includes 8 career rushing TD's)....and counting
* 33 come from behind wins....and counting
* 2 AFC Championship game wins
* 4-3 career playoff record
* Holds multiple franchise passing records for 2 different franchises...and counting
* Passed for over 3000 yards in 9 of 13 seasons, including 3500+ in 8 seasons, 4000+ in 3 seasons
* Passed for 20+ TD's in 7 of 13 seasons
* 4 pro bowl appearances....and counting
* 2 superbowl appearances
* 1 superbowl championship as backup

Really hope you make it to Canton Hostile, I know your a good guy and I'd be nice to meet you in person and discuss Bledsoe's past(and future) accolades. We can pop the cork and champagne together with 1000's of other Drewpies, I already know that bigneil and nors will be there as well. :bow:

Post-season records and statistics
  • 4-3 in the post-season
  • 252 passes attempted
  • 129 passes completed
  • 1335 passing yards (190.7 ypg)
  • 6 passing touchdowns
  • 12 passes intercepted
  • 21 passing attempts per interception in the post-season
  • 17 sacks for 131 yards lost
  • 4 Fumbles
  • 51.2% completion percentage
  • QBR of 54.9
Pee Stinking U


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Hostile said:
Fellow Cowboys fans, that is advice coming from a 15 year old kid to two grown men.

A wiser man than me once said, "and a little child shall lead them."

That was a compliment Dragon, so don't take being called a child wrong.

You just gave two grown men solid advice. The sad thing is neither one of them will realize how right you really are.

Aces man.

Post of the day.
Yup DragonCowboy seems to have a brain and seems like a real likeable fellow (don't let that go to your head kid:))...

The posters that are so far up Bledsoe's butt that they can tell you what he ate for breakfast...give stupid theories...except the one plausable one... and that would be.. most of us have seen better and want better... and no I don't want to settle for mediocre that is how a team can become the cardinals over night


The Duke
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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
Hostile, I wish you didn't need to misrepresent my opinions in order to prop up your own. I didn't say Bledsoe was superior to Favre, I said he was better NOW. In fact, I said quite a few nice things about Favre. I said he was an exceptional QB for a very long time. Favre has a ring, Bledsoe does not. Favre has more impressive career stats too, no doubt. What I said was that whereas Favre's career is basically over, Bledsoe could just now be entering the prime of his.
The only reason Favre's career might be over is that he basically has nothing left to prove. If he decides to walk gently into that good night his legend is made.

Put them on the same team, any team in the NFL, right now. Favre would start over Bledsoe. I'd bet on it every time.

I proved to you that there is very little comparison between the two. Favre is and always has been superior.

Misrepresent what you said? Oh man, nice try at some form of redemption. Before I even started to debate with you I twice told you it was a road you didn't want to walk down. The signs were there.

Here's a statement by you...

dead guy said:
I personally don't think Favre has ever been more than slightly better than Bledsoe

I took that mess and knocked it out of the park. Here's a smiley impersonation of this between us.

dead guy >>> :clubbed: <<< Hostile

Tell me again how I misrepresented what you said. I need another good laugh.

Oh yeah, one more thing, about that "could" be enterring the "prime of his career." He also "could" be at the very end of it.
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Hostile said:
The only reason Favre's career might be over is that he basically has nothing left to prove. If he decides to walk gently into that good night his legend is made.

Put them on the same team, any team in the NFL, right now. Favre would start over Bledsoe. I'd bet on it every time.

I proved to you that there is very little comparison between the two. Favre is and always has been superior.

Misrepresent what you said? Oh man, nice try at some form of redemption. Before I even started to debate with you I twice told you it was a road you didn't want to walk down. The signs were there.

Here's a statement by you...

I took that mess and knocked it out of the park. Here's a smiley impersonation of this between us.

dead guy >>> :clubbed: <<< Hostile

Tell me again how I misrepresented what you said. I need another good laugh.

Oh yeah, one more thing, about that "could" be enterring the "prime of his career." He also "could" be at the very end of it.

If you spent half as much time presenting actual facts as you do bragging about your imaginary defeat of my arguments you might actually have something to brag about.

If you think Favre is in a completely different league than Bledsoe you are dillusional. Are you blind?? Did you even watch the Cowboys play last year?? Hunkstudsoe was mostly amazing. NONE of the losses can be pinned on him. Even Seattle was Cortez' fault.

Hey, I agree comletely with something you said earlier, that Parcells and Jones wouldn't hesitate to bring in Favre if it gave them a better shot at winning a SB. Let's see if they show any interest. Something tells me they wouldn't.

To summarize -- Bledsoe is the man in Dallas for as long as Parcells is the coach. Deal with it. Thankfully, Parcells is a better judge of talent than you.


The Duke
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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
If you spent half as much time presenting actual facts as you do bragging about your imaginary defeat of my arguments you might actually have something to brag about.

If you think Favre is in a completely different league than Bledsoe you are dillusional. Are you blind?? Did you even watch the Cowboys play last year?? Hunkstudsoe was mostly amazing. NONE of the losses can be pinned on him. Even Seattle was Cortez' fault.

Hey, I agree comletely with something you said earlier, that Parcells and Jones wouldn't hesitate to bring in Favre if it gave them a better shot at winning a SB. Let's see if they show any interest. Something tells me they wouldn't.

To summarize -- Bledsoe is the man in Dallas for as long as Parcells is the coach. Deal with it. Thankfully, Parcells is a better judge of talent than you.
Point of fact dead guy, I never have denied the fact Bledsoe is Parcells' QB here.

Nice attempt to spin doctor off into a tangent, but this isn't my first rodeo.

I've watched more Cowboys games in one season than you've probably seen your life, so don't ask me if I watched them play last year. Of course I did. I know the faults of the players around him and I know his faults. The difference is I don't have a silly little girl's agenda to pour syrup all over him and tell people how sweet he is.

He is what he is, a good QB starting for my team. Is he the best option for this team? I'd say that is open for interpretation and you aren't a judge I'd listen to for a verdict. Too tainted by your own agenda. You see, I know Bledsoe is good. The difference is I'm not attempting to make him into something that he's not.

You on the other hand are. You said Favre was only "slightly better." The proof is in the pudding. Go back and read my posts again. You weren't even in the race. Favre is better in every aspect. You can't come up with one single area that I didn't show who was better.


Here comes the Sun...
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Hostile said:
Point of fact dead guy, I never have denied the fact Bledsoe is Parcells' QB here.

Nice attempt to spin doctor off into a tangent, but this isn't my first rodeo.

I've watched more Cowboys games in one season than you've probably seen your life, so don't ask me if I watched them play last year. Of course I did. I know the faults of the players around him and I know his faults. The difference is I don't have a silly little girl's agenda to pour syrup all over him and tell people how sweet he is.

He is what he is, a good QB starting for my team. Is he the best option for this team? I'd say that is open for interpretation and you aren't a judge I'd listen to for a verdict. Too tainted by your own agenda. You see, I know Bledsoe is good. The difference is I'm not attempting to make him into something that he's not.

You on the other hand are. You said Favre was only "slightly better." The proof is in the pudding. Go back and read my posts again. You weren't even in the race. Favre is better in every aspect. You can't come up with one single area that I didn't show who was better.

You are the Admin, right?

I sure wish I could get a "peeing dog on a Bledsoe doll" icon!

These two yoyo's are polluting this forum! :cool:


The Duke
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5Stars said:
You are the Admin, right?

I sure wish I could get a "peeing dog on a Bledsoe doll" icon!

These two yoyo's are polluting this forum! :cool:
I don't wish to take it out on the player. I like Drew Bledsoe. I always have, because I live in Pac 10 country. he has not lived up to my hopes and expectations for him, but he's my QB until further notice. That doesn't mean I need to tarnish his image by making him something he is not. These two guys do Bledsoe a grave disservice with this act. He deserves better.


Well-Known Member
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Personally I think Favre style of play would cause Bill to have a melt down. Brett is one of the few guys who will make the dumbest throws for ints I have ever seen, on the other hand he never lets ints get him down and he comes right back at you. I have a lot of respect for the career he has had I just don't think he would be a decent fit in Dallas with Parcells.


Well-Known Member
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5Stars said:
You are the Admin, right?

I sure wish I could get a "peeing dog on a Bledsoe doll" icon!

These two yoyo's are polluting this forum! :cool:


What's with you and peeing dogs?!?!



The Duke
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Doomsday101 said:
Personally I think Favre style of play would cause Bill to have a melt down. Brett is one of the few guys who will make the dumbest throws for ints I have ever seen, on the other hand he never lets ints get him down and he comes right back at you. I have a lot of respect for the career he has had I just don't think he would be a decent fit in Dallas with Parcells.
Nor do I, but I'd love it if Bill and Jerry gave it a try. It'd be fun to watch.


The Duke
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DragonCowboy said:

What's with you and peeing dogs?!?!

Didn't you know? He always wears one white sock and one yellow one.



Well-Known Member
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Hostile said:
Nor do I, but I'd love it if Bill and Jerry gave it a try. It'd be fun to watch.

A couple of years ago I would have agreed today not so sure, I think Brett is still the gun slinger type who will always try to thread the needle but does not have the same arm to get in through as he once had. Myself I think it would be better for him to retire but of course that is a decision that should be left up to Brett himself.


The Duke
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Doomsday101 said:
A couple of years ago I would have agreed today not so sure, I think Brett is still the gun slinger type who will always try to thread the needle but does not have the same arm to get in through as he once had. Myself I think it would be better for him to retire but of course that is a decision that should be left up to Brett himself.
I think he's still got one of the best arms in the game, but last year he was literally alone.

2 of his best O-linemen left via FA.

They were down to their 4th or 5th string RB.

His TE was hurt.

They lost 3 WRs to injury.

He did what he always does, he played balls to the wall and the wall won.


Here comes the Sun...
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Hostile said:
I don't wish to take it out on the player. I like Drew Bledsoe. I always have, because I live in Pac 10 country. he has not lived up to my hopes and expectations for him, but he's my QB until further notice. That doesn't mean I need to tarnish his image by making him something he is not. These two guys do Bledsoe a grave disservice with this act. He deserves better.

Then, um, how about a "peeing dog on BledSo4MVP and that other yoyo? ;)


Here comes the Sun...
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Hostile said:
Didn't you know? He always wears one white sock and one yellow one.


Stick to arguing with these two yoyo's...because...a comedian, you're not! :p:


Well-Known Member
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Hostile said:
I think he's still got one of the best arms in the game, but last year he was literally alone.

2 of his best O-linemen left via FA.

They were down to their 4th or 5th string RB.

His Te was hurt.

They lost 3 WRs to injury.

He did what he always does, he played balls to the wall and the wall won.

Granted GB had some problems with injuries I'm not putting the entire bad season for GB on Brett but I just do not see him being a better fit in Dallas than Bledsoe and like you I see Bledsoe strenght and weakness I also see things that Brett tends to do that would drive Bill up the wall.


New Member
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Bledsoe4MVP said:
* 43447 career passing yards....and counting
* 252 career TD's (includes 8 career rushing TD's)....and counting
* 33 come from behind wins....and counting
* 2 AFC Championship game wins
* 4-3 career playoff record
* Holds multiple franchise passing records for 2 different franchises...and counting
* Passed for over 3000 yards in 9 of 13 seasons, including 3500+ in 8 seasons, 4000+ in 3 seasons
* Passed for 20+ TD's in 7 of 13 seasons
* 4 pro bowl appearances....and counting
* 2 superbowl appearances
* 1 superbowl championship as backup

Really hope you make it to Canton Hostile, I know your a good guy and I'd be nice to meet you in person and discuss Bledsoe's past(and future) accolades. We can pop the cork and champagne together with 1000's of other Drewpies, I already know that bigneil and nors will be there as well. :bow:

You left out 0 playoff appearances in the last 7 years.