Twitter: Roger Goodell wants to permanently ban the tush push

If Dallas were the ones who came up with it, it'd be banned already!
I jokingly said that earlier, but I do feel the strong possibility that they'd mark the ball in our opponent's favor, when they couldn't clearly see the ball.
There shouldn't be assisting the runner allowed whatever that means for the brotherly shove play. Now if Goodell wants to do something positive he would stop with the overseas and Thursday games except for the two traditional games on Thanksgiving. I will also say the black Friday game seemed like a decent idea and I'd give that a few years to see how it goes.
I'm with the "don't ban it" crowd. Since all the arguments have already been posted I won't repeat them.
If you ban this then why not ban any ball player getting pushed? Like when teams push their running back or receivers to the endzone or first down
I suspect if the group anal push is banned, that too would be banned
the cheapest play in the game for the cheapest fans in the sport. I say all plays should be blown dead as soon as a player joins in to help push the pile. Regardless of which side they are on
I’m not sure how I feel about this. I feel teams should be able to stop it. But if someone gets hurt doing it then it should be banned.
Think about what you just said.

The Push has been run hundreds of times by the eagles. Not 1 injury.

Hitting players in opennfield...sacking blicking...all of that has resulted in injuries, but no PUSH injuries.

If "waiting till someone gets hurt and then banning it" is the goal here.....where does the logic of that slippery slope lead us with football as a whole?
I suspect if the group anal push is banned, that too would be banned
So I guess if they ban it (edit: not saying they should but if they do), the options are making it a penalty anytime a player pushes the ball carrier forward, making it a dead ball any time it is done or making it a penalty only when done behind the line of scrimmage.
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the cheapest play in the game for the cheapest fans in the sport. I say all plays should be blown dead as soon as a player joins in to help push the pile. Regardless of which side they are on
Ur the 1st person I've seen adress the bigger picture here...because EVERY team pushes ball carriers down the field when they are stood up by defenders in the open field.

But here's one: what if 1 defender meets 1 ball carriers in the open field and they "lock horns". Offensive players as you mentioned won't be able to come and push the ball carrier from behind further down the field. BUT...what about further defenders? Will they be able to "gang tackle" one guy, as is the case now, and use the force or 2, 3, 4 guys to drive 1 guy back? That doesn't seem fair either! And I HAVE seen dudes get hurt because they were gangle tackled.

This is a very slippery slope we're on.....
I'm with the "don't ban it" crowd. Since all the arguments have already been posted I won't repeat them.
I'm kind of in the 'don't ban it' crowd as well. The Iggles are going to keep using the play until someone finds a way to stop the play, so don't B and moan about it. If that doesn't work, everyone knows the Iggles will stop using the play if/when Hurts goes down with a season or career ending injury.

Don't want to see the play? Don't constantly let them get into 4th and 1 situations. Play better defense so this play isn't available.
Why even have the qb take the snap? Why not the FB or Tank, or another lineman?
I guess by using the QB you at least leave the possibility open and keep the defense honest. Although I'm not sure that matters because the defenders on the look out for that wouldn't be involved in stopping a QB sneak.
Personally I suspect Philly throws out of this formation soon. Maybe on 3rd down when they still can do it again on 4th.
Ur the 1st person I've seen adress the bigger picture here...because EVERY team pushes ball carriers down the field when they are stood up by defenders in the open field.

But here's one: what if 1 defender meets 1 ball carriers in the open field and they "lock horns". Offensive players as you mentioned won't be able to come and push the ball carrier from behind further down the field. BUT...what about further defenders? Will they be able to "gang tackle" one guy, as is the case now, and use the force or 2, 3, 4 guys to drive 1 guy back? That doesn't seem fair either! And I HAVE seen dudes get hurt because they were gangle tackled.

This is a very slippery slope we're on.....
That makes no sense whatsoever. So ban football? Refs can blow the whistle quicker if they are worried about that but football isn't a one on one with the ball carrier game unless you want OL to not block defenders either...
it is not a natural football play,
If it occurs during the process of a natural play, then fine. But to line up like that is not natural.
What do you mean not natural? Where is that defined?

Someone from the 1950's would look at these plays these days, where there are 0 RBs in the backfield and 5 Wide Receivers lined up...andbsay THAT'S not natural
What do you mean not natural? Where is that defined?

Someone from the 1950's would look at these plays these days, where there are 0 RBs in the backfield and 5 Wide Receivers lined up...andbsay THAT'S not natural
Not natural ... as in terms of a normal running play or QB sneak....not natural yet, is what I really should have said.
That makes no sense whatsoever. So ban football? Refs can blow the whistle quicker if they are worried about that but football isn't a one on one with the ball carrier game unless you want OL to not block defenders either...
Yeah.....that's my point.

Once you open Pandora's box and play the safety card with the Shove Play....then many similar football plays that we're are used to , like seeing 3 or 4 defenders attack 1 ball carrier (which is what led to OFFENSIVE players jumping in to stop their teammate from getting rag dolled by 3 guys) will fall under that same logic.

You can't just ban 1 play that has some degree of risk.....andbthen continue to allow other ays with similar levels of risk just because "It's always been like that"

So they should not ban anything IMO that falls under the current rules..... or else we're going to end up with regular season games being played like ProBowl games from a few yearsbago, before it was just canceled due to being unwatchable.

People need to understand the consequences of these decisions now....before its too late....ALL because we want to "stick it" to a division rival (who'll likely be just as successful at this without the shove)
If it gets banned, I still like players being able to move the ballcarrier forward. Maybe the rule could be that the tush push could still be done in shotgun or wildcat formation.
I just feel this could set a precedent that takes the sport in a direction nobody in here wants.

If this is JUST about Philly....jeez, that's a very short term gain to potentially let the health nuts start "canceling plays" due to any sort of risk.

If this is just about screwing Philly....this will probably take care of itself, as Kelce may very well retire this year, and Jalen Hurts will very quickly get past his couple year window physically where he'll be infamously squatting 700 lbs. That's something 23 or 24 year old Hurts does....but even at 27 or so he's just gonna naturally stop doing this.
This seems like a silly way of looking at it. Players get hurt all the time through normal play. I don't recall anyone being hurt on the Tush Push. I do see players get hurt all the time though making other plays, including non-contact injuries. Are we going to ban quick-cutting routes because WR's pop a hammy or tear an ACL making cuts when their cleats get stuck in the ground?
Yeah we should stop those too. blocking leads to more linemen falling over each other and ripping knees than ANY play. Need to ban running the ball too.
If it gets banned, I still like players being able to move the ballcarrier forward. Maybe the rule could be that the tush push could still be done in shotgun or wildcat formation.
This is what I meant by it not being a natural occurrence.
Say a running play, or a WR catches the ball. Runs into several defenders or more. Then teammates can come up to push him forward. Or a RB or a QB draw, same thing. It happens often.

But to line up and make that part of the play from the start is not natural development of the play…well not yet….but it is being used.

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