RoMac and Leary are at mini camp


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A question was asked of Bryan Broaddus about McClain. "Does he look to be in shape?"

That's comforting...

Why would Ro bother to show in shape? He didn't last season and he was a slug out there for about 4 games. Sure didn't seem like there where any repercussions.

As Jimmy once said, its a country club atmosphere.


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He didn't show up for the company team building gathering that most of the employees show up to. He showed up when he was required to to do his job that he gets paid for. He had personal business that he had to attend to that he thought was serious. Big screaming deal. The team is over it, fans should get over it too.


I bet none of the whiners shows up to their jobs when on vacation with their kids.
Show of hands, how many do go to work when it's their time off so they don't have time with family...come on, hands?


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Why would Ro bother to show in shape? He didn't last season and he was a slug out there for about 4 games. Sure didn't seem like there where any repercussions.

As Jimmy once said, its a country club atmosphere.

Well, coming off of knee surgery was part of it. Why wasn't Tony in shape after any of his surgeries.


Fattening up
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Well, coming off of knee surgery was part of it. Why wasn't Tony in shape after any of his surgeries.

That's a fair point. Though he's reportedly fat again this season without the surgery excuse.

I think the dude just likes to eat.


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Well he doesn't have any information. I didn't mean to imply that I had some either. The only information we have is what was said. Furthermore, what would be the incentive for Jerry to lie? He has proven with some of the decisions that have been made that he doesn't get riled up over fan hand wringing. It could all be a lie. There are more reasons to believe Jerry than not believe him. He has gotten involved in players personal issues before. As desperate as we were for middle linebacker help when Lee went down it wouldn't surprise me that part of coaxing him to play here would be to be "understanding" on certain personal issues.


Outta bounds
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Why would Ro bother to show in shape? He didn't last season and he was a slug out there for about 4 games. Sure didn't seem like there where any repercussions.

As Jimmy once said, its a country club atmosphere.

That was after being suspended for the first 4 games of the year. What ever ground he made up in training camp conditioning wise... he lost that by not being at the facility for the first month of the season.

After a full training camp and not coming off a surgery, he will no doubt be in better shape than he was last year when he missed some of camp because of the surgery and then the first month of the season.

Looking at the rest of the team, there is no country club atmosphere any more. That is a very old quote and nothing is the same at Valley Ranch these days. Dallas works as hard as any team in the league... which is to say they do as much as the collective bargaining agreement allows them too.


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That's a fair point. Though he's reportedly fat again this season without the surgery excuse.

I think the dude just likes to eat.

Great home cooking from the wife...or is he dipping into his kids cookie bags a bit too much.....hmmm....


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You don't get to "disagree" with collectively bargained agreements between the NFL and the NFLPA. Of course you don't care about the players health or free time, beer gut fans only care about winning at all costs and by any means possible. They should immediately start practicing every day full contact right after the Super Bowl.

That Aaron Rodgers sure is a lousy teammate, collecting a half million workout bonus/bribe and then getting to skip the mini camp. He should want to be there, and for free. Heck, he should be paying the Packers to attend mini camp and giving a dollar to every beer gut fan in Wisconsin for the privilege of being an NFL player.

No beer gut here. McClain has a history of not attending and you damn right I will call him out on it, if you don't like it the you can go pound sand for all I care. I will not tell you how you must feel about any player. I have my views and you have yours that is how it is. See I don't have to think as you do. I know what the NFLPA has to say and I can disagree with them as well.

McClain has shown since he has entered the NFL to be lazy and his off the field issues continues. You talk about Rodgers missing? lol it is one thing missing an OTA it is another constantly missing them and constantly having some excuse not to work out and then when he shows up to be out of shape and over weight.


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Your memory isn't that good, is it. Ro's performance has always been better than most.

You must be talking to someone else. I never said anything in this post about RO's performance being better or not better than anyone else.


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I bet none of the whiners shows up to their jobs when on vacation with their kids.
Show of hands, how many do go to work when it's their time off so they don't have time with family...come on, hands?

A lot of us would adjust our schedule as to not missing scheduled events. I would also add most of us do not have jobs that end in late Dec/early Jan and have 6 months off. Show of hands do you get a 6 months vacation? I did not think so.

If McClain past was not as it is this would not be as big of an issue but it is the same damn thing year after year club after club. There is some excuse why he can't manage to workout to come to camps in shape and not attend any workouts which evidently he needs since he can't manage to do so on his own.


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You keep using the word "excuse" as if one was required. No explanation was ever required, the workouts were collectively bargained to be optional and a big chunk of the attendees league-wide were bribed to be there with workout bonuses, not because they are great teammates sacrificing for the team.

Here was the "arrangement" between McClain and the team that Jerry keeps babbling about:
1) McClain decides whether he wants to attend or not
2) Jerry and Jason nod silently like bobbleheads at whatever the result of 1) is.

Why did everyone show up but RO and Leary then if its NOT required?

Im quite clear of the arrangement.


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But you don't have facts that support your position. You are assuming. You think it's ok to assume based on your opinion that Jerry would cover for him. That's an opinion, not a fact. You have the right to "not buy it" all you want, but it remains that you don't have any facts to know. I don't have any facts either, but what remains is what was actually said.

Let me tell you all the facts that I do have and I cant believe you dont know all this stuff already:

-He has retired from football twice already
-He is notorious for not wanting to practice or show up to voluntary workouts or training camp at all. This has been well documented in other stops and while he has been here with the Cowboys
-He has had at least one 4 game suspension for his conduct off the field that I know of
-Every training camp it is one excuse after another why he cant practice
-When he does show up he is often out of shape and cant is often off to the side doing things to get in shape before he can actually get up to speed. (thus extending the time he doesnt have to practice) In fact, this scenario is happening right now as we speak.
-Jerry Jones admitted point blank they have a side arrangement that he wont being showing up for voluntary workouts.

These are all the actions of a guy that simply doesnt enjoy the game or have respect for the game or his teamates or his coaches like he should. He is essentially showing up to pick up a paycheck. If you cant see that, then that isnt my problem.

RO is about as talented a LB as you can get and its pretty amazing that he does all that and can ball on Sundays and do it better than most. But he is showing nothing in the way of leadership. And he is clearly not a guy you can count on from one season to the next. And to a certain degree he is wasting his talent because if he truly applied himself and gave a #$%^, he could probably be in the pro bowl every year and possibly the HOF.

So this "spending time with my kids" thing is just another excuse to miss football and not show up. And its the excuse that Jerry Jones gave you. So NO, I am definitely not buying it. Not based on the who is telling it and not based on the FACTS in regards to his history and attitude. RO simply doenst give a #$%^ and he wants to practice as little as possible. And yah, that is my opinion based on the FACTS.


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To that end, McCarthy decided to give his 15 most-experienced players a pass on the three-day mandatory minicamp that concludes the off-season workout program. The entire team will have to report for training camp a week earlier than normal due to five exhibition games on the schedule and if McCarthy were to force the veterans to work this week it would have cut back their vacation time

Given how much McCarthy covets routine – and a healthy roster – he made the decision to send his most experienced players home for the summer. So, Aaron Rodgers, Jordy Nelson, Julius Peppers, Clay Matthews and a number of others won't be around.
"Frankly, the Hall of Fame game is a big part of this decision," McCarthy said before practice Tuesday. "We have an extra week of work. So really if you look at the veteran’s workload as far as the nine-week off-season program, training camp, everything leading up to the beginning of this season, they’re excused from three practices today but they’ll have four or five practices that first week, so they’ll actually still have the same amount of work or a little more than they would in a normal training camp.

Seems Rodgers and a few other vets where given time off by coaches decision not because they requested it. Only reason the HC is doing this is because they will be entering camp a week early since they are playing the HOF game


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So what? The workouts are not mandatory. That's fan speak that you are supposed to put the team above everything else in your life or you are some sort of slacker. I understand fans that are concerned he might come in out of shape or something. But to use the situation to say that it proves that he isn't dedicated or isn't mentally all in, and that his value system is broken because it doesn't equal yours is silly. Fans don't care about players personal lives, not unless they "think" it is hurting the team. All they care about is the team.

Ok well I am going to bow out of this one. You clearly don't understand team concepts, leadership, putting in the time, showing up, dedication, ect....ect....

But again...........ask yourself why every guy on the entire team showed up but RO and Leary if these practices are "not mandatory".


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To that end, McCarthy decided to give his 15 most-experienced players a pass on the three-day mandatory minicamp that concludes the off-season workout program. The entire team will have to report for training camp a week earlier than normal due to five exhibition games on the schedule and if McCarthy were to force the veterans to work this week it would have cut back their vacation time

Given how much McCarthy covets routine – and a healthy roster – he made the decision to send his most experienced players home for the summer. So, Aaron Rodgers, Jordy Nelson, Julius Peppers, Clay Matthews and a number of others won't be around.
"Frankly, the Hall of Fame game is a big part of this decision," McCarthy said before practice Tuesday. "We have an extra week of work. So really if you look at the veteran’s workload as far as the nine-week off-season program, training camp, everything leading up to the beginning of this season, they’re excused from three practices today but they’ll have four or five practices that first week, so they’ll actually still have the same amount of work or a little more than they would in a normal training camp.

Seems Rodgers and a few other vets where given time off by coaches decision not because they requested it. Only reason the HC is doing this is because they will be entering camp a week early since they are playing the HOF game

It's a smart thing to do, but the Packers are a smart organization. They have also led the league for some time in handing out workout bonuses to their players, telling their employees that they value their personal time. No whining, lazy crybaby fans who wouldn't work one second beyond 5 PM fretting over what players do on their own time. No owners and coaches having to whine through the media in coded language about players not attending. Everyone's happy.


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You must be talking to someone else. I never said anything in this post about RO's performance being better or not better than anyone else.

No, I'm talking to you. How dare I, right? I didn't say you are knocking his "on-field performance". I'm reminding you of it. It's the bit of the equation you don't seem to understand. Without that, you have a point. With it, you don't. A guy that performs better than most on the field is allowed leeway when he is off the field. It's the reason Michael Irvin was protected when he stabbed a teammate in the neck with a pair of scissors. Ro is being given a pass by his employer. I don't know why you are making this such a big deal. Why can't you understand? He is the exception, not the rule. You seem to be so caught up with everyone doing what is expected of them and not understanding that some folks get special treatment once they've earned it in accordance with their employer. You don't have to like it, but that is the way of the world, CowboyRoy. The ones that perform get "slack" as Jerry put it.