
I posted this in the images thread, but it fits here too. :)

This is hardly profound. Its a blithering obvious stat that we have known for some time, as the disintegration of marriage is very real and has been an epidemic for many years. Very true, and very obvious, and incredibly lazy and not needed or conducive to healing for the op.

"Oh hey, half the marriages end in divorce, you're okay guy"

That's ******* profound to you? Really? **** dude, you're too easy. But hey, Floatyworm agrees...
I am in the last half of his statement, mine ended in death so I do not take it lightly but the profoundness of it is inescapable. There are only two ways for marriages to end and he may have been stating the obvious. But the profound part is that it is the same statement. When two people divorce, something dies. Something that was so strong at one time they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with each other.

This seems to be a touchy subject and at first the last half of his post hit me right in the gut but after I let that pass, it was just a statement of fact. It's not his fault that half the marriages fail and to make that even more difficult, there are many more in unhappy marriages that probably should get a divorce.

The problem is we have become too dependent and want to lay our unhappiness on someone else and not take responsibility for it. We are only responsible for our own happiness.
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it aint trout's anymore, have it, jc

the old pub would uplift Lukin, not this dumb ****ery in this thread

pick an asian, ill take the one in red. never mind your 25 year marriage
Is it the fact he picked the one in red bothering you? What if he lets you have the one in red. Hell, I ain't picky, all I ask for is a the last 24 hours.
I posted this in the images thread, but it fits here too. :)

@Trouty though you feel bad, we had the privilege of seeing you rise up to help @lukin2006. This is all typed and sometimes we misread others intentions. I was proud of everyone that reached out to lift our fellow fan up. Everyone's heart is in the right place except for maybe Ice Cube who is staring at me right now.

Also, we love you and Otis, @CouchCoach. You had something special that most will never know.
It was a bad night, and I'm very sorry to Lukin and this thread. I'm so sorry for the way I was posting last night to everyone in this thread. It's not an excuse, but I just had wisdom teeth surgery and was hopped up on too many pain pills and posting a fool.

Sorry you've had to deal with wisdom teeth extractions. Those suck. We all have posting hiccups. It's bound to happen after years. I'm sure everyone understands!
I read in Iceland young people aren't even getting married any more. Just live together and move on when you don't care to be with each other any longer. That will most likely be the norm in about 20 years in my opinion. Marriage seems to be a dying institution.

I always like the joke that marriage is a three-ring ceremony. The engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering.

I tell all the young people I meet at work to get a prenuptial. Better to have an exit strategy which is fair even if you don't have to use it. Especially if you are a guy because the soon-to-be-ex-wife and the court will absolutely rake you over the coals. A man has no chance against a scorned woman, greedy lawyers, and rigged court system. So, I saw with my brothers and heard from countless co-workers and friends.

Luckily, 15 years happily married to a Japanese woman for me. I don't think I would have lasted three years to a typical 'American' or 'European' woman. I prefer the old-fashioned, 1950s woman which is hard to find outside of Japan these days. And it is getting harder and harder to find women even in Japan like that these days.

The times they are a changing.
I am a 53 male with a disability and getting divorced...25 years married. Believe me I was willing to cross an ocean to make it work, in the end she wouldn't even leap over a puddle for me ... I feel like the biggest fool.
Hate to hear it man, love certainly can make fools out of alot of us, we just don't know it at the time....which explains the old addage "love is blind".

If you have a friend or family member that you could talk in depth might help even if it's nothing more than a shoulder to lean on.....good luck to you lukin.
I have never been married myself so it would be hard for me to feel what u are feeling but i would say No worries brother you have your life ahead of you just plan it differently.
Get yourself a sweet Filipina and you will feel like a king again.They are low maintenance.I know few people who did and they are having a great time.


My wife is a Filipina and, after 18 years, there are definite trade-offs. Be prepared to never being able to wear any footwear in your own house again. Next, anything that's left on a counter for more than 5-10 minutes goes into what I call "The Pinay Abyss" (it's gone for'll never find it). Finally, it becomes standard affair to have 20-30 filipinas over your house for random karaoke parties. It's all fun and games until you've heard Celine Dion songs sung badly around the clock for oh so many years. Invest in Bose noise cancelling headphones.

The worst part is when the Filipina's drag along their usually social-awkward Husbands and my wife wants me to "hang with them"; to be a good "Dude-host" for 5-6 hours. Most of these dudes are older (50s) and are almost never into anything I'm into (Sports, cars, fishing, drinking know..'Man Stuff'). So over the past 4-5 years, I've boycotted my hosting duties. I simply stay in my computer room, in the dark, Noise cancelling headphones donned, sipping on beer, watching the NFL/UFC until the ordeal is over. Then when everyone starts to leave, I'll come out and act like "Oh didn't know you guys were here. Hope you had a good time. Nice seeing ya'!" Yeah, that's right...I've become THAT kind of A-Hole..
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Like college.... marriage ain't for everyone
I had a 'friend' who was a F.F.L. dealer tell me one time way back in my early 20's that " some guys just ain't the marrying type",,,& then started busting up laughing at me& it kinda' was kinda' funny& pissed me off at the same time too,as I'd just suffered a relationship fallout & a new colt's revolver or mini-14 always tended to help me feel better back theno_O

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