Steeler fans here in pittsburgh hate...


PGH Cowboy Fan
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I live up here in Pa and I agree to this... Can yall imagin being at a superbowl party and the only cowboy fan. LOL that was a real weird feeling.


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If one would poll a sample of Steelers fans on this topic I'd say the Cowboys would be about the 5th or 6th most hated team.


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SteelManiac55;2456829 said:
If one would poll a sample of Steelers fans on this topic I'd say the Cowboys would be about the 5th or 6th most hated team.

maybe u.but anyone over 30 would say dallas.they hate Jerry jones so much as


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ThreeSportStar80;2456328 said:
Dallas is the most hated team in the NFL, you guys should know that by now... America's team is loved by many and also despised by just as many.

America's team is just like America...


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That's how it is here in Green Bay, too. The likes of the Bears and Vikings both come in secondary to their hatred for the Cowboys. I think the shift came in the 90's when we were beating them down pretty bad, and their new look upon us hasn't stopped.


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juckie;2456848 said:
maybe u.but anyone over 30 would say dallas.they hate Jerry jones so much as

I don't agree with that either. Browns, Ravens, and Patriots are definitely the more hated teams right now amongst the entire fan base. You're overrating the hatred Steelers fans have for the Cowboys.


The Duke
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Silverback ate your QB;2456744 said:
I don't think we hate the team more than our closer rivals but a lot of us hate the hyper egotistical claim that the Cowboys are "America's team" so there is that aspect of it.

America generally doesn't like braggarts and the Cowboy fans, and their owner as well as few choice players through the years have worn that claim out. The hole in the dome so God can watch etc. etc.
It gets kind of old after a while.

America, if it were to pick a team, wouldn't go with bling bling, they would probably pick a Favre era GreenBay over the current Cowboys....
I don't know, maybe Landry era Cowboys deserved a shot at that title but any team that claims it disqualifies itself by doing, no, you guys suck! Lol! :D

(although you managed to neuter TO's ego a bit so I guess you deserve some props for being big enough to put him in perspective.)

Patriots are worthy of the big hate though. Belicheat should resign.
It always cracks me up when you guys do not get what "America's Team" means. Nice guy that I am let me help you out. Focus on the bold parts, but the rest of it is just as relevant.

It seems like every day there are new threads about who is biased against or hates the Dallas Cowboys. Not even Cowboys legends are exempt from this any more. It's more prevalent than Paris Hilton tabloid stories.

The threads are everywhere, and they're beyond annoying. Why are they annoying? Because Cowboys are not soft. Cowboys were rough, tough, hardened men who busted their butts. Save that lace panties stuff for the teams that need it. They wipe their tears away with scented Kleenex. We wipe away our sweat with cactus and pick our teeth with the thorns.

I have some advice for those who get upset by this hatred and bias. It's real simple, embrace the hatred. Soak it up. Revel in it. Let it put a smile on your face that can't be wiped off no matter how hard they rub. Hell, dance if you've got rhythm, or even if you don't but could give a crap who's watching.

Do anything but whine about some new hatred or bias. It isn't new. Not by a long shot.

Some of us have embraced this hatred for years. On cold nights it keeps us warm. You want to know why we accept it? Because no one hates a doormat. Be serious for a minute, how many of you have ever heard of someone who hates the Detroit Lions? They're a doormat. Well, folks no one wipes their feet on the Dallas Cowboys. We kick back. With spurs on our boots.

It's real simple math. No one hates the doormats because they don't matter. They don't sell. There's no sex appeal.

Folks, the Dallas Cowboys are sexy, and sex sells. Everything about the Cowboys sells. We're right smack dab in the middle of the country and the football world revolves around us. Don't believe it? Look at the TV ratings and do the math. We sell. The Dallas Cowboys being good is good for the NFL. Bet on it.

Why do other nations hate America? Because we're the biggest, baddest cats on the planet. There's more money here. There's more excitement. There's more opportunity. None of that is bad, so why do they hate us? Because looking up hurts their necks, and they're cranky as hell.

If America is the cream of the crop, then America's Team is too. That's what that nickname was meant to portray. The best. People hate the best. Let 'em.

Haven't you ever noticed how that nickname infuriates some people? It's just a freaking nickname for crying out loud. No one decries the "Purple People Eaters." How can cannibalism not be offensive? Because there's no prestige in it. No one is trying to get that nickname. America's team? Everyone wants it. Too damn bad, that's ours. Keep your grubby hands off or you'll pull back a bloody stump.

Opposing team's fans will tell you that the nickname is offensive, but look how many of them want it for themselves. This year we were encouraged to loan the nickname to New Orleans because of their rebuilding from Katrina. The team in our Nation's capital wants the nickname. The Steelers have laid claim to it. So have the Packers. So have the Jets and Giants after 9/11. So have the Patriots. It's a redundant theme. Not even baseball teams like the Braves or Yankees have been able to pry that moniker away from the Cowboys. Nor the Lakers or Celtics in basketball.

You want to know why none of them ever get to use that nickname? They can't earn it. Love us or hate us, the Cowboys earned the nickname America's Team. How can I say this? Simple, have we ever lost it? Even when we were doormats the name was used. The media still loves to use it. Even while they stir the haterade.

Let 'em stir it. It means we matter. Some of you want a media who fawns over us and praises every move. I don't understand that. The hatred is good. Long live the hatred of the Dallas Cowboys. Bring it on.

The only time any of us should mention the hatred is when our players are passed over for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. That is offensive. The rest of it is butter and gravy. Pour it on and make it thick. Leave the whine and cheese to the lace panties crowd.

Embrace the hatred I tell you. You can't believe how good you will feel. You'll stand taller because your back will be straighter without all that guilt on your shoulders. Who wants that guilt and crap that political correctness wants you to swallow? The hell with that, throw it up. Stick your finger down your throat if you have to. That diet is for wussies.

Not only will your back be straighter but you will enjoy the melodic sound of the clanging of brass below your belt.

Quit screwing around with the mock shock and just embrace the hatred. Save the drama for mama and man up. When you're walking down the street in your Cowboys gear and someone says "Dallas sucks" to you, grin at 'em with your best smirk and say back to them, "Hate all you want. I eat it for breakfast."
No charge for the lesson.


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SteelManiac55;2456869 said:
I don't agree with that either. Browns, Ravens, and Patriots are definitely the more hated teams right now amongst the entire fan base. You're overrating the hatred Steelers fans have for the Cowboys.

For the most part, the Steelers MB has been pretty cool with the time I've spent there this week.


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SteelManiac55;2456795 said:
It's not much of a rivalry at all. The hockey rivalry is much more heated than the football rivalry. I think there is a slight dislike for each other but certainly nothing extreme.

Interesting-for the most part, our fans and Houston Texans fans pretty much hate each other. The Texans usually play our annual preseason game like it's their Super Bowl.


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Hostile, you'll have a really difficult time finding any Steelers fan that feels even an ounce of jealousy toward the Cowboys.


The Duke
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SteelManiac55;2456896 said:
Hostile, you'll have a really difficult time finding any Steelers fan that feels even an ounce of jealousy toward the Cowboys.
No, I wouldn't. I know two from my last job alone. My best friend growing up David is another. Papa Joe Chevalier on the old sports radio show was one. He and I got into it one night on the radio. That's without even thinking hard.


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Hostile;2456912 said:
No, I wouldn't. I know two from my last job alone. My best friend growing up David is another. Papa Joe Chevalier on the old sports radio show was one. He and I got into it one night on the radio. That's without even thinking hard.

And why exactly would any Steelers fan feel jealous? Many outlets agree that the Steelers have the best fans in the league and fill the opposition's stadium like no other. SB's are even (and the Steelers hold the edge in the head-to-head SB department).

If you ask most Steelers fans if they feel jealous of anything involving the Cowboys you'll get an enormous laugh and vice versa. Both are proud fanbases and franchises that feel superior to the other.


if you ain't first, you're last
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SteelManiac55;2456918 said:
And why exactly would any Steelers fan feel jealous? Many outlets agree that the Steelers have the best fans in the league and fill the opposition's stadium like no other. SB's are even (and the Steelers hold the edge in the head-to-head SB department).

If you ask most Steelers fans if they feel jealous of anything involving the Cowboys you'll get an enormous laugh and vice versa. Both are proud fanbases and franchises that feel superior to the other.
Because the arguments we can use on other teams really don't apply to our teams.


The Duke
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SteelManiac55;2456918 said:
And why exactly would any Steelers fan feel jealous? Many outlets agree that the Steelers have the best fans in the league and fill the opposition's stadium like no other. SB's are even (and the Steelers hold the edge in the head-to-head SB department).

If you ask most Steelers fans if they feel jealous of anything involving the Cowboys you'll get an enormous laugh and vice versa. Both are proud fanbases and franchises that feel superior to the other.
I can't answer for Papa Joe, who is nothing but a hypocritical schmuck as I proved. He looked like a total fool when I was done with him. He spent the next 30 minutes trying to dismiss my points while I couldn't rebut anything he said. Emphasis on trying to dismiss my points. He couldn't.

My best friend David complained about how often we were on TV and his Steelers weren't.

Brad and Ron back at work couldn't stand it if we won a game. They would rather Dallas lose than the Steelers win and they made no bones about it.

I've seen Steelers fans say that they are America's team. That is jealousy.

Paint it any way you want it. You said I'd be hard pressed to find jealousy from Steelers fans. No, I'm not.


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I really dont care about the Steelers one way or the other. I really dont consider them a "rival" since we hardly ever play each other.

I consider the Giants our main rival now.


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juckie;2456239 said:
the Cowboys worse then any other team.Besides the field we will have to deal with a crowd with more hatred for us then Philly.Last time Cowboys played here I was just baffled by the hatred,i think I was 1 of maybe 100 fans,lol.philly is bad but not like these people.we win this, this team has taken the next step.

In I HATE EACH OF THEM (in regards to football only).......Go Cowboys! :star:


Arch Defender
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Yes, I truly hate them.

Other than our division rivals, they are way up there. I couldnt stand their teams in the 70's and have grown to hate them (those 70's teams)even more now. Their team was a haven for steroid abuse and nobody ever said jack about it. Most of their super bowls have been a pathetic joke of officiating bias and/or ineptitude. Even the game we beat them the officiating was horrible in their favor.

One of my best memories from the sports bar days was the 1997 season opener, when a gang of about 10-12 Stealer fans invaded our sportsbar and talked it up about how bad they were going to stomp us. We went into their stadium and beat them something like 37-7. The way they hung their head in shame was classic. Loved the 1994 season opener up there too, we killed their QB that day to the tune of 9 or 10 sacks and blew them out.


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My ex-wife is from Ti....err...Pittsburgh. I should've known better, but at the time I was a young idealistic fella. I couldn't get her to love the Cowboys, and she couldn't get me to stop hating the Steamers (Ticket Radio bit). We divorced in March 1994. I got custody of our two sons and raised them right as Boy's fans. When the Boys and Steamers met in the Superbowl, there was a lot of talk from her and her family. I got the last laugh. Tuck Fittsburgh and their fans.


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Theres only 2 NFL team fans that are annoying to see on TV and in person, Steeler fans and those goofy yellow golf towels waving around endlessly and Packers fans and them wearing the most ridiculous cheese hat I have ever seen