"The Walking Dead" Season 6 - Episodes 1-8

Sooooo, you build a wall to keep things out but you build it INSIDE a two story structure that give access to get over the wall? They were that dumb or were the writers that lazy?

And Daryl with a gas truck and Abraham with an RPG won't be making a big distraction to lure away the walkers from Alexandria or nothing? TWD are this close to jumping the shark.
i'm not sure if there is just nothing left to do or they've just gotten into a:

1) wander around looking for a place to stay
2) oh look, a place to stay.
3) oh my, it got blowed up.
4) see #1.

rut we can't escape from.

1) glen. while i'm glad he's not zombie food, the whole "milk that tyte for a month" routine was old. i felt a relief about the same as when i make it to the bathroom on time these days and have nothing left to clean up. happy sure, but that's how it's *supposed* to be.
2) we can notice blood coming through the walls but we can't notice the grand canyon ripping that tower in 1/2.
3) see BZ's stunning analysis of next weeks closure to the 1st 1/2 of the 6th season. i'd have to say getting kinda lazy.
4) while i still watch the show, i watch alaskan bush people too. is it entertainment or boredom?

i guess the drama will be who dies in the end for real this time and how we can get the wall back up while off'in zombies in the hood.

oh well. oak island is kicking in and looking entertaining these days.
TWD are this close to jumping the shark.

I think they leapt that chasm.

As someone pointed out here early... the "zombie parade" could certainly qualify.

And if not that, then the whole Glenn-thing did.

Between clumsy foreshadowing, the writers forcing stupid decisions on the various characters and giving us characters that aren't nearly as interesting as those we had in seasons 1, 2 and 3... the expiration date is coming due.

Take the character of Morgan, season 1, episode 1, very interesting character... Now he's a guy who's at least a 1/2 bubble off and not in an interesting way.
I think they leapt that chasm.

As someone pointed out here early... the "zombie parade" could certainly qualify.

And if not that, then the whole Glenn-thing did.

Between clumsy foreshadowing, the writers forcing stupid decisions on the various characters and giving us characters that aren't nearly as interesting as those we had in seasons 1, 2 and 3... the expiration date is coming due.

Take the character of Morgan, season 1, episode 1, very interesting character... Now he's a guy who's at least a 1/2 bubble off and not in an interesting way.

The thing is...you could probably pick a "jump the shark" episode in every season after season 1 finale.
I'm torn. On one hand, I'm glad Glenn is alive. He is one of my all-time favorite characters of the show. On the other hand, There's no freaking way he should have survived. Nicholas fell on top of me. Lucky me. I'll just scoot my narrow behind under this nearby garbage bin. Twenty dozen zombies are so busy gorging on that idiot to see me inch my way under... this... thing. I hope none of them grab my legs... or my feet... or my shoes... like Deanna's stupid son getting pulled up over the wall... nah!
The writing has not been the best this season, Im sure I will still watch but its just another show at this point.

The Leftovers has replaced it as my favorite show on TV. Season 2 has been mind blowing.
The thing is...you could probably pick a "jump the shark" episode in every season after season 1 finale.

Oh no question... there have been bummer episodes along the way, but they (the producers & writers) have not up to this season, strung together so many "meh" episodes.

I look back at the supposed "slow" episodes of season two and, yeah they were slow, but the characters from then... Shane, Dale, Herschel were light-years more interesting than this bunch. Rosita's character has never been developed. Eugene's is a one trick pony ("I'm a coward"). Hard to find any of the Alexandria character's interesting except Aaron and he gets so little time that his character hasn't gone anywhere.
Oh no question... there have been bummer episodes along the way, but they (the producers & writers) have not up to this season, strung together so many "meh" episodes.

I look back at the supposed "slow" episodes of season two and, yeah they were slow, but the characters from then... Shane, Dale, Herschel were light-years more interesting than this bunch. Rosita's character has never been developed. Eugene's is a one trick pony ("I'm a coward"). Hard to find any of the Alexandria character's interesting except Aaron and he gets so little time that his character hasn't gone anywhere.


They need a new adventure/purpose.
Definitely need a new landscape.
some of you are far too critical of a TV show lol.

If the world collapsed, your entire purpose would be to find a safe haven to recreate your prior life.

Thats exactly what they are doing, and doing anything else would be WAY far out of place because it isnt logical or realistic at all.
some of you are far too critical of a TV show lol.

If the world collapsed, your entire purpose would be to find a safe haven to recreate your prior life.

Thats exactly what they are doing, and doing anything else would be WAY far out of place because it isnt logical or realistic at all.

some of you are far too critical of a TV show lol.

If the world collapsed, your entire purpose would be to find a safe haven to recreate your prior life.

Thats exactly what they are doing, and doing anything else would be WAY far out of place because it isnt logical or realistic at all.

The premise of the show hasn't changed one-ioata from the first episode– "Find safe haven".

The problem is the writing, character development and the supporting actors have come up short to what we had... well probably up until Terminus.
some of you are far too critical of a TV show lol.

If the world collapsed, your entire purpose would be to find a safe haven to recreate your prior life.

Thats exactly what they are doing, and doing anything else would be WAY far out of place because it isnt logical or realistic at all.

the world hasn't collapsed. it's a story about when it did.

and they were entertaining with it before. now they're just shock value at best.
I can picture the final episode of the series...Rick wakes from the coma and Laurie, Shane, and little Carl are at his bedside it was all just a bad dream.
Some random thoughts...

People complained when the episodes were slow. So they ramp up the action and people still complain.

Some want them constantly on the move...others realize that human nature would want stability and safety of shelter vs always being on the move.

The term Jump the Shark...has Jumped the shark itself.

Building the wall around a big Two+ story church or house was dumb. However that was not a rick or his group decision. That was done by people in the community that clearly have no grasp of what the world was now. They were so into their own utopia and so inept at the danger aspect of what could happen...they started sending people out to recruit others to come in and help them in that area and even then they still fought the change.
If anything was dumb about it...it was Rick and his group not going over to check on the foundation and stability of the structure after a freaking semi-truck crashed into it.

So the idea of it being next to the fence is understandable due to who built it and their lackadaisical take on possible dangers. The stupid part was after it was hit with a truck and not checking it. Repairing it or tearing it down.

But in the end it is a lazy plot whole to make it easier to open the safe area to a massive influx of zombies in a quick time frame.

The gas truck and RPGs...as BZ stated earlier...easy way to distract the zombies...if they ever get back.

Calling for a new landscape and adventure....you know it will happen but to expect differences and complain about it...kind of silly.

Wander around looking for safety in numbers and a safe place to leave instead of continuing to run around. It is what most would do.

If that bores you...time to stop watching because it is going to be the same thing, just different people and different safe places but still essentially the same.

IF you want continued travel, different things, constant action, a little comedy, writers going out on a limb to try different types of zombies or zombie styles, a character that is part zombie and can control them in a limited way and a bunch of cheesy campy stuff where the writers don't take themselves too seriously.....maybe you should start watching Z Nation...completely different than The Walking Dead.
I can picture the final episode of the series...Rick wakes from the coma and Laurie, Shane, and little Carl are at his bedside it was all just a bad dream.
Some of us have talked about this on Facebook where it could turn out to be some lame rip off of Dallas when Bobby was killed.

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