Tony Romo a Top 40 QB of all-time as ranked by relative ANY/A


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I disagree . For years Dallas has been known for doing less with more talent than any other team. The last couple if years was an exceltion for the level of talent, but what about the other years? Isn't it possible that another QB could have done just as well if not better?

They only had offensive talent the last few years. The defenses have been pretty poor lately overall. Unfortunately you have to field a defense also. Tony has had a couple years with better then average at best defenses. But great skill position players, and some of those years the OL's were horrendous.

Sure SOME other QB's could have done better in a FEW of those years, but..... It takes a team to win. Some QB's elevate the talent around them. Tony does that fairly well. But he doesnt play CB, FS or DL.


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Problem with looking at stats only is that since 1978 the league has been chipping away at what the defense has been allowed to do. Romo would be no better than the third best QB the Cowboys have ever had, so top 40 all time doesnt sound particularly logical.


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It brings in to question where Danny White and other good QBs from the past should be rated. The rushing game was more important in the past, so the stats don't look as good, but it is not the QBs fault.

If they're basing this strictly on the qb's best five years, then I wonder if Craig Morton would be higher than White. I believe Morton's two starting years for the Cowboys were in the mid to high 80s passer rating. He also had a great year in the early 80s, plus the Denver SB year.


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Top 10 QB's of 2014

Romo number 6

When you're consistently #6, that means you're probably 8 or 9 for the era, after considering aging, rising and falling fortunes, etc, . Which is in the "good but not great" territory.


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Hasn't been successful in the playoffs... YET!?

Dude.. its over for Romo. The guy hasn't been to the playoffs in 5 years, hasn't won one since. We had the chance to draft a franchise QB in Johnny Manziel, but we passed. Being a Cowboys fan is not fun.
I heard the Browns are accepting fans currently. Good luck getting a Manziel jersey though.


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Their best years as starters by passer rating:
Craig Morton
1981 -90.5
1970 - 89.8
1969 -85.4
1977 - 82.0
1980 - 77.8

1982 - 91.1 (strike-shortened)
1981 - 87.5
1983 - 85.6
1980 - 80.7
1985 - 80.6

White had a 97.9 in 1986, but only played 7 games. Each of them had a 90+ year as a backup. I bet they're pretty even.


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Oh, by the way, the OP failed to mention that Craig Morton is one spot ahead of Tony Romo. :)


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It seems to me that the only reason to quantify player performance is for purposes of comparison. The only other way to do it would be to compare anecdotal information, and that would be pretty hard to do for all of the players in pro football history. So, those who use numbers to compare players are doing it the only way it can be reasonably done, IMO.


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It seems to me that the only reason to quantify player performance is for purposes of comparison. The only other way to do it would be to compare anecdotal information, and that would be pretty hard to do for all of the players in pro football history. So, those who use numbers to compare players are doing it the only way it can be reasonably done, IMO.

Its like they say, "stats are like bikinis, they reveal a lot but hide the most important stuff"


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Maybe other QBs don't play in an offense that gives them the opportunity to get great stats. Romo has had decent defenses up until the last couple of years. Who's fault was it during those years that the team didn't win playoff games? There is always somebody else to blame.

I'll flip it around on you. What if Romo played in an offense like Kap and Wilson where they only throw the ball 20 times a game and then he had a defense to rely on like they have? Could either of these two QB's throw the ball 40 times per game and........WIN? Kap really doesn't see the entire field when he throws, 90% of his passes are to the right side of the field.

When I look back at when we made the playoffs, 2007, he did enough to win that game. There was critical drops in that game and to be honest, I hated the game plan. We ran the ball non stop and only came away with 7 points in the first half.

In 2009, we beat Philly and then went to Minnesota. If you think that he could have overcame and won that game, I'm not sure what you were watching. They got flat out beat at the offensive line that game. Plus giving up a back breaking kick off return after half time.

Again, he has done enough to win, the defense has not.


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I'll flip it around on you. What if Romo played in an offense like Kap and Wilson where they only throw the ball 20 times a game and then he had a defense to rely on like they have? Could either of these two QB's throw the ball 40 times per game and........WIN? Kap really doesn't see the entire field when he throws, 90% of his passes are to the right side of the field.

When I look back at when we made the playoffs, 2007, he did enough to win that game. There was critical drops in that game and to be honest, I hated the game plan. We ran the ball non stop and only came away with 7 points in the first half.

In 2009, we beat Philly and then went to Minnesota. If you think that he could have overcame and won that game, I'm not sure what you were watching. They got flat out beat at the offensive line that game. Plus giving up a back breaking kick off return after half time.

Again, he has done enough to win, the defense has not.

All the Romo haters love to point the finger at Tony, but always seem to let the coaches off the hook.

Point the finger at Tony, fine, but there are more fingers to go around for pointing.


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All the Romo haters love to point the finger at Tony, but always seem to let the coaches off the hook.

Point the finger at Tony, fine, but there are more fingers to go around for pointing.

We prefer Romo realists. Also, of course there are more fingers to go around. Nobody puts all the blame on Romo. He does deserve some blame though. He has played a role in this team being mediocre.


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I'll flip it around on you. What if Romo played in an offense like Kap and Wilson where they only throw the ball 20 times a game and then he had a defense to rely on like they have? Could either of these two QB's throw the ball 40 times per game and........WIN? Kap really doesn't see the entire field when he throws, 90% of his passes are to the right side of the field.

This is why I think the strategy of building a strong team in the trenches first, then securing a qb via the draft (rookie wage scale) is the best way to structure a team, that's the way SF and Seattle has done it.

When I look back at when we made the playoffs, 2007, he did enough to win that game. There was critical drops in that game and to be honest, I hated the game plan. We ran the ball non stop and only came away with 7 points in the first half.

In 2009, we beat Philly and then went to Minnesota. If you think that he could have overcame and won that game, I'm not sure what you were watching. They got flat out beat at the offensive line that game. Plus giving up a back breaking kick off return after half time.

Again, he has done enough to win, the defense has not.

In 2009 Romo didn't play well early and the line let him down late, all I want him to perform up to regular season standards in win or go home games.


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I wonder where Danny White is on this list.... if were judging by stats he should be right there too.

He was on there somewhere, around 80ish I think it was.

Pretty solid list I guess, especially looking at the worst 100 list lol...pretty spot on I thought :D


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Top 40 QB of all time, is this really a story? We not talking top 3, top 5, top 10..We making headlines for being top 40?

When the sample size is about 1200-1500, yes. Top 40 would be top 2-3%--which is amazing.

Having said that, this is an interesting read but when pure stats like this--even when adjusted for era like they are--never fully tells the story.
I mean, Romo is not better than several of those listed after him and may better than a couple of ahead of him.

Hard to say. It always de[ends on the team around you as well.
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He was on there somewhere, around 80ish I think it was.

Pretty solid list I guess, especially looking at the worst 100 list lol...pretty spot on I thought :D Last out of more than 1000.
My guess there are many worse than him, but still...

And you still hear Jets fans that like him talking about HIS playoff wins.
He's maybe the best example anyone could hope for in disproving the "playoff wins = QB greatness" idiocy.


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This is why I think the strategy of building a strong team in the trenches first, then securing a qb via the draft (rookie wage scale) is the best way to structure a team, that's the way SF and Seattle has done it.

This strategy will catch up to both teams. Both teams built the lines and fortified the defense to allow them to do that. When both QB's are up for their contracts, they will either tell you the true value of each of the QB's or they will go ahead and draft another guy. I have a feeling that SF is going to move on from Kap. He is nothing special. Wilson, I think is pretty good, but even he has his flaws.


Regular Joe....
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Perhaps, and you are entitled to your opinion. You have the right to believe whatever it is that you want to believe. You can believe quarterbacks are solely responsible for wins and losses, you can choose to believe that pitchers in baseball should only be judged by wins and losses and not by stats, because as we know, wins and losses are entirely controlled by pitchers/quarterbacks, etc.

Baseball for the longest time was blinded and naive to this very thought; "Yes, he had a great season and was statistically dominant, he however didn't win 20 games." Until they realized that there are teammates around a pitcher, and a pitcher isn't in control of the runs scored by his own team, just as quarterbacks aren't controlling how many points the other team score against his own team.

Maybe football will look beyond this stupid reasoning soon, because Tony Romo is a top QB of all-time and a hall of famer. A Super Bowl would be the nicest bonus and most beautiful reward for his career and for us fans that have always stood by him, but not having a ring, will not change my opinion on Romo. He is an absolute monster!

This isn't Baseball but I'd be interested in hearing when this time period of naivete in Baseball was. Yes, I am entitled to my opinion, just as others are as well, so we are on the same page. Perhaps football is not as stupid as you characterize it to be. Perhaps they are correct in how they view things. Perhaps it is the other side that is stupid and simply look at things incorrectly. Whatever the case, it will not be decided here today on this forum.


Regular Joe....
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Sure, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you can't tell me Romo isn't better than:

Bledsoe,Testaverde, Henson, Carter, Hutchinson, Wright, Leaf, Stoerner

Those were some hard times. The people that lived through those teams know how lucky we were to find Romo.

I never claimed that he was better or worse. I simply said that it would not be hard to find 50 QBs who have had a better career to this point. For the record, none of the people you mention above would make the list either. The point is that you don't simply claim that people simply don't have a clue or are stupid or whatever the case simply because they have a different opinion. It's just different, that's all.