Unpopular football opinions


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I think the NFL has become the new WWF, and most, if not all, games are rigged. Muscle bound athletes are allowed to run up and down the field making plays for the entertainment, but the winners are chosen in a board room and the referees control the outcome.
I think the Dallas/Detroit game was rigged, and Derrick Barnes whiffed on the sack of Dak Prescott for a safety, and the 92 yd touchdown pass was set up to ensure that the fans were in a good mood for Jimmy Johnson's Ring of Honor induction.
I think Dallas was the recipient of at least 4 rigged victories in 2022; the Lions, Colts, Texans, and even the Bears games were all rigged to portray Dallas as an offensive powerhouse with Dak at quarterback because Jerry needed to keep fans hoping.
And I think Taylor Swift is the reason the Kansas City Chiefs went from mediocre to Super Bowl Champions last year.
The NFL wasn't going to miss out on the popularity she brought and the money to be made off of gambling.
Travis Kelce could end up being commissioner one day if he marries Swift.
Ok, I'll go ahead and just entertain this idea for a moment. The only thing I see as an issue with it is Dallas' mediocrity. If the NFL was a complete setup, don't you think it would be beneficial for them to have the world's most valuable franchise win a couple along the way? I would think so. Cowboys would absolutely rake in the ratings.....and everything that comes with it.


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Ok, I'll go ahead and just entertain this idea for a moment. The only thing I see as an issue with it is Dallas' mediocrity. If the NFL was a complete setup, don't you think it would be beneficial for them to have the world's most valuable franchise win a couple along the way? I would think so. Cowboys would absolutely rake in the ratings.....and everything that comes with it.
I think they believe Dallas has a much stronger fan base than others and the fans will stick with them more readily than others.


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If anything Eli is underrated. If you listen to fans here, he sucked. Even outside Cowboys Nation some don’t think Eli was that good. During the regular season he really wasn’t that good. His career was built off the two Super Bowl wins over Tom Brady.
Now this is some funny tish!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Contradictory statements all in the same paragraph!!!


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You have Joe Flacco had one good run in one season that's different yes Eli did it twice but Joe Flacco just like Nick Foles caught fire for one year so they're going to underrate the guy they're going to say negative things about him he was on a team with one of the best defenses of all time a great run game so you can label them any way you want I say he's overrated if you're just counting on the Super bowl he had one run he caught fire one year the one year wonder thing doesn't put you in the conversation with the all time greats....
Two years. Flacco makes back to back super bowls if Lee Evans doesn't Jackie Smith a TD pass in the end zone.


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I think Peyton Manning is a bit overrated
I agree. I always felt if his name was Smith or Thomas he would have been viewed differently. Since his last name was Manning and the NFL loves its story lines, Peyton was given more grace. I felt the NFL liked the story line of a son of a former QB being in the NFL. I think he’s good but he gets more attention due to the family then he would if he wasn’t a Manning.


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I think the NFL has become the new WWF, and most, if not all, games are rigged. Muscle bound athletes are allowed to run up and down the field making plays for the entertainment, but the winners are chosen in a board room and the referees control the outcome.
I think the Dallas/Detroit game was rigged, and Derrick Barnes whiffed on the sack of Dak Prescott for a safety, and the 92 yd touchdown pass was set up to ensure that the fans were in a good mood for Jimmy Johnson's Ring of Honor induction.
I think Dallas was the recipient of at least 4 rigged victories in 2022; the Lions, Colts, Texans, and even the Bears games were all rigged to portray Dallas as an offensive powerhouse with Dak at quarterback because Jerry needed to keep fans hoping.
And I think Taylor Swift is the reason the Kansas City Chiefs went from mediocre to Super Bowl Champions last year.
The NFL wasn't going to miss out on the popularity she brought and the money to be made off of gambling.
Travis Kelce could end up being commissioner one day if he marries Swift.
Although I disagree w/ you on the reasoning and just how rigged they are, there is simply something going on. I mean, you'd have to be blind to not see it.

Start w/ the NO noncall debacle. That was sick, and absolutely impossible for the ref standing right there to not see the crash test dummy crashing into the intended as the ball was headed his way. Ignored call, not missed.

Game after game after game. If a team goes up 2-3 scores, suddenly tweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, the refs take a hand to make the games closer. If you'll pay attention, you'll easily see there's always a call or two to make the game closer. Why? Because close games keep people tuned in.

And then, the 2nd biggest most glaring example. The 2017 championship game between JAX and NE. If you think that game was called fairly, you simply need to go see a head shrink. Bortles made play after play that they called back, and the D was called for 6-7 penalties. This same D had been called for 5 penalties during the entire season. Soooooooooooo, suddenly they forgot how to play? Yeah, that's it. No way the NFL was going to have a JAX/Philly Boring Bowl.


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I think the NFL has become the new WWF, and most, if not all, games are rigged. Muscle bound athletes are allowed to run up and down the field making plays for the entertainment, but the winners are chosen in a board room and the referees control the outcome.
I think the Dallas/Detroit game was rigged, and Derrick Barnes whiffed on the sack of Dak Prescott for a safety, and the 92 yd touchdown pass was set up to ensure that the fans were in a good mood for Jimmy Johnson's Ring of Honor induction.
I think Dallas was the recipient of at least 4 rigged victories in 2022; the Lions, Colts, Texans, and even the Bears games were all rigged to portray Dallas as an offensive powerhouse with Dak at quarterback because Jerry needed to keep fans hoping.
And I think Taylor Swift is the reason the Kansas City Chiefs went from mediocre to Super Bowl Champions last year.
The NFL wasn't going to miss out on the popularity she brought and the money to be made off of gambling.
Travis Kelce could end up being commissioner one day if he marries Swift.
so anytime dallas plays well, its rigged. specially when the offense does well. because Gawd knows Dak can't play a good game, so if he does, it must have been rigged. as if there has never ever ever, never been a QB that escaped a sack (see Romo escaping Watt!) or a 90+ yard TD pass.

this was by far the stupidest post you have put up lately. a feeble attempt and indirect attempt at Gawd knows what.

btw, if you believe what you wrote. I have a bridge in brooklyn I am trying to sell. I need to liquidate some assets, so I am going to give you a bargain. message me and we can negotiate a good deal. gauranteed to make you a lot of money. I promise


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I agree. I always felt if his name was Smith or Thomas he would have been viewed differently. Since his last name was Manning and the NFL loves its story lines, Peyton was given more grace. I felt the NFL liked the story line of a son of a former QB being in the NFL. I think he’s good but he gets more attention due to the family then he would if he wasn’t a Manning.
2nd level great. Same as Aaron Rodgers. Quite simply, there are levels of greatness.


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Troy Aikman is the weakest of the Big 5 of the 90s.

Yes, he won more Super Bowls - but it just proves it takes all 53 players. In the postseason, he upped this game.... but that might also be because Jimmy Johnson is Andy Reid in the postseason - he affords a few losses in the regular season but has the gameplan and team in place to trounce the Packers who were his little boy.

He's the least impressive on tape, has to do the least each and every night (Emmett just gobbled up all the payday) - and his stats are the weakest. That 1992 championship game is by far his shining moment, but in actuality maybe the Cowboys were just as good as the Niners so that was a realistic upset - not some totally unforeseen upset.

Every other win he had, Cowboys were the superior team.

Young and Favre and Marino killed him statistically. Elway and Kelly is arguable - but Elway is even more impressive statistically.


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Joe Flacco had the greatest QB run ever and people still use him as an example of QBs that were carried.

That Ravens team gave up over 30 points twice during that playoff run.

Flacco's stats though: 1140 yards, 11 TDs, 0 INTs. 117.2 passer rating.
Wow, I did know that. Thanks for the info. Yeah I would say he played well. The stats look good.


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Troy Aikman is the weakest of the Big 5 of the 90s.

Yes, he won more Super Bowls - but it just proves it takes all 53 players. In the postseason, he upped this game.... but that might also be because Jimmy Johnson is Andy Reid in the postseason. But he's the least impressive on tape, has to do the least each and every night (Emmett just gobbled up all the payday) - and his stats are the weakest.

Young and Favre and Marino killed him statistically. Elway and Kelly is arguable - but Elway is even more impressive statistically.
It's still shocking to me that so many fans have no clue that those 90's super bowls were won w/ D. That was a Defensive team, and the D turned all 3 super bowls around.


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I hope this thread stays in here, we got a few weeks until training camp, but I want to read some unpopular opinions, whether past or present and doesn't have to be Cowboys only.

So my unpopular opinion is I think Peyton Manning is a bit overrated. People always praised his football intelligence, and when he'd go to the line change plays, etc. But the guy averaged 15 interceptions a season . In 17 seasons started he had only one season where he didn't throw double digit interceptions. He was pretty bad in both playoff runs where his team won the Superbowl and didn't deserve Superbowl MVP in either season.
No doubt.
Peyton was definitely a regular season stats guy as compared to his playoff performances.
What trips me out is how everybody always talks about how Brady feasted on the AFC East divisional weaklings yet seem to forget how Manning did the exact same thing.

I didn't know it until a couple of years ago but that Manning/Dungy duo had a 7 year stretch of winning at least 12 regular season games.
Not the 3 here like McFraud is worshiped by, but 7. And a couple of 13 and 14 win ones included in that.

But yeah,
that Denver team he was a part of winning a trophy with?
He was throwing one hoppers on out routes in the SB.

That was a totally defense based Lombardi.
But Manning was there.
Brock Osweiler was the backup who started in his place a bunch of games that year, right?
Yeah, Peyton and regular season?
Best ever or one of the best.
Playoff QB?

Average at best.



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My unpopular opinion is the Buffalo Bills of the 90’s were one of the best teams in history. If Scott Norwood makes that kick then the Bills are remembered completely different. They dominated in the AFC when Marino and Elway were in their prime. They beat the 49ers and Cowboys in the regular season when we were at our best.

They were patient zero for what I call “Mike McCathy syndrome”. They always had their worst game at the worst time.


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No doubt.
Peyton was definitely a regular season stats guy as compared to his playoff performances.
What trips me out is how everybody always talks about how Brady feasted on the AFC East divisional weaklings yet seem to forget how Manning did the exact same thing.

I didn't know it until a couple of years ago but that Manning/Dungy duo had a 7 year stretch of winning at least 12 regular season games.
Not the 3 here like McFraud is worshiped by, but 7. And a couple of 13 and 14 win ones.

And that Denver team he was a part of winning a trophy with?
He was throwing one hoppers on out routes in the SB.

That was a totally defense based Lombardi.
But Manning was there.
Brock Osweiler was the backup who started in his place a bunch of games that year, right?
Yeah, Peyton and regular season?
Best ever or one of the best.
Playoff QB?

Average at best.

Not playoffs, just super bowls. Payton had 40 TDs/25 INTs in the playoffs. And if he hadn't run up repeatedly against the NE juggernaut, prolly has a couple more super bowls to his name. Gotta look at all of it!!!!!!

In 2003, for example. PM had a 9/4 TD/INT ratio w/ a 106.4 QBR. Soooo, what happened? Ran into the Patriots, who actually had a D and a better team.


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My unpopular opinion is the Buffalo Bills of the 90’s were one of the best teams in history. If Scott Norwood makes that kick then the Bills are remembered completely different. They dominated in the AFC when Marino and Elway were in their prime. They beat the 49ers and Cowboys in the regular season when we were at our best.

They were patient zero for what I call “Mike McCathy syndrome”. They always had their worst game at the worst time.
And don't forget that in the next 3 super bowls, they go run over by juggernauts, teams that were simply better than them. In the first DALL/BUFF super bowl, Dall set a new record w/ 9 TOs.

In the 2nd one, BUFF led at halftime 13-6. What turned the game? D. A fumble recovery for a TD tied it, and then the D picked a pass off to stop a Bills scoring drive.

Offhand, I'd simply conclude that we caused them to play their worst w/ a great D performance.


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It's still shocking to me that so many fans have no clue that those 90's super bowls were won w/ D. That was a Defensive team, and the D turned all 3 super bowls around.
I’m a huge fan of Troy Aikman but I got to agree with you here. I’ve been binge watching the old 90’s Cowboy games on YouTube. Ahh YouTube, where were you my whole life. Those 90’s defenses were off the charts. We were 3 deep at every position. And the scheme was on point.

I love Aikman and I feel he’s one of the best all time due his accuracy but those defenses were monsters that got overshadowed by the fireworks of the offense.

One thing I will say about Aikman though. He was otherworldly accurate. I mean he was like an alien. Again I’ve been watching the old 90’s games and Aikman put the ball on the numbers. I’ll watch Aikman for a while and then I’ll watch todays QBs and their not accurate like Troy. Troy didn’t put up big numbers but his skill was making it almost impossible to play defense against our passing game.

But I completely agree with your take. Those defenses were the heart and sole of them 90’s teams.


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so anytime dallas plays well, its rigged. specially when the offense does well. because Gawd knows Dak can't play a good game, so if he does, it must have been rigged. as if there has never ever ever, never been a QB that escaped a sack (see Romo escaping Watt!) or a 90+ yard TD pass.

this was by far the stupidest post you have put up lately. a feeble attempt and indirect attempt at Gawd knows what.

btw, if you believe what you wrote. I have a bridge in brooklyn I am trying to sell. I need to liquidate some assets, so I am going to give you a bargain. message me and we can negotiate a good deal. gauranteed to make you a lot of money. I promise
Anytime you see touchdowns for the opposing team that would have broken the Cowboys back negated by the officials,it was likely rigged. Anytime you see a team who is dominating the Cowboys suddenly self destruct and then see the Cowboys seemingly in complete control despite struggling the entire game, and any time you see a coach refuse to kick a field goal that would cement the win for his team and decide to go for it on 4th and goal from the 4, it was probably rigged.
When you see a penalty called AFTER the play was over that takes away the winning score from the opponent, and when you see a professional football player whiff on a sack for a safety that turns into a 92 yd td, it was probably rigged.


Well-Known Member
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I think the NFL has become the new WWF, and most, if not all, games are rigged. Muscle bound athletes are allowed to run up and down the field making plays for the entertainment, but the winners are chosen in a board room and the referees control the outcome.
I think the Dallas/Detroit game was rigged, and Derrick Barnes whiffed on the sack of Dak Prescott for a safety, and the 92 yd touchdown pass was set up to ensure that the fans were in a good mood for Jimmy Johnson's Ring of Honor induction.
I think Dallas was the recipient of at least 4 rigged victories in 2022; the Lions, Colts, Texans, and even the Bears games were all rigged to portray Dallas as an offensive powerhouse with Dak at quarterback because Jerry needed to keep fans hoping.
And I think Taylor Swift is the reason the Kansas City Chiefs went from mediocre to Super Bowl Champions last year.
The NFL wasn't going to miss out on the popularity she brought and the money to be made off of gambling.
Travis Kelce could end up being commissioner one day if he marries Swift.
This is a thread about unpopular opinions, not stupid conspiracy theories.