Ware Release: has the Organization Changed? ***Ware Mega Merge-place all Ware threads here please***


Pixel Pusher
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I'm going to say this once and once only. I understand that this game is a what have you done lately but most of yall act like Ware has been healthy for the last 2 years. If we cut ware like Atlanta did Abraham and Ware goes some where and gets almost 12 sacks like Abraham did. And we end up winning as many games as Atlanta did in a Draft that will have no chance of a clowney like player we'd all look stupid.

Atlanta did have a shot at an Abraham type player in 2011 (Aldon Smith, J.J. Watt, Robert Quinn), instead they took Julio Jones in 2011. Having or not having Ware is not the decision that will make or break this team, it's all the other decisions. You can keep or cut Ware and still end up a better or worse team.

Personally, I don't get the Ware hate. The guy earned a big contract, one was offered to him and he signed it. He did everything he was supposed to, but because of some pretty awful decisions that were beyond his control, his contract is now a lead weight around the franchises' neck. Something has to give.


Cowboys Diehard
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It's interesting that both parties are waiting until the 11th hour to get into their serious discussions. Tomorrow should bring some momentous news concerning Ware's and the Cowboys' situation. The posturing will have to cease for sure by then. Hopefully, both sides will see things as a mutual opportunity to make things work out for the best, whatever that may be. In the end, if they
can't arrive at a mutually satisfactory arrangement, I'm confident both DeMarcus and the team will be better off.


Active Member
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Atlanta did have a shot at an Abraham type player in 2011 (Aldon Smith, J.J. Watt, Robert Quinn), instead they took Julio Jones in 2011. Having or not having Ware is not the decision that will make or break this team, it's all the other decisions. You can keep or cut Ware and still end up a better or worse team.

Personally, I don't get the Ware hate. The guy earned a big contract, one was offered to him and he signed it. He did everything he was supposed to, but because of some pretty awful decisions that were beyond his control, his contract is now a lead weight around the franchises' neck. Something has to give.

I'm not speaking about who Atlanta could have drafted. I'm speaking of who they let go and had a worst defense. We could get worst. Imagine having a DE that only gets 2-3 sacks a season. But yes Ware did deserve his contact and earned it year in and year out and why people want him gone like he put up numbers in a phantom year is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
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I'm 'eh' either way. If he goes, thanks for the good times.


Well-Known Member
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Same here, I hate to see cornerstone players leave the only franchise theyve ever had but I also hate seeing there level of play kill the team.

I spoke to a guy who actually just met Ware yesterday at a function. He talked with him a little and Ware actually said he was injured more than the report showed, the third week there was some issue with his groin. He said, per the guy, he was healthy but Ware said the same thing last year. But even if that's the case, it's the injuries occuring on a regular nowadays that is a clear issue in whether or not one wants to sign him. If he wants to win a championship on this last leg, it's probably in his best interests to sign with a team that's on the verge, like a Denver. An impact here won't necessarily affect the direction of the team and it wouldn't hold the rebuilding process back, unless it's s short term.


A Work in Progress
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I'm going to say this once and once only. I understand that this game is a what have you done lately but most of yall act like Ware has been healthy for the last 2 years. If we cut ware like Atlanta did Abraham and Ware goes some where and gets almost 12 sacks like Abraham did. And we end up winning as many games as Atlanta did in a Draft that will have no chance of a clowney like player we'd all look stupid.

If Ware gets healthy, and stays healthy for a whole season (which at this point, is kind of a big if), and has a dominant season, then there will be on Jerry's face for sure. But even a 12 sack season isn't worth $12 mill (16 mill against the cap). I don't want to see him released, but unfortunately it appears as if circumstances dictate it.


Well-Known Member
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This is going to be interesting... especially the part about freeing up some room to re-sign Hatcher. If this is true, I hope he doesn't overpay since Hatch IS on the wrong side of 30.


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I don't want to see Ware go and hope we come to terms that work for both sides BUT

if we do have to get rid of him, why not trade him?

If he is getting the vibe that he can make so much on the open market then surely he is worth a draft pick to some team. It wouldn't make a difference of the cap and there is really no rush to release him on our end.

The only reason not to do it is if we are targeting a high priced FA and need the cap space immediately.Even with that, we can still maneuver around the cap with Witten's contract and releasing players like Durant and Orton.


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Why would some one give up a draft pick for that contract and when they know your going to release him anyways.

Fla Cowpoke

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The effect on the cap is the same as if he is cut, the question is who is going to trade for his deal? And if he would be willing to cut his salary to go somewhere else, why wouldn't he do it here?


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Why would some one give up a draft pick for that contract and when they know your going to release him anyways.

Well Id think it would be a trade and sign

and they can avoid a bidding war and garuntee his services


Well-Known Member
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If he would sign a new deal then why wouldn't he sign a new deal with dallas?

I dunno..Maybe is doesn't see us as being competitive and wants to win a Superbowl, prefers the 3-4, doesn't have faith in our medical staff, ect.

Just want to say that this sucks! The Steelers found a way to keep Palamolou(sp?) in Pittsburgh..I'm gonna be rattled tomorrow if Ware is released


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Everybody taking pay cuts and agreeing too stay with their respective team yet we have this with Ware, sources have said they expect something too happen by tomorrow's 4pm eastern start too free agency, he stays or goes? Who do we go after if he does? IMO I hope he stays. Wonder if it's him or his agent just trying too get more money and of course doing his job.