What does everyone do for a living?

LaTunaNostra said:
Ad, apparently lobster tacos served hot are the Dallas specialty of some big hotel and its famous chef located near the convention center.

I'm allergic to lobster and wouldn't dare try compete with any famous chef, so he can forget about getting any more of those tacos til the next Big D training.
Cool, I was thinking that I had to make a pilgrimage to the north east for them. I am glad that they are only a hop, jump, and a skip away.
Yeagermeister said:
A couple of yrs ago when we were switching our apartments software my boss was looking for a training site. He actually asked me how close El Paso was to Dallas :D

Yeah lets send everyone from Houston, Austin and Dallas 8 hrs to El Paso for training :D

One night in Juarez, and half of his staff would never be heard from again... trust me on this one, I majored in golf and minored in Juarez when I went to UTEP...
BrAinPaiNt said:
LOL I remember leaving basic in El Paso and heading to AIT in San Antonio on a bus.

There was nothing on either side of the road...just barren and seeminly an endless straight road.

Fell alseep and woke up and it was the exact same scenery lol.

We stopped midways to eat at some small hole in the wall diner that looked like it was part of set for Gunsmoke...kept waiting for Miss Kitty, Sam and Festus to pop out of the back room lol.

Bet ya their special was chicken fried steak in cream gravy... yummmmm...
adbutcher said:
You have been dealing with inferior engineers. The best designs are intuitive and should be able to be put together without reading a long winded novel posing as instruction manuals. :) If you can't look at the picture on the box to put it together then what's the point? :D

I just wanna know why they keep putting all those extra parts in the boxes... every time I get one of those things put together, there's always an assortment of parts unused...

I figure they do that for the klutzes, who are liable to break a part or two along the way... :D
Juke99 said:
I'm a moderator at CowboysZone. :)

The pay is lousy, the benefits worse, the hours atrocious... but that's all offset by having to deal with some really annoying members. :D

Professional troll killer here... as Juke said, the pay ain't great, but there are compensations...

For openers, women, children and dogs adore me... and of course, I have the serenity that comes from knowing you're performing a valuable public service...
silverbear said:
I just wanna know why they keep putting all those extra parts in the boxes... every time I get one of those things put together, there's always an assortment of parts unused...

I figure they do that for the klutzes, who are liable to break a part or two along the way... :D
Ad makes me laugh. He has such contempt for us mechanically/analogically/ digitally/technologially non-inclined types.

I know when I look at those box covers the Peter Principle meets Murphy's Law.

Every time.
silverbear said:
One night in Juarez, and half of his staff would never be heard from again... trust me on this one, I majored in golf and minored in Juarez when I went to UTEP...

LOL A night or two before we left basic we got to have a pass.

A few of us ventured to Juarez and wound up in some bar.....One idiot with us kept playing la bamba on the juke box over and over because it was the only song he recognized.....Part of me wanted to smack him, the smarter part of me just decided to go back to the barracks lol.
Mebbe a serious reply is in order here... I have basically worked in two fields throughout my adult, employable life...

When I quit college, it was because I was spending all my time on a golf course; I came by it honestly, my Dad was a golf pro, at first for the Army for the last 3 years of his 20 (at the Army course just outside Heidelberg, Germany)... when he retired from the Army he became a club pro fulltime here in Virginia, then in southwestern Pennsylvania...

So, I quit school and went to work as his assistant pro, then after he died, I was offered his job, and had my only head pro's job for the next 4 years... the best 4 years of my life, though the hours were brutal in midsummer...

But in the fullness of time, the owner of the course (a 70-something retired Lieutenant General) decided he wanted to stop working and move down to Florida fulltime, so he sold the course-- to a golf pro who had apparently made some REAL good money... obviously, that guy didn't need a golf pro, so I headed back to the Shenandoah Valley...

At that point, an opportunity came up to get into the hotel biz, working as a night auditor... this is supposedly an entry level management position, and I figured that building some credentials in the hotel biz, along with my already-established credentials in the golf biz, would make me uniquely qualified to run a golf resort-type operation...

But in the real world, if a hotel owner gets a night auditor who will actually stick around for more than a few months, and who actually shows up to work when he's supposed to, that poor auditor will be in that position FOREVER...

And here I am, 20-odd years later, still doing the night audit thing... oh well, I actually like the job... it's low stress, I don't have to deal with too many customers on that shift, and I can play golf any day the mood strikes me... I get off work at 7, head to the golf course, and be one of the first off the first tee... off the course by 10:30-11:00, generally before the day gets too hot...

I'm not getting rich, in fact at times I struggle with my finances... but I did make pretty good money when I was workin' as a golf pro, so I own my house and car outright, which means I don't require a big paycheck to sustain me... got most of the big boy's toys, too...

Now all I need is a woman... had one of those when I was working at that club up in Pennsylvania, a pretty little cocktail waitress... but that's been a while ago... :(
BrAinPaiNt said:
LOL A night or two before we left basic we got to have a pass.

A few of us ventured to Juarez and wound up in some bar.....One idiot with us kept playing la bamba on the juke box over and over because it was the only song he recognized.....Part of me wanted to smack him, the smarter part of me just decided to go back to the barracks lol.

I had one memorable evening where I ate three, maybe four, maybe ten of the agave worms (nobody else in my group had cojones enough to eat them, and I wasn't gonna let 'em go to waste), and tried REAL hard to convince the border guards that I was Japanese as I was comin' back across the border...

When you come back across, the guards ask you the same sort of questions-- nationality, if you have anything to declare (IOW, if you're bringing anything back to the US side)... well, I was starin' at my reflection in the window as I was waitin' my turn, and it occurred to me that my eyes were narrowed to slits courtesy of the night's debachery, that I looked kinda Japanese... and for some reason, I got a little annoyed at them asking each of my buddies if they had anything to declare; I mean, we were all in cutoff shorts, sleeveless T-shirts and sandals, where could we possibly be hiding anything??

So, when it came my turn, I drew myself up to my full 5'8" tall, stared belligerently at the border guard, and said "I'm Japanese, you stupid sumb*tch"...

At which point I passed out... my buddies say that's the only thing that kept me from seein' the inside of a Juarez jail that night...

At least one of my buddies got to where he wouldn't go to Juarez if you paid him, though... he fell in drunken lust with one of our "waitresses" this one evening... a waitress with a rather large Adam's apple, if you catch my drift...

I could tell you all KINDS of stories about Jua-hoopie... I received a "liberal" education while I was there, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the kind of education my folks had in mind, LOL...
Wow Silver Bear. I went to UTEP, 1980-1983. What years were you there? The football program stunk, but the Hoops were great. :D
Star-Fan said:
Wow Silver Bear. I went to UTEP, 1980-1983. What years were you there? The football program stunk, but the Hoops were great. :D

1970 and 1971... the football program stunk back then, too... we used to hold postgame victory parties when we won the coin toss... :D

There was some wiseacre sports writer back then who had what he called the "Bottom Ten" each week, and UTEP was invariably highly ranked... he referred to us as "Texas of El Intercepted Paso"...

Which is why most of us in the dorm were hardcore Longhorns fans; after all, we WERE part of the University of Texas chain, governed by the same board of regents...

The basketball program was quite good back then, and I had a coupla friends from that team who went on to play in the NBA-- Gus Bailey and Dick Gibbs... Bailey was a 6-5 stringbean with long, spidery arms, who loved to sneak up behind me when I was practicing my free-throw shooting and block my shot from behind, then run off laughing... sadly, he was murdered a few years back, stabbed to death in New Orleans by his girlfriend... Gibbs was a 6-9 Mormon boy who was already married, and had a SWEET stroke on jumpers in the 15-20 foot range... he was particularly dangerous along the baseline...

Coincidentally, both of them wound up playing for the Washington Bullets at one time or another, and that has always been my NBA team... it was fun taking a date to the Capital Center (where they played at the time), and wandering down near courtside during the pregame shootaround, then catching their attention... my dates' eyes always got REAL big when they'd recognize me and come over to say hi...

But back when I was there, UTEP's strongest program by far was their track and field program... while the Sun Bowl might draw 30,000 for a home football game, and the county Colosseum was filled with 15,000 fans for a basketball game, I once attended a dual track meet with BYU where 45,000 folks showed up...

One of the things I miss most about El Paso was playing golf at the Ascarate Park public course; I could always shoot lights out on that one, I even had one day where I had THREE eagles... didn't have any birdies, though... three eagles will help keep your score pretty respectable...
LaTunaNostra said:
Ad makes me laugh. He has such contempt for us mechanically/analogically/ digitally/technologially non-inclined types.

I know when I look at those box covers the Peter Principle meets Murphy's Law.

Every time.
Murphy's Law I know but this Peter Principle you speak of went over my head, lol.

Not contempt but bewilderment.:) My wife is the perfect example; she is exceptionally smart dang near a straight ‘A’ student her entire life but blows a circuit when it comes to assembling components. Till this day we won't do projects together because she says I am a Tyrant and I talk down to her. :confused: So when we buy some poorly design desk or cabinet that needs to be put together it is me all by my self and I couldn't be happier, lol.

Also the perfect engineered system defies Murphy and his ill begotten laws. :D
I am a Vice President of Customer Relations in a commercial printing company. So, if you ask me a question about Customer Relations, I will give you an answer that is thiiiiiis close to presidential.


More importantly, I am still an aspiring Beatle. I've recently had a song contracted by a music publisher who is shopping it to established artists. AND this week, I will be the featured artist on the broadjam website which is the largest on line music community in the world.
adbutcher said:
Murphy's Law I know but this Peter Principle you speak of went over my head, lol.

Not contempt but bewilderment.:) My wife is the perfect example; she is exceptionally smart dang near a straight ‘A’ student her entire life but blows a circuit when it comes to assembling components. Till this day we won't do projects together because she says I am a Tyrant and I talk down to her. :confused: So when we buy some poorly design desk or cabinet that needs to be put together it is me all by my self and I couldn't be happier, lol.

Also the perfect engineered system defies Murphy and his ill begotten laws. :D
The Peter Principle you will love, Ad.

It was the brainchild of Laurence J Peter who wrote a book on it a few decades ago. His thesis was that in any organization, each worker will be promoted to his own particular level of incompetence.

Meaning, if you're a very good positions coach, you will end up destroying a team as a coordinator when you get that job. :laugh2:
LaTunaNostra said:
The Peter Principle you will love, Ad.

It was the brainchild of Laurence J Peter who wrote a book on it a few decades ago. His thesis was that in any organization, each worker will be promoted to his own particular level of incompetence.

Meaning, if you're a very good positions coach, you will end up destroying a team as a coordinator when you get that job. :laugh2:

*tapping foot"

Uh, where is your new sig pic?
Woody'sGirl said:
I've been a technical writer since undergrad. I'm pretty good if I must say so, myself... :) I was a contractor for many years and just decided to go perm for awhile. Tired of always needing to hustle for a new gig.

And I completely understand about those assembly instructions. I've personally put together half the furniture in my office (including the plywood bookshelf from Walmart :) ) and spare bedroom at home. I just put my treadmill together and I'll be doing my home gym in a couple months. That should be big fun. :rolleyes: My suggestion is layout all the materials from the box, read the instructions completely, identify which material goes where and then start. Don't start without at leasting scanning the instructions.
you read instructions and use all the pieces?
what a chick thing to do, lol.

Juke99 said:
*tapping foot"

Uh, where is your new sig pic?

"New" in my world means today's. ;)

(Henson to Glenn would be nice :D )

Actually Juke, I was putting in a re-sized version and lost my connection..haven't got back to doing it yet.

But I will.
LaTunaNostra said:

"New" in my world means today's. ;)

(Henson to Glenn would be nice :D )

Actually Juke, I was putting in a re-sized version and lost my connection..haven't got back to doing it yet.

But I will.

I'm just teasin' on ya...I know how fickle you female types can be. :D

If you want, I'll set it up for ya....just lemme know.

Juke99 said:
I'm just teasin' on ya...I know how fickle you female types can be. :D

If you want, I'll set it up for ya....just lemme know.

Oh yeah, I'm letting you know. ;)

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