Mebbe a serious reply is in order here... I have basically worked in two fields throughout my adult, employable life...
When I quit college, it was because I was spending all my time on a golf course; I came by it honestly, my Dad was a golf pro, at first for the Army for the last 3 years of his 20 (at the Army course just outside Heidelberg, Germany)... when he retired from the Army he became a club pro fulltime here in Virginia, then in southwestern Pennsylvania...
So, I quit school and went to work as his assistant pro, then after he died, I was offered his job, and had my only head pro's job for the next 4 years... the best 4 years of my life, though the hours were brutal in midsummer...
But in the fullness of time, the owner of the course (a 70-something retired Lieutenant General) decided he wanted to stop working and move down to Florida fulltime, so he sold the course-- to a golf pro who had apparently made some REAL good money... obviously, that guy didn't need a golf pro, so I headed back to the Shenandoah Valley...
At that point, an opportunity came up to get into the hotel biz, working as a night auditor... this is supposedly an entry level management position, and I figured that building some credentials in the hotel biz, along with my already-established credentials in the golf biz, would make me uniquely qualified to run a golf resort-type operation...
But in the real world, if a hotel owner gets a night auditor who will actually stick around for more than a few months, and who actually shows up to work when he's supposed to, that poor auditor will be in that position FOREVER...
And here I am, 20-odd years later, still doing the night audit thing... oh well, I actually like the job... it's low stress, I don't have to deal with too many customers on that shift, and I can play golf any day the mood strikes me... I get off work at 7, head to the golf course, and be one of the first off the first tee... off the course by 10:30-11:00, generally before the day gets too hot...
I'm not getting rich, in fact at times I struggle with my finances... but I did make pretty good money when I was workin' as a golf pro, so I own my house and car outright, which means I don't require a big paycheck to sustain me... got most of the big boy's toys, too...
Now all I need is a woman... had one of those when I was working at that club up in Pennsylvania, a pretty little cocktail waitress... but that's been a while ago...