Williams facing hazy future - Mosley - 5/24/08

41gy#;2094443 said:
"I saw Moss blaze down the seam. I wasn't able to take the right position. I should have read it faster and taken the proper angle. I take all the blame".

Roy Williams ( on the two Santana Moss TDs)


That is an interesting quote because from what I have been told Roy never accepts blame.
41gy#;2094437 said:
I do respect you, but how can a safety playing deep not have deep coverage responsibility?

You do understand that a safety isn't always playing a deep zone, right? That sometimes he has other responsibilties.

Williams was the last line of defense back there. Glenn was playing the sideline with inside help from Williams.

Glenn has to know when he does and doesn't have help in that coverage.

How can a safety not be responsible for a receiver running right at him or his area?

Moss was never running "right at Roy," nor did Roy have "an area." Roy was responsible for Cooley, not Moss.

There is a reason he was being taken out on third down or passing downs.

Roy was almost NEVER taken out on third downs, and he almost never was taken out in any passing situation.

What about Jeremy Stevens burning him twice in the Seattle playoff game?

Stevens beat Roy once, just like he beat Troy Polamalu in the Super Bowl (on the same play). Stevens' other touchdown was more Bradie James' fault.

What about the "Peter Pan" on Shaun Alexander in the playoff game with the game on the line?

What in the world is a Peter Pan? I've never heard that used in a football forum before.

What about him isolated with Steve Smith in the divisional playoff game, in zone, after Newman passes Smith off to him? That was a coaching mistake. I guess Smith smoking him wasn't his fault, either.

Which play are you talking about? None of Smith's catches in that game come close to matching up with your description.

Go back and look at the T.J. Duckett long run this year at Detroit. Roy was the eighth defender in the box and the last line of defense. He totally misread the play.

On Duckett's run, Roy came up to support on the outside, where the lead blocker was going (and blocked Ellis). Jones ran right up the middle, where Canty completely whiffed on the tackle in the backfield, Ayodele got manhandled and James was way too late shedding his blocker. If Roy came up to support in the middle, where Ayodele and James already were, there would have been nobody to defend the outside.

You can say "Roy misread the play," but he obviously was reading the lead blocker and expected the running back to follow. Whether he was supposed to read the lead blocker or not is the question. What is not debatable is that Canty whiffed on the tackle in the backfield and Ayodele and James played it poorly.

He completely whiffed on a goal-line TD in the same game.

Roy didn't whiff on anything. He was blitzing off the offense's right edge. The TD went behind the left guard. There were four or five defenders lined up in the middle who were supposed to stop the Lions from running up the middle, and they failed.

What about his pitter-patter pursuit and poor angle to the football on the Amonte Toomer TD? His Pete Rose slide was just swell. There is nothing like settling for the triple. He didn't hustle. He could have at least chased the guy. He gave up in a divisional playoff game.

He didn't give up or slide. He got tripped. And what about the two guys who actually were responsible for allowing the catch and missing the tackle? Funny how Roy gets blamed and they don't.

Getting Williams out of deep coverage and Ken Hamlin in deep coverage is a major reason Dallas didn't give up bombs this past year.

Roy played plenty of deep coverage last season and was never burned deep. He allowed one completion thrown more than 20 yards downfield, and that was when he was lined up close to the line of scrimmage and played man-to-man.
I went back and looked at both plays again. On both plays Glenn, who is playing the numbers or sideline, appears to be depending on Roy Williams for outside help. Is Dallas really going to leave Aaron Glenn on Santana Moss with no help deep, especially, after Moss has already scored one time on a bomb. If Roy isn't his help deep, who is his help deep on the play? Roy is deep, and he is the closest defender to Moss in deep patrol. I know Dallas played Roy in cover-2, and he was burned way too much.

On the first one, Williams bites or turns his hips away from Moss while he watches Cooley being covered towards the middle of the field. Cooley breaks off his intermediate route towards Keith Davis' part of the field. While this is going on, Moss is streaking right at him while Glenn is beatten. Williams reads the play wrong and reacts too slowly. As a result, he's beatten, too. He failed to watch the fastest player on their team who was lined up on his part of the feild. He didn't pay enough attention to him. He must not have felt threatened by him, I guess.

On the second one, Moss just runs right at him and gets behind him again. Hmm. They went right back at Williams. He had the inside/ deep part of the field that he was playing. Again, Glenn has playing the numbers/sideline. Roy was in deep patrol, and he was burned again. Unless, the Invisible Woman was behind Roy Williams, he was responsible on the play.

If Roy's attitude and preparation were better, perhaps the fans wouldn't be on him. He is getting paid major jack and underperforming, and he can't reschedule a vacation, so he can work on his skills. How about letting Nick Eatman tell the fans how hard you are working to improve. Oh, that's right. Roy doesn't like him, either.

Roy seems like a selfish player to me. Through his words and actions, he seems like he thinks he doesn't have problelms or issues with his own play. It 's the scheme, ect.. Now, he dosen't want the ball thrown at him. Patrick Watkins says he likes to cover the TE one-on-one. What a concept for a safety.

Roy's play the last two Decembers and Januaries have been pathetic. But, hey. He can always drill a rookie in training camp, like he did Fasano.
41gy#;2094464 said:
I went back and looked at both plays again. On both plays Glenn, who is playing the numbers or sideline, appears to be depending on Roy Williams for outside help. Is Dallas really going to leave Aaron Glenn on Santana Moss with no help deep, especially, after Moss has already scored one time on a bomb. If Roy isn't his help deep, who is his help deep on the play? Roy is deep, and he is the closest defender to Moss in deep patrol. I know Dallas played Roy in cover-2, and he was burned way too much.

On the first one, Williams bites or turns his hips away from Moss while he watches Cooley being covered towards the middle of the field. Cooley breaks off his intermediate route towards Keith Davis' part of the field. While this is going on, Moss is streaking right at him while Glenn is beatten. Williams reads the play wrong and reacts too slowly. As a result, he's beatten, too. He failed to watch the fastest player on their team who was lined up on his part of the feild. He didn't pay enough attention to him. He must not have felt threatened by him, I guess.

Maybe you need to read what already has been posted in this thread about the coverage and responsibilities on that play.
41gy#;2094443 said:
"I saw Moss blaze down the seam. I wasn't able to take the right position. I should have read it faster and taken the proper angle. I take all the blame".

Roy Williams ( on the two Santana Moss TDs)


AdamJT13;2094468 said:
Maybe you need to read what already has been posted in this thread about the coverage and responsibilities on that play.
what do you got to say about that, adam?

Here is the play Roy does his best Pete Rose slide. The Russian judge gave him a 3.3.

I don't see anyone tripping him. I see a SS, in a divisional playoff game, pitter-pattering to the football like Sylvester the Cat. He takes a poor angle to the ball while pitter-pattering, gets caught up in trash and gives up. At least chase the guy. It's a playoff game.
41gy#;2094472 said:

Here is the play Roy does his best Pete Rose slide. The Russian judge gave him a 3.3.

I don't see anyone tripping him. I see a SS, in a divisional playoff game, pitter-pattering to the football like Sylvester the Cat. He takes a poor angle to the ball while pitter-pattering, gets caught up in trash and gives up. At least chase the guy. It's a playoff game.
link is no good. but watch i believe his left foot right before he fell or slid
41gy#;2094472 said:

Here is the play Roy does his best Pete Rose slide. The Russian judge gave him a 3.3.

I don't see anyone tripping him. I see a SS, in a divisional playoff game, pitter-pattering to the football like Sylvester the Cat. He takes a poor angle to the ball while pitter-pattering, gets caught up in trash and gives up. At least chase the guy. It's a playoff game.

It's not hard to see his left foot get caught up in the Giants player's left foot. It's rather obvious that he was tripped.

There was no "pitter pattering" to be seen.

Go look back at what Roy Williams said about the play, even he took blame.

Quarters coverage is a zone coverage. It is called cover-4. Dallas played some cover-3 this year, and took Williams out of the deep 1/3 of the field for a reason when Watkins came into the game.

If Roy was "never" at fault like you claim, why did Phillips get him the heck out of the deep part of the field for the most part?

Again, Steve Smith abused him before the half of the playoff game. I guess that was Newman's fault according to the way your explaining things, anyone but the our "Pro Bowl" safety.
Rampage;2094474 said:
link is no good. but watch i believe his left foot right before he fell or slid

You have to go to the game highlights up top and select the playoff game highlights. It's the first play on the highlight reel.
I'll give you that he may have tripped. However, there is no question about his pitter-patter pursuit. He is loafing like he may break eggs on the ground.

The angle he took to the football was terrible. He got caught up in trash due to his poor angle to the football. He could have at least got on his feet and chased Toomer, whether he could catch him or not. The tackles were poor. Williams not getting up to chase Toomer is just like an outfielder not chasing a misplayed ball.
Rampage;2094469 said:
what do you got to say about that, adam?

We've been talking about the first play -- Roy was talking about the second play, which is the only one when he even had a chance to double-team Moss. But in order to do that and stop the play, he would have had to anticipate leaving his primary responsibility (Cooley again) before he had a complete read on it. He did that, just not quite soon enough. He was blaming himself for not anticipating the play sooner, not because he blew his responsibility. He explained his quote a few days after that game. He was trying to step up and take the blame, even though he was put in a difficult position and there wasn't much he could do. Like Parcells said, it really wasn't Roy's fault.

At 1:11, this video will show Dallas' $ 25 million dollar safety doing a "Peter Pan" on the fullback (Strong) while the an NFL MVP gets the football on third down and long for a running play.

If Williams seeks out Alexander, he could have stopped him and got the ball back for Romo one last time, on their side of the field, with plenty of time left.

The "in the box" safety was in the box, with the game on the line, and busted the play, a play Parcells would say:

"I don't know what he's thinking".
41gy#;2094498 said:

At 1:11, this video will show Dallas' $ 25 million dollar safety doing a "Peter Pan" on the fullback (Strong) while the an NFL MVP gets the football on third down and long for a running play.

If Williams seeks out Alexander, he could have stopped him and got the ball back for Romo one last time, on their side of the field, with plenty of time left.

The "in the box" safety was in the box, with the game on the line, and busted the play, a play Parcells would say:

"I don't know what he's thinking".

Holy **** dude.

Reach much?
All of you guys are arguing and have no idea what actual coverage was even called by the D Cor. LOL.

Maybe two of the players weren't on the same page? Maybe they heard the wrong call in the huddle? Maybe one of them wasn't even paying attention in the huddle?

It's a futile argument.

Roy's biggest problem in coverage is that he's undisciplined. He looks into the backfield way too much and never keeps his eyes on the receiver he's assigned to cover.

If he was watching Santana Moss on these TD's he would have seen he was running the post. Instead he's watching the QB and then doesn't have enough speed to get back into proper position to make a play on the ball.

Haven't you even noticed that Roy is often caught leaning one way and then he has to regroup and go the exact opposite way to make the tackle?
dcfanatic;2094504 said:
All of you guys are arguing and have no idea what actual coverage was even called by the D Cor. LOL.

Maybe two of the players weren't on the same page? Maybe they heard the wrong call in the huddle? Maybe one of them wasn't even paying attention in the huddle?

It's a futile argument.

Roy's biggest problem in coverage is that he's undisciplined. He looks into the backfield way too much and never keeps his eyes on the receiver he's assigned to cover.

If he was watching Santana Moss on these TD's he would have seen he was running the post. Instead he's watching the QB and then doesn't have enough speed to get back into proper position to make a play on the ball.

Haven't you even noticed that Roy is often caught leaning one way and then he has to regroup and go the exact opposite way to make the tackle?

So you're saying you understand what happened better than anyone else while telling everyone they are stupid for thinking they understand what happened better than anyone else? Go figure.
Lots of things come to mind with ROy, I luv him....but ... if he has no desire to overcome his adversity then he has no place on this team.
dcfanatic;2094504 said:
All of you guys are arguing and have no idea what actual coverage was even called by the D Cor. LOL.

Except the coaches have said what the coverage was and what the safeties' responsibilties were in that coverage.
Goldenrichards83;2094065 said:
That wasn't the question. The guy said Roy season on 05 was ok but I proved it was better than just okay. By the way he led all safties in turnovers in 06 as well.

So what? Dallas played a lot of cover-2 last year. Parcells played an overly conservative defense last year meant to protect against the big play. Deep balls into double-coverage are surely going to give you more turnovers.

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