Williams facing hazy future - Mosley - 5/24/08

WDN;2094790 said:
I wasn't the one complaining.

well then follow your own advice and simply don't read it. after all, it's simple, right?
iceberg;2094791 said:
well then follow your own advice and simply don't read it. after all, it's simple, right?

Like I said I wasn't complaining about anything. I was offering advice. You don't want it and that is fine. Just trying to end your frustration for you.
WDN;2094795 said:
Like I said I wasn't complaining about anything. I was offering advice. You don't want it and that is fine. Just trying to end your frustration for you.

believe me - i'm close to ending it for myself.
Cowboyz88;2094753 said:
Oh, you got me good. I'm so opposite the fair weathered, its ridiculous. I was there when I was ten years old. I was there, in person, for bounty bowl (one of the coldest games I ever attended, BTW), seen five SuperBowl victories, two SuperBowl losses, the catch, Harper's slant and run and everything in between.

Now, you want to go over every player on the team? No thanks, but understand that I think Carpenter's a bust, but he's still on his rookie contract, so there's not much anyone can do. Those are the breaks with rookie contacts.

Again, my feelings on Akin are know... He is, correctly, no longer on the team.

Now, if you're gonna sit there and tell everyone that your expectations for Newman and Barber haven't changed, then you're either a fool or a liar.

Geez man, now that he's given them all that money, Jerry's sure not expecting them to lay an egg either, and if you think he's happy with Roy's recent play, you're crazy.
Because you been a fan for all those years has nothing to do with you being fairweathered. See I have been a fan for 30 years myself and i've watched every Cowboy game for the last 20 years. Cliff Harris, Charlie Waters, Dennis Thurman, and many others have struggled did you throw them under the bus as well. 7 years this guy gives us overe 500 tackles 19 ints 56 pdef and guys like you can't cut the guy some slack because he had an above average year. I could imagine what you said about the Cowboy greats before they came great. Stauback struggled to did you throw him under the bus before he got it together. What about Billy Joe Dupree, Randy White, did you give up on them too.

By the way I do expect Newman and barber to perform up to their capabilities but I surely won't throw them under the bus and make 90% of my post about how they sucked when they don't live up to my expectations but thats just me.
Goldenrichards83;2094797 said:
Because you been a fan for all those years has nothing to do with you being fairweathered. See I have been a fan for 30 years myself and i've watched every Cowboy game for the last 20 years. Cliff Harris, Charlie Waters, Dennis Thurman, and many others have struggled did you throw them under the bus as well. 7 years this guy gives us overe 500 tackles 19 ints 56 pdef and guys like you can't cut the guy some slack because he had an above average year. I could imagine what you said about the Cowboy greats before they came great. Stauback struggled to did you throw him under the bus before he got it together. What about Billy Joe Dupree, Randy White, did you give up on them too.

By the way I do expect Newman and barber to perform up to their capabilities but I surely won't throw them under the bus and make 90% of my post about how they sucked when they don't live up to my expectations but thats just me.

Did Staubach, White, Cliff Harris, Charlie Waters and Dennis Thurman decide to skip practice to go on vacation or neglect to study hard year after year?

RW is thrown under the bus becuase he could do things to not suck and chooses not to do them. If he wasnt dogging it for years then he wouldnt be getting hammered.
WDN;2094783 said:
Nobody said you had to reply to the topics. If you don't like the topics than ignore them. Threads only have life if someone replies to it. If you feed the "bashers" then you are doing the same thing.

In other words, if we don't like your embarrassing ignorance, we can just ignore it?
iceberg;2094796 said:
believe me - i'm close to ending it for myself.

Don't let them get to you. In the end, it's just another thread on a message board. Not worth getting worked up over. Read it, or don't read it, and move on.
FuzzyLumpkins;2094801 said:
Did Staubach, White, Cliff Harris, Charlie Waters and Dennis Thurman decide to skip practice to go on vacation or neglect to study hard year after year?

RW is thrown under the bus becuase he could do things to not suck and chooses not to do them. If he wasnt dogging it for years then he wouldnt be getting hammered.

Fuzzy. What do you honestly *know* about the reason Roy missed OTAs? And it is possible you're speculating to any extent about the reason he was absent? If it is, is it the rational thing to do to assume the worst? Keep in mind this is a Cowboy player, a good person, and someone we may be counting on improving this year to get us #6.
FuzzyLumpkins;2094801 said:
Did Staubach, White, Cliff Harris, Charlie Waters and Dennis Thurman decide to skip practice to go on vacation or neglect to study hard year after year?

RW is thrown under the bus becuase he could do things to not suck and chooses not to do them. If he wasnt dogging it for years then he wouldnt be getting hammered.
You don't know if Roy did that your speculating. No evidence. By the way back in those days(other than Stauback) those guys did far more worse things than Roy. Also they didn't have OTAs back in those days. You also don't know if they study hard at all so i am not getting your point.
Idgit;2094805 said:
Fuzzy. What do you honestly *know* about the reason Roy missed OTAs? And it is possible you're speculating to any extent about the reason he was absent? If it is, is it the rational thing to do to assume the worst? Keep in mind this is a Cowboy player, a good person, and someone we may be counting on improving this year to get us #6.

Yeah, i do. Its because he went on vacation. You know the whole what do voluntary mean thing. When any Cowboys player goes the route of a Hambrick its time for that player to go.
Goldenrichards83;2094797 said:
Because you been a fan for all those years has nothing to do with you being fairweathered. See I have been a fan for 30 years myself and i've watched every Cowboy game for the last 20 years. Cliff Harris, Charlie Waters, Dennis Thurman, and many others have struggled did you throw them under the bus as well. 7 years this guy gives us overe 500 tackles 19 ints 56 pdef and guys like you can't cut the guy some slack because he had an above average year. I could imagine what you said about the Cowboy greats before they came great. Stauback struggled to did you throw him under the bus before he got it together. What about Billy Joe Dupree, Randy White, did you give up on them too.

By the way I do expect Newman and barber to perform up to their capabilities but I surely won't throw them under the bus and make 90% of my post about how they sucked when they don't live up to my expectations but thats just me.

Golden, from the sounds of it, we should be friends. ;)

If you've been a fan for that long, then you should realize that there's very seldom a status quo in athletics. An athlete is either on his way up or on his way down, and team's are always looking for the next great thing at every position. The window may be be greater for some, but again, every athlete is always looking over his shoulder.

The Cowboy "greats" (Staubach, White, Waters and Harris) and "really goods" (Dupree, Thurman) you mentioned were, from all accounts, all truly great leaders and great teammates. To my knowledge, outside of contract issues, none of them would've been ever caught missing team events. Captain America was the ultimate family man and the ultimate Cowboy, and he'd rather be caught dead than miss a team event and be perceived as a slacker either by his team or the fans.

Therein lies one on my many problems with Roy. When he first came into the league, almost everyone, including myself, thought he was the next great Cowboy. Geez, some even compared him to some of the all-time greats. Instead of living up to that billing, most of us saw the light that he was an overrated, mentally weak, finger pointing, cry baby and hardly worthy of even being mentioned with the all-time great Cowboys. Some took longer than others.

That said, as good or great as those legends were, everyone of them had a point where the game had passed them by. Some put off father time through discipline and hard work - a concept mostly lost on Roy.

So again, while I'll cheer on the guys who hopefully will someday be placed in the echelon of greats - Ware, Witten, etc - you guys can go ahead and defend the mirage. Goodness knows you will.

P.S. As my wife will attest, I'm more of a half-empty guy. I can't help it, it's a character flaw. That said, I really only complain about the things I really can't stand, so the truth is I'm probably 80-90% overjoyed with our team which is why I rarely post about the other players. IMO, if it's all good, then I'm good. May not be the way you do it, but it doesn't make me any less of a fan. Just different.
FuzzyLumpkins;2094815 said:
Yeah, i do. Its because he went on vacation. You know the whole what do voluntary mean thing. When any Cowboys player goes the route of a Hambrick its time for that player to go.

I've yet to see anything credibly reported about any details for Roy's absence. It's entirely possible there were extenuating circumstances. If nothing else, it was an exceedingly bad PR move.

I think you're jumping to harsh conclusions with only some of the evidence available to you.
Goldenrichards83;2094812 said:
You don't know if Roy did that your speculating. No evidence. By the way back in those days(other than Stauback) those guys did far more worse things than Roy. Also they didn't have OTAs back in those days. You also don't know if they study hard at all so i am not getting your point.

Are you saying Randy White or Cliff Harriss skipped practice?

I dont if they hang out in dumpsters with prostitutes when theyre not at VR or Texas Stadium as long as they show up to work and work hard. If a player is hurt or just getting old then of course you don't villify them. Thats not the case here.

He planned a vacation at the end of May and even other players have commented on how specious that is. There have been murmurrings for a couple of years now that RW doesnt put his everything into it. For years he was out of shape, now he looks woefully unpprepared out there. That could be on the coaches but new guys like Hamln dont seem to have that issue.

The guy has been dogging ot for years and then has the gall to do this after giving lip service to rededicating himself to his team. He deserves every bit he gets.
I can't believe Newman called him a "deer in headlights", but he sure did.

Between Ellis, Newman, the coaches, the media, and the fans Roy is taking it from all angles. Perfect time for a vacation!

Idgit;2094821 said:
I've yet to see anything credibly reported about any details for Roy's absence. It's entirely possible there were extenuating circumstances. If nothing else, it was an exceedingly bad PR move.

I think you're jumping to harsh conclusions with only some of the evidence available to you.

Look around. He went on vacation with his family quite literally. If you want to stick your head in the sand because you dont want to look at the Daily Zone for two minutes then so be it.
FuzzyLumpkins;2094826 said:
Look around. He went on vacation with his family quite literally. If you want to stick your head in the sand because you dont want to look at the Daily Zone for two minutes then so be it.

Gee. I hadn't heard that he went on vacation. And what is this 'daily zone' you speak of?

I'm saying you don't know a *single* extenuating circumstance about the absence and you're leaping to conclusions. I'm saying his coaches were ok with it, maybe there's a reason for that. I'm saying he just met with Stewart the week before, and the absence was excused. I'm saying you're confusing OTAs with practices and overreacting because you don't like the player anymore.

That's not my head, by the way. And that isn't sand.
Cowboyz88;2094820 said:
Golden, from the sounds of it, we should be friends. ;)

If you've been a fan for that long, then you should realize that there's very seldom a status quo in athletics. An athlete is either on his way up or on his way down, and team's are always looking for the next great thing at every position. The window may be be greater for some, but again, every athlete is always looking over his shoulder.

The Cowboy "greats" (Staubach, White, Waters and Harris) and "really goods" (Dupree, Thurman) you mentioned were, from all accounts, all truly great leaders and great teammates. To my knowledge, outside of contract issues, none of them would've been ever caught missing team events. Captain America was the ultimate family man and the ultimate Cowboy, and he'd rather be caught dead than miss a team event and be perceived as a slacker either by his team or the fans.

Therein lies one on my many problems with Roy. When he first came into the league, almost everyone, including myself, thought he was the next great Cowboy. Geez, some even compared him to some of the all-time greats. Instead of living up to that billing, most of us saw the light that he was an overrated, mentally weak, finger pointing, cry baby and hardly worthy of even being mentioned with the all-time great Cowboys. Some took longer than others.

That said, as good or great as those legends were, everyone of them had a point where the game had passed them by. Some put off father time through discipline and hard work - a concept mostly lost on Roy.

So again, while I'll cheer on the guys who hopefully will someday be placed in the echelon of greats - Ware, Witten, etc - you guys can go ahead and defend the mirage. Goodness knows you will.

P.S. As my wife will attest, I'm more of a half-empty guy. I can't help it, it's a character flaw. That said, I really only complain about the things I really can't stand, so the truth is I'm probably 80-90% overjoyed with our team which is why I rarely post about the other players. IMO, if it's all good, then I'm good. May not be the way you do it, but it doesn't make me any less of a fan. Just different.
I thought we were friends, we just don't see the same side of this issue. Look in some ways I am dissapointed in Roy but I defend him because most make him out to be this has been and its not the case. I played the game of football all 4 years in highschool and 2 years in college and what we always said is if you are struggleing in some aspect of the game you need to make it up in other ways. Yes Roy struggled in coverage but he made up for that by leading the team in solo tackles and 2nd in total tackles. but you guys act as if he is a total waste.

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