Without Dak this roster doesn't have a chance


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Yea but overall these Franchise QB’s market price contracts aren’t a pecking order. It represents more about when you signed. Like Dak 3 years ago his deal was close to the top but up until current deal was 14th highest paid which was probably a better pecking order for him.

These deals this summer in 2-3 years will be probably average assuming Cap continue rising about 10% a year. It’s obviously a flawed system when it comes to QB contracts but it doesn’t appear it’s going to change with supply and demand issues.

What we also don’t always take into account as fans is teams QB’s also represents the figurehead franchises promote their label which is a huge merchandising and recognition mechanism.

Without a Franchise QB it is very difficult to sell their fans they have a product to build around. At some point of course if fans lose faith then it can wear thin on fans and ownership. It doesn’t appear to have wore thin on our ownership yet which means Dak is still a product they believe they can promote and build some fans hope around.

The fact he has so many sponsors using him to promote their product would support this notion despite however sour some fans have become. We must always remember the NFL is a business first. And QB’s are the most marketable product in the game.

Fans will buy consistent winning. Baltimore has a strong base because they are consistent winners (and make deep postseason runs from time to time). Dallas because of their legacy and 5 SB’s. QB’s are pretty easy to create storylines around, but building a better overall product is much smarter and is less reliant on one person who has a shelf life (and Dak’s is quickly running out).


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Even if we sat down together, broke every play down on slow terms, placed some on the front row to view the big screen, but went over the eye chart prior, it still wouldn't change the Dak hate
