Witness claims Ezekiel Elliott was not involved in altercation **merged**

Even if Zeke didn't throw the punch, why do all these things keep happening around him? Dude needs to exercise better judgement. Sure, he's a guy in his early 20s. But he's also a guy getting paid millions of dollars to not screw it up and be on the field for his team on Sundays in the Fall. He CANNOT keep putting himself into these situations.
I read in a separate article that the bouncer was a bouncer in Wichita Falls, not in Dallas.

Interesting -- still, in a crowded bar it's pretty easy not to get a good looksee at what's really happening, though. I'd sure hate to see Elliott get blamed for it if he didn't actually do it. Who knows, maybe it'll take Goodell another year like it did the last time to unravel this mystery. -- lol
I really don't get how legit publications can be allowed to publish and slander a person's name like that with zero consequences. There was not one ounce of evidence that Zeke did anything. He was just there. Yet he was crucified all day long nationwide. It's pathetic. ESPN and Schefter (the biggest hack in the NFL reporting) ran with this early. The Fan as well. So many made up clickbait titles. And everyone just believed them. Based on what? A few random tweets from random people who have zero credibility.

Do people really think there would not be video of Zeke laying out someone to the point where they have to go to the hospital? Please! In today's social media era, that stuff would be all over the web. Someone would have sold that to TMZ. But no, nothing at all. Why? Because he had zero to do with it.

I can't believe people fall for this clickbait junk constantly.

Because they rush to judgement using unnamed sources. I'm glad to see named sources come out and defend Zeke and tell police what they saw in greater detail than the original story that came out. Media in general is becoming more and more irresponsible for what they write.

At this point, it might be in Zekes better interest to get suspended and wake up. I dont think he is a bad guy. But he clearly doesnt make smart choices. And he obviously is cocky and thinks that he is the bomb at this point. I wonder if he was drafted by the Rams and was averaging 2.5 yards a carry if he would be so cocky.
It's hilarious during the season ppl were saying dak and zeke needed to wait until the offseason to go clubbing. Now it's the offseason and ppl don't want zeke to club. Most of you are ridiculous wanting players to be your little entertainment wind-up robot dolls. If he wants to party let the man party, Jesus.
At this point, it might be in Zekes better interest to get suspended and wake up. I dont think he is a bad guy. But he clearly doesnt make smart choices. And he obviously is cocky and thinks that he is the bomb at this point. I wonder if he was drafted by the Rams and was averaging 2.5 yards a carry if he would be so cocky.

Going 100 mph isn't a good choice for anyone, especially for someone who has already pushed his luck a few times too many.
It's hilarious during the season ppl were saying dak and zeke needed to wait until the offseason to go clubbing. Now it's the offseason and ppl don't want zeke to club. Most of you are ridiculous wanting players to be your little entertainment wind-up robot dolls. If he wants to party let the man party, Jesus.

He's getting paid a gajillion dolllars to carry a football for an NFL team. He doesn't get that luxury of being just like everyone else. He's not just like everyone else, and that's the truth of it.
Interesting -- still, in a crowded bar it's pretty easy not to get a good looksee at what's really happening, though. I'd sure hate to see Elliott get blamed for it if he didn't actually do it. Who knows, maybe it'll take Goodell another year like it did the last time to unravel this mystery. -- lol
We don't know what really happened, of course, but there are people there that do know. I have a feeling the truth will eventually come out. As for the bouncer, his statement seemed sincere. He was close enough to know that Zeke had his arms folded and was "chilling" when the punch was thrown. I believe him on that part. It didn't seem he would have a reason to lie about that. But, as I've already stated, I think the truth will come out. The person who actually threw the punch (if it wasn't Zeke) may out himself for the 15 minutes of fame he'd get. Of course those 15 minutes might cost him 15 days, so maybe he won't.
Like I said in the other thread, by the time the truth comes out, everyone will have already moved on.

There will be a faction on here that will still believe it was Zeke, and will keep bringing it up in the future.
I think 90% of the posters from the mega thread should post..recanting their stupid posts, just as TMZ should recant their story....but it won't happen....
Life goes on.
He's getting paid a gajillion dolllars to carry a football for an NFL team. He doesn't get that luxury of being just like everyone else. He's not just like everyone else, and that's the truth of it.

I think there is a middle ground here. I agree with Jstopper as well as you. Zeke is not like your avg guy going into a club, when he walks in he automatically attracts attention and you get people who want to hang out with him and it takes only 1 idiot for a problem to erupt. On the other hand he is human and should be able to go out and enjoy himself but also needs to use good judgement and recognize when things are starting to get out of hand and leave.
Yeah he’s a millionaire. It is what it is. You won’t be the voice to hold him accountable that’s for sure
And your point is what? I can't hold him accountable but the NFL can. You guys sot here and defend him like nothing is wrong and we're the bad guys for calling him out and being concerned.

One question, do you think Jerry is ok with all of this?
It's getting to the point where the press should not be allowed to release more than minimal information when an incident like this happens until a police investigation has been sufficiently done to authorize the release of legitimate information.

"There was an incident at a bar last night in [some area in Texas] where a fight apparently broke out. Zeke Elliot of the Cowboys was at the bar at the time the incident happened, but his involvement is undetermined at the present time. An ongoing investigation is currently underway and further information will be released when sufficient information has been gathered."

The End.
Oh c'mon, who here hasn't driven over 100 mph? He's just a kid with a lot of money and a fast car, it's not his fault. The cop was hired by Mara to pull him over and if you can't see that then you'll never get it.

If you are not going 100 MPH here in the metroplex then you are going too slow.
I heard the cop was a relative of Mara anyway. I am sure he is getting the cop cam video and sending it into his dictator pal Roger...:laugh:
We don't know what really happened, of course, but there are people there that do know. I have a feeling the truth will eventually come out. As for the bouncer, his statement seemed sincere. He was close enough to know that Zeke had his arms folded and was "chilling" when the punch was thrown. I believe him on that part. It didn't seem he would have a reason to lie about that. But, as I've already stated, I think the truth will come out. The person who actually threw the punch (if it wasn't Zeke) may out himself for the 15 minutes of fame he'd get. Of course those 15 minutes might cost him 15 days, so maybe he won't.

Not to be overly cynical, but this witness/bouncer could just as easily want to get a job/get paid by EE. I just find it hard to believe that someone could throw a punch over EE's shoulder and connect with such force as to destroy that cat's nose. But this was a high end club. No doubt there is video from inside.​
:espn:... organizations like this have absolutely no problem dragging an athletes name through the mud as long as it means making a buck but ignore bad business decisions in lieu of "social justice". It makes no sense. Stop killing your own business!

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