Everyone agreed this past draft was the strongest collection of RBs seen in many years. Dallas had a chance do some serious evaluation (not saying they didn't) and be intentional about taking a back early. I understand taking Gregory in the second round, but the next pick should have been dedicated to a RB (or move up). Teams including the Cowboys draft for need all the time - to deny that is bunk. They didn't recognize the need or the opportunity in the draft. Many fans and experts were flummoxed by their decision. At this point, looking at many of the rookies and what we have at RB, I think they blew it. Not the end of the world, but a poor decision. Simply put, they didn't put a high enough priority on finding a back, banking on the success of Randle and McFadden. Yet IMO it looks like many of the rookie RBs are as good as advertised, several of them better than Randle or McFadden. I think our team would be stronger if we had drafted one of them.
BTW, I think the Cowboys' decision to go out and trade for Christine Michael is evidence that they second-guessed their decision, something many fans and experts had been doing since the draft ended.
and i think, as i said when we didn't draft someone, they didn't like them and would likely pick up someone just before the season started.
i just don't see the need to hyper-over-analyze every single move made and wah-nostalgic because we didn't take a rb. as for it being a strong RB group, great. still doesn't mean they went SON OF A *****!!! the other day and went into panic mode. if an rb fell to them they liked and were in a position to draft, i think they would have. to get mad they didn't is to get mad they didn't "reach" (at least on their board) to me and that would just be a different reason to be mad.
1) make your picks according to your board and no RB is drafted. complaints.
2) make your picks and in the top 3 rounds, reach for a RB to fill this "hole" (nevermind randle was already drafted and had some time developing, we need to start over and make people happy) so they do - complaints on the reach.
3) trade down and go for a player at a better spot. said player you were targeting gets drafted.
you guessed it...complaints.
looking at the 3 options there, and feel free to list more if you'd like, even if they don't end in "complaints" (good luck) and i'll be glad to listen, but i think going off our board was our best bet and finding an RB they like later the proper move.
since this is what happened, i was to a point right about what they would do after not drafting anyone and their not being interested in any aging vets. no big deal cause i'm wrong a lot more often and no, i had zero idea who they would target, just thought they would.
so no. i don't see it as a second guess, just what they decided to do as the course of events unfolded and fans are upset cause they had a box not checked off on their Cowboys note pad next to their beer.