Cleveland pick in 08: Please give us this guy!

dargonking999;1542349 said:
Gosh SB, You make me so proud :D

Don't mess with the Boys, don't mess with the Horns...

Don't mess with Texas... I may have left there over 35 years ago, but it's still right here with me, all the time... h*ll, I've got a 6' x 8' Lone Star flag hangin' on my bedroom wall... and about an 8' spread set of Longhorns hangin' over my bedroom closet doors...

Como Tejas, no hay otro... ain't no place like Texas...
silverbear;1542228 said:
If you're stupid enough to make that deal, and can actually make it happen, you bet you've got a deal...

McCoy has a 68.2 completion percentage for his career thus far, McGee has a 59.6 completion percentage... advantage, McCoy...

McCoy has a 161.8 quarterback rating, McGee has a 129.71... advantage, McCoy...

McCoy has 29 TD passes, McGee has 14... big advantage, McCoy...

McCoy has averaged 8.1 yards per attempt, McGee has averaged 7.0...

As for your comments about McGee being "the guy who drove 88 yards to beat him in his house, that's just idiotic... the Aggies racked up 244 yards rushing, just 58 yards passing... McGee completed exactly 7 of 13 passes for the game, for zero TDs... it was the Aggies' defense and their running game that won that game...

The truth is, McCoy was hurt going into the game, he got hurt in the Kansas State game while scoring a TD (his throwing shoulder), and probably shouldn't have been playing... another truth is that McGee is much more dangerous as a runner than he is as a passer, and that does not make for a draft prospect that pro scouts will be drooling over... indeed, he'll probably have to switch positions to make it in the NFL...

He's a poor imitation of Reggie McNeal, and lo and behold, Reggie's a WIDE RECEIVER in the big show... there won't be anybody talking about McCoy changing positions when he gets drafted...

Anybody who thinks that McGee is on the same level as McCoy as a quarterback, or even CLOSE to the same level, should be drug tested immediately... :D

At the very least, anybody who says he'd take McGee over McCoy proves with that statement that he knows little to nothing about the game of football...

McGee: Scoreboard

McCry: Not so much
peplaw06;1542476 said:

He did it anyway

Vince Young: scoreboard

Peyton Manning: not so much

Hardly the same concept

And regardless, I never said McGee was a better QB than McCoy, I simply said I would rather have McGee leading my team. McCoy will almost certainly put up better numbers (He is in a pass-oriented offense, McGee is in a run-oriented offense), but McGee is 100x the leader McCoy is and, unlike his tampax wearing counterpart in the people's republik, is tough as nails. McGee has heart, something you can't teach.

And you comparing their passing numbers is laughable. Would you compare the passing numbers of Eric Crouch to Josh Heupal's? Of course not.
HeavyHitta31;1542483 said:
Hardly the same concept
It's exactly the same concept. Scoreboard. It's not hard to comprehend. If scoreboard is your end-all be all, then you take McGee over McCoy. Until McCoy takes over scoreboard I guess? Great way to pick a QB... Stats be damned, I want the guy who wins. Meet Vince Young.

And regardless, I never said McGee was a better QB than McCoy, I simply said I would rather have McGee leading my team.
Of course YOU would. Doesn't mean you're rational for choosing that way.
McCoy will almost certainly put up better numbers (He is in a pass-oriented offense, McGee is in a run-oriented offense), but McGee is 100x the leader McCoy is and, unlike his tampax wearing counterpart in the people's republik, is tough as nails. McGee has heart, something you can't teach.
You're making all of these comparisons off of one game. Genius. So since McCoy was beaten in one game, when he happened to be injured, by McGee, McGee is the better leader? Nevermind the fact that McGee and A&M lost 4 games last season, and needed a ****-up by Army to beat them. Yeah and he was a great "leader" in the Holiday Bowl. Too bad his great "leadership" doesn't make up for the fact that he has no talent.

And you comparing their passing numbers is laughable. Would you compare the passing numbers of Eric Crouch to Josh Heupal's? Of course not.
What's laughable is you trying to take advantage of one 12-7 victory, and declare McGee (a junior) the better leader over a redshirt freshman, who was injured. That is the knee-jerk of all knee-jerks. But hey, no one ever accused you of being rational when it comes to Texas and A&M.
HeavyHitta31;1542471 said:
McGee: Scoreboard

McCry: Not so much

McCoy: Stats

It figures that you'd think that the results of a TEAM game reflect on the abilities of a pair of INDIVIDUALS... especially when one of the INDIVIDUALS played the game with a damaged throwing arm...

McCoy threw 7 ints all year long, 3 of them in that game... that alone ought to tell you something-- except, apparently, if you're an Aggies fan who knows nothing about football... LOL...

Why am I unsurprised that you couldn't come up with any better rebuttal than that??
silverbear;1542566 said:
McCoy: Stats

It figures that you'd think that the results of a TEAM game reflect on the abilities of a pair of INDIVIDUALS... especially when one of the INDIVIDUALS played the game with a damaged throwing arm...

McCoy threw 7 ints all year long, 3 of them in that game... that alone ought to tell you something-- except, apparently, if you're an Aggies fan who knows nothing about football... LOL...

Why am I unsurprised that you couldn't come up with any better rebuttal than that??

I'd throw myself a personal parade if the Cowboys ever drafted Colt McCoy. That'd be a Cowboy and Longhorn fans dream. Not to mention, that kid's good.;)
HeavyHitta31;1542483 said:
I never said McGee was a better QB than McCoy, I simply said I would rather have McGee leading my team.

Which is you suggesting that McGee is the better quarterback...

Or do you Aggies often prefer the quarterback who's not as good??

McCoy will almost certainly put up better numbers (He is in a pass-oriented offense, McGee is in a run-oriented offense)

Yeah, McCoy threw FIVE more passes than McGee did last year-- in the same number of games... you could look it up-- if you're not fond of making yourself look stupid...

but McGee is 100x the leader McCoy is

And yet, the Horns finished higher in the polls than the Aggies did, with a better record... they finished the season ranked 13th in the nation, the Aggies were unranked, thanks largely to stinking the joint out against Cal in their bowl game...

Cal 45, Aggies 10... ol' McGee showed a lot of "leadership" in that game, LOL...

and, unlike his tampax wearing counterpart in the people's republik, is tough as nails. McGee has heart, something you can't teach.

Gee, I guess playing a game less than two weeks after hurting your shoulder so badly you had to leave the game in the first quarter, even though your shoulder was clearly still damaged, doesn't qualify as "heart"...

You take that kind of "heart", and I'll take the TALENT...

And you comparing their passing numbers is laughable.

Yeah, silly me, thinking that comparing two QUARTERBACK'S passing numbers was legitimate... I should have known that comparing their rushing numbers was MUCH more important... after all, the key to a team's success is more often found in how well the quarterback runs the ball, rather than how well he throws the ball...

Must be Aggie logic... in which case, all those rumors about the "quality" of an A&M education would appear to have at least some basis in fact... :D
SuperCows5Xs;1542575 said:
I'd throw myself a personal parade if the Cowboys ever drafted Colt McCoy. That'd be a Cowboy and Longhorn fans dream. Not to mention, that kid's good.;)

I'd build a float for that parade... we could put HH in drag, he could be the Queen of the Parade... LOL...
McCoy didnt hurt his shoulder, he had a stinger, which by definition is not an injury.

Your QB was carted off the field for a pinched nerve. He's a puss.
HeavyHitta31;1542606 said:
McCoy didnt hurt his shoulder, he had a stinger, which by definition is not an injury.

Your QB was carted off the field for a pinched nerve. He's a puss.

Have you ever had a pinched nerve, HH31? I have...and let me tell you, I have had my arm broken playing baseball, and my left knee hurt skiing and I would rather have broken bones, cuts, anything but a pinched nerve!

I don't care how mighty anyone is...if you get a pinched nerve you are outta business, period!

5Stars;1542609 said:
Have you ever had a pinched nerve, HH31? I have...and let me tell you, I have had my arm broken playing baseball, and my left knee hurt skiing and I would rather have broken bones, cuts, anything but a pinched nerve!

I don't care how mighty anyone is...if you get a pinched nerve you are outta business, period!


Yes, I've had a pinched nerve (twice), both in high school and both playing football. Neither one kept me out more than a quarter.

Now, if I, a 6'0", 175 pound DB with limited athleticism and even more limited physical prowess, can play with a mild stinger, then SURELY A starting D-1 QB can.

Contrarey to McCoy, Stephen McGee played 8 games last season with a torn tricep and never missed a play because of it.

Now, I'm no doctor, but methinks a torn muscle in your throwing arm would be far more of a hinderance to a QB than a stinger, considering a stinger is NOT a injury by the medical definition of an injury.
HeavyHitta31;1542606 said:
McCoy didnt hurt his shoulder, he had a stinger, which by definition is not an injury.

Your QB was carted off the field for a pinched nerve. He's a puss.

HeavyHitta31;1542616 said:
Yes, I've had a pinched nerve (twice), both in high school and both playing football. Neither one kept me out more than a quarter.

Not to interupt here, as I'm sure your a real tough guy and all (and I don't have the foggiest idea where McCoy, if that's who you're talkiing about had a pinched nerve) but you can get them in several places, and they can occur with varying degrees of severity. I guarantee you if you severely pinch a nerve near your'd be out for more than a quarter. Just saying.
Screw Tim Teabag, if you think this is a good idea, you need your head examined.
HeavyHitta31;1542606 said:
McCoy didnt hurt his shoulder, he had a stinger, which by definition is not an injury.

Your QB was carted off the field for a pinched nerve. He's a puss.
A stinger "by definition" is not an injury? :laugh2:

ri/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[in-juh-ree] –noun, plural -ju·ries.

1.harm or damage that is done or sustained: to escape without injury. 2.a particular form or instance of harm: an injury to one's shoulder; an injury to one's pride.

What is your definition of an "injury," oh wise one?
My definition is exactly the same as yours

harm or damage that is done or sustained

There is no harm or damage done to any part of the human body when a nerve is pinched, it is simply a vertibrea that has shifted and is putting pressure on a nerve. A 15 minute visit to the chiropractor will have you good as new with absolutely no after effects. Neither the nerve or the spine is actually harmed in any way. Many healthcare plans don't cover chiropractor visits for this very reason.
HeavyHitta31;1542662 said:
My definition is exactly the same as yours

There is no harm or damage done to any part of the human body when a nerve is pinched, it is simply a vertibrea that has shifted and is putting pressure on a nerve. A 15 minute visit to the chiropractor will have you good as new with absolutely no after effects. Neither the nerve or the spine is actually harmed in any way. Many healthcare plans don't cover chiropractor visits for this very reason.
There is some harm done. A vertebrae shifting and putting pressure on a nerve is not a normal occurrence. Obviously there is harm done. A nerve is not designed to have pressure put on it, so you feel pain what it happens. And it makes no difference what the treatment is, or what healthcare will cover, it's still an injury.

And McCoy wasn't "as good as new" 3-4 weeks later in the bowl game. So obviously it wasn't as simple as you described it.

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