I don't think fans that think Romo should get his job back once healthy are down on other fans that want to stick with Dak... I think people are down on Fans who change the past and disrespect Romo while stating their case that they want Dak...
It is an opinion board and no ones opinions are more valuable than anyone else. Where this fails is when you have fans who say stupid crap like, "Romo is done, He cost us chances at the playoffs, He is a choker" ect.
The fans who want Romo to come back are not bashing Dak...In fact I believe almost all of them like Dak and are excited about having a bright future with him. The lies and venom are definitely coming more from the Dak should keep the job crowd than the Romo should crowd.
In fact we have a new member of this board
@Gabe who only post negative stuff about Romo. This clown wasn't even a Cowboys fan until we drafted Dak. He claims to have gone to Mississippi State or something. He has almost 300 post in 2 months all negative lies about Romo from times when he was a fan of a team he wont name.