Dez getting in fights misguided leadership? Another Dez thread **merged**

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And it's lucky for us he did. Or he would be some other team's trouble. I sometimes wonder how internet fans would respond to some of the things those 90's Cowboy players did.

Yeah, I've often said we needed to thank "Deion Sanders" for having lunch with Dez. :)

As for social media in the 90s, I don't know what impact it would have had. I tend to think social media came about at the time in which we were interested in the personal lives of others. Social media wouldn't have worked in the 1700s or 1800s, for example, because it wouldn't have fit the climate or mood of the times. Simply put, if it had been around in the 1700s or 1800s, you might have had less openness because the times were more religious/puritanical/reserved/modest then, and people may not have been as welling to share intimate detail of their lives.

But we've created a society where everyone wants to share their intimate business with others (video tape of fights, sexting, sex tapes, "see what I eat for dinner" pictures, etc.) so it's hard for me to say how the average person would respond to the same stuff 20 years ago much less 2,000 years ago, even if I do hazard a guess.

I hope what I was trying to convey makes sense.
It seems they follow me around these days.

Well hopefully you don't get in their heads like I have or you might have to rid yourself of their stank because eventually it could lead to trouble. Whatever you do don't put up an avatar of your car because if it's nicer than what they drive they'll attack you. It's easy to tell none of them are very successful and some clearly have a circus going on inside their heads by the hate they spew. Happy, successful people don't stalk and harass others online anyone who does has issues. Successful, intelligent, mature posters who have self respect aren't going to ban together with a few others to chastise posters in a game of monkey see monkey do.

Obviously some here don't care how they look to others because they're hiding behind their smartphone and computer. Technology has opened up a new avenue for stalkers and people to act like idiots. Nothing can expose someone who's unhappy in their own existence like stalking and harassing people online. You'll never have to endure what I have because no one has a pulse on them like I do or can get under their skin like I can. LOL They don't have an affect on me but I have a big affect on them and everyone here sees it almost every day. :D
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Don't bring up an argument and say its past its scope when you are proven wrong. I think everyone on the team has a duty to control their temper in certain situations, not just Dez. He is singled out because he is the best player on the team who practices as hard as he plays. Again, give me 53 of those players! He has done nothing to this point has been detrimental to the team, which in and of itself shows that he controls his anger when there are consequences.

I didn't bring up Irvin that wasn't my argument I was discussing Dez's situation. Irvin felt threatened by a much bigger guy and stabbed him. I don't condone what he did but he was obviously trying to protect himself and took drastic measures. Dez is singled out for the reasons I mentioned. He's done a few things detrimental to the team like walking off the field before a game was over. It drew attention and the media blew it up and anytime that happens it's detrimental to your team. If there wasn't concerns with Dez his contact situation wouldn't have dragged out as long.
No you're right. Next time Dez gets sucker punched liked he did the other day, he just needs to whip out some scissors and stab the guy in self defense. I'm sure you'll understand then.

Did Patmon sucker punch Dez on the sidelines? What was the reason for Dez throwing that punch?
Can't believe someone defended Irvin stabbing McIver WHILE criticizing Dez.

Irvin stabbed the guy because Irvin wanted his haircut first. (Anger Problem?)

Irvin stabbed the guy because the guy punched him in the mouth. It got physical and Irvin obviously felt threatened by the much bigger man and reached for some scissors and stabbed him. I certainly don't condone it but let me ask you the same question I asked the other guy who didn't provide an answer what would you have done in that situation vs a 6' 5" 318 pound man? Hard to make a judgment on the actions Irvin took without seeing exactly what occurred.
Did Patmon sucker punch Dez on the sidelines? What was the reason for Dez throwing that punch?

That wasn't my point. By your thinking, since Dez got punched in the mouth (by the Rams scrub) it would be ok for Dez to stab him? One can logically assume that Dez was threatened just like Irvin.
Irvin stabbed the guy because the guy punched him in the mouth. It got physical and Irvin obviously felt threatened by the much bigger man and reached for some scissors and stabbed him. I certainly don't condone it but let me ask you the same question I asked the other guy who didn't provide an answer what would you have done in that situation vs a 6' 5" 318 pound man? Hard to make a judgment on the actions Irvin took without seeing exactly what occurred.

It's happened multiple times to me. But it's unfair to ask me that question.

However your reasoning is the same reasoning I've heard from Police Officers who are involved with questionable shootings.

Back to Irvin.

Irvin tried to bully McIver. When he realized he was messing with the wrong man, In his own words Irvin wasn't scared, he didn't panic. He lost his mind. All over a hair cut.

"In a final blow to harmony, McIver cocked his right fist and popped Irvin in the mouth. "I just lost it," said Irvin. "I mean, my head, I lost it." Irvin grabbed a pair of scissors, whipped back his right arm and slashed McIver across the neck."

Taken from Jeff Pearlman's

Boys Will Be Boys: The Glory Days and Party Nights of the Dallas Cowboys Dynasty.
He did let it go. They hugged it out. Just because he didn't get there according to yours or even my standard doesn't mean has anger issues. Fights are emotional.

Dez has anger issues he's undergone and may still be undergoing anger management are you not aware of that?
I didn't bring up Irvin that wasn't my argument I was discussing Dez's situation. Irvin felt threatened by a much bigger guy and stabbed him. I don't condone what he did but he was obviously trying to protect himself and took drastic measures. Dez is singled out for the reasons I mentioned. He's done a few things detrimental to the team like walking off the field before a game was over. It drew attention and the media blew it up and anytime that happens it's detrimental to your team. If there wasn't concerns with Dez his contact situation wouldn't have dragged out as long. are arguing that Mike stabbed a guy because he felt threatened, which is total speculation and not legally relevant. Dez has done nothing of the sort and leaving the field early was not detrimental to the team. Anything the cowboys do gets blown up in the media, so that is also not relevant. You can't sit here and bag on Dez for things that "might" happen and compare it to the story with Mike snapping over a hair cut. Your argument has no logical basis and has no substantive value. The facts are that Dez plays AND practices with passion. Do I like that he get's in fights, no, but I like that he is not afraid to stand up for himself and teammates. If you can't appreciate that, with the history that this franchise has then you are a fan of the wrong team.
That wasn't my point. By your thinking, since Dez got punched in the mouth (by the Rams scrub) it would be ok for Dez to stab him? One can logically assume that Dez was threatened just like Irvin.

Dez got punched in the mouth by a player who's not as big as he is and it happened at practice. Dez wasn't going to feel threatened fighting a smaller guy with people all around to break things up. Irvin's situation happened off the field at a barber shop. Real bad things can happen when fights occur off the field.
It's happened multiple times to me. But it's unfair to ask me that question.

However your reasoning is the same reasoning I've heard from Police Officers who are involved with questionable shootings.

Back to Irvin.

Irvin tried to bully McIver. When he realized he was messing with the wrong man, In his own words Irvin wasn't scared, he didn't panic. He lost his mind. All over a hair cut.

"In a final blow to harmony, McIver cocked his right fist and popped Irvin in the mouth. "I just lost it," said Irvin. "I mean, my head, I lost it." Irvin grabbed a pair of scissors, whipped back his right arm and slashed McIver across the neck."

Taken from Jeff Pearlman's

Boys Will Be Boys: The Glory Days and Party Nights of the Dallas Cowboys Dynasty.

Great find! Wonder how KJJ will twist this to say Irvin didn't have a temper! Lol.
Dez has anger issues he's undergone and may still be undergoing anger management are you not aware of that?

Very aware thank you for asking. And I'm sure you're aware that people often will attend such classes to avoid punishment or as punishment from the courts.

Dez started his anger management classes at the behest of his agent and his advisors at that time, prior to reaching an agreement with the DA's office.
Well hopefully you don't get in their heads like I have or you might have to rid yourself of their stank because eventually it could lead to trouble. Whatever you do don't put up an avatar of your car because if it's nicer than what they drive they'll attack you. It's easy to tell none of them are very successful and some clearly have a circus going on inside their heads by the hate they spew. Happy, successful people don't stalk and harass others online anyone who does has issues. Successful, intelligent, mature posters who have self respect aren't going to ban together with a few others to chastise posters in a game of monkey see monkey do.

Obviously some here don't care how they look to others because they're hiding behind their smartphone and computer. Technology has opened up a new avenue for stalkers and people to act like idiots. Nothing can expose someone who's unhappy in their own existence like stalking and harassing people online. You'll never have to endure what I have because no one has a pulse on them like I do or can get under their skin like I can. LOL They don't have an affect on me but I have a big affect on them and everyone here sees it almost every day. :D

Poor KJJ...nobody like him so we all should go eat some worms. Poor misunderstood! smh & lmao are arguing that Mike stabbed a guy because he felt threatened, which is total speculation and not legally relevant. Dez has done nothing of the sort and leaving the field early was not detrimental to the team. Anything the cowboys do gets blown up in the media, so that is also not relevant. You can't sit here and bag on Dez for things that "might" happen and compare it to the story with Mike snapping over a hair cut. Your argument has no logical basis and has no substantive value. The facts are that Dez plays AND practices with passion. Do I like that he get's in fights, no, but I like that he is not afraid to stand up for himself and teammates. If you can't appreciate that, with the history that this franchise has then you are a fan of the wrong team.

Everything with that situation is speculation because none of us were there and there's no video surveillance. He either felt threatened and was defending himself or was pissed off from the punch and came at McIver. We don't know exactly what happened! I'm not comparing Irvin's situation with Dez's it was Primetime 42 who brought up the McIver/Irvin fight trying to make the comparison. Dez's situation and the circumstances involving it were totally different than Irvin's which makes it a waste of time discussing it. You're wanting to get into what's not legally relevant with another situation and it's a waste of time. I'm not bagging on Dez but the facts are he's in denial about his anger using the excuse it's all passion. He's passionate but some of these outbursts are anger not passion. I appreciate the teams history as much as anyone here and don't ever say I'm a fan of the wrong team.
Great find! Wonder how KJJ will twist this to say Irvin didn't have a temper! Lol.

I never said Irvin didn't have a temper that's your spin I said he never had to undergo anger management.
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Just asking a question.

That isn't what you're doing. Here is what you wrote in the OP:

Is getting old at this point. We all love his fired up attitude, but he needs to be more of a leader on this team. How about showing restraint instead of getting in a punching match every week? What are you teaching the younger guys come game day? His lack of control of his emotions may cost us on game day. He is sending the wrong message in my opinion.

*getting old at this point. = It is getting old to you that Dez is so emotional and confrontational. That is your opinion and you're telling everyone on Cowboyszone about it.

*We all love his fired up attitude = you speaking for every member of Cowboyszone. Truly though, most here probably do love his attitude.

*but he needs to be more of a leader on this team. = you saying that you think he needs to be more of a leader and currently isn't doing a good job of that.

*How about showing restraint instead of getting in a punching match every week? = you saying that you don't like his unbridled enthusiasm and his eagerness to fight. This you did phrase as a question, but you aren't really expecting Dez to answer, I think. You're simply spouting your opinion.

*What are you teaching the younger guys come game day? = you saying that you think Dez is a bad influence on the rest of the team. Again, you don't expect Dez to answer... you're stating you don't like it.

*His lack of control of his emotions may cost us on game day. = you giving your opinion that although Dez has never been penalized for his emotion, you think he might end up doing that.

*He is sending the wrong message in my opinion. = you again saying you don't approve of Dez's emotions and passion for the game.

Really, that is ok though. This is a place for opinions, your's included. But don't act coy like you are "just asking a question". What you're doing is putting out several sentences voicing a strong opinion that a vast majority of Cowboyszone will likely disagree with. Anyone would realize that the responses will be numerous and contrary to your thoughts on the subject.

All that is why in my first post in this thread I'm saying that you're either looking for an argument at best, or simply trolling, at worst. As I said in that post, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that it is just you looking for an argument. That you're just wanting a lot of responses. If you just wanted to read other people's opinion on the matter, there were plenty of posts on the subject in the fan zone without you having to start another thread on it.

No, IMO I think you want the discord. You want the responses and the attention that a subject like this will bring. You want the chances to argue about it.

But seeing as though all you seem to do is follow me around and try to start BS, it appears that its you that likes to argue.

Oh yeah... I'm sure everyone can tell that I'm argumentative and you're not.:rolleyes:

If they look even deeper, I'm sure they'll see that I never admit it when I'm wrong and that you are quick to have your mind changed on a subject.

As far as following you around, I've probably quoted you and responded to something you wrote less than 10 times. Total. Ever. So, considering how often I post here I definitely don't think anyone would categorize that as "all I seem to do is follow you around".

Apparently, it must feel like I'm harassing you because the few times I do actually interact with you, I call you out on your unrealistic and hysterical Garrett posts. It sure isn't to debate with you because there is absolutely no way anyone is going to change your mind on the subject. That thought process is fixed.

If you follow logic you will realize that: 1) I'm not following you around, and 2) I do interact with plenty of other members of this board besides just you... most of the time, not to argue.

Frankly, I didn't even know you existed until you started acting foolish in the Sturm Garret thread, so I couldn't have been responding to you very often.
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