Dixie Flag controversy

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You're overly simplifying this. The confederate flag has years of racist hate history. If similar circumstances occurred with the "Blue Star" emblem then I would answer yes.

Why to you equate that flag to racist hate? The confederates wore gray, do you equate gray with racist hate? KKK wears white, do you equate white with racist hate? That flag represents so much more than what you accuse it to represent. A lot of southern proud folks see that flag as a representation of their heritage and do not attribute any racism to it what so ever. You are applying 21 century thinking to a 19th century flag. Southern folks have evolved since that time and so have the keepers of that flag.
no, I said

"so while you OR others may not view it that way and want to fly it"

If I wanted to saying that you choose to do it, the I would have said you AND others

Yep you did it again and I asked you to stop. Now you are doing on purpose, JERK!
I would assume that those same retailers do not sell flags of the third reich, for business (as well as ethical reasons) which is just as historically significant, so I don't see the difference.

I agree with you. Those should be available too.
In demand or not, it's still that retailers choice. Chick-Fa-Lay doesn't open on Sunday, is it because people don't like chicken sandwiches on Sunday?

You are missing the point and attempting to deflect ... those other flags are not in demand enough to merit keeping them in stock. The confederate flag however is in demand. Businesses have a right to sell or not sell whatever they want... a point I have already made. I just think it is a bad decision.
You are missing the point and attempting to deflect ... those other flags are not in demand enough to merit keeping them in stock. The confederate flag however is in demand. Businesses have a right to sell or not sell whatever they want... a point I have already made. I just think it is a bad decision.

Again Chick-Fa-Lay doesn't open on Sunday, is there product not popular enough to merit being sold on Sundays?
Again Chick-Fa-Lay doesn't open on Sunday, is there product not popular enough to merit being sold on Sundays?

You are attempting to change the subject again. I'm not going there. Chick-Fil-a has nothing to do with this.
You are attempting to change the subject again. I'm not going there. Chick-Fil-a has nothing to do with this.

I'm not changing the subject anymore than you did when you brought up keeping the flag at historical sites, considering that no one suggest anything along those lines. If you don't want to go there, fine by me.
I'm not changing the subject anymore than you did when you brought up keeping the flag at historical sites, considering that no one suggest anything along those lines. If you don't want to go there, fine by me.

We are talking about the confederate flag. Moving it to a historical site is still talking about that flag. Talking about Chick-fil-a is not.
You included me in a category that chooses to fly that flag. If you did not intend to lump me in that group then why include me at all?

saying you AND others would be lumping you in, I made an ambiguous statement that was reflective of someone who did not know how you felt about having the flag yourself, which was completely appropriate prior to you saying that you do not want to fly it.

but, I am just curious why you are so upset if it's just a symbol of southern pride that a lot of southerners don't attribute to racism? I mean if some one said, I liked grapefruit juice, it wouldn't bother me even though they are wrong
We are talking about the confederate flag. Moving it to a historical site is still talking about that flag. Talking about Chick-fil-a is not.

and no one suggested the flags at historical sites should be removed
I would assume that those same retailers do not sell flags of the third reich, for business (as well as ethical reasons) which is just as historically significant, so I don't see the difference.

Oh, they are still selling those things, at least they were a couple of days ago as they were pulling the Confederate flag off the shelves. Hypocrisy at its finest.
saying you AND others would be lumping you in, I made an ambiguous statement that was reflective of someone who did not know how you felt about having the flag yourself, which was completely appropriate prior to you saying that you do not want to fly it.

but, I am just curious why you are so upset if it's just a symbol of southern pride that a lot of southerners don't attribute to racism? I mean if some one said, I liked grapefruit juice, it wouldn't bother me even though they are wrong

If I told you grapefruit eaters are racist and then told you "you like grapefruit", yes it would or should bother you.
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