How was that Cin ball when they didn't get a first down after the touch?

You want the ball not risk running into the punter and giving them a first down on penalty .

Secondly you have a player who’s not coached up enough to know get AWAY from the ball let it roll . YES I blame Fassel for putting on a block the punt play on when you wanted the ball back not what unfolded . Sam Williams used to run into the punier finally MM told Fassel get him off the punt team .

Last you have Turpin the most dangerous return man in the NFL and you took the ball out of his hands on this kamikaze garbage that was directed from tbe ST coach . The entire coaching staff I hope sealed it’s fate last night
For starters, after the game, it was reported the player knew the rule but got caught up in the moment and had a brain fart.

Going for the punt block was a fine call. Not the mistake you all think it was.

I mean you guys are also missing a big problem with your theory - the offense had a bunch of three and outs and might have struggled to even get in FG range. Maybe they figured the punt block was the only way to make sure they were close enough to Aubrey’s range.
Tell me how that was a fumble. A fumble indicates you had possession. He never had possession, it just touched him. Come on man.
The same way a kick returner doesn’t catch the ball cleanly, or a punt returner muffs a punt or a kickoff or punt bounces off a blocker are also called fumbles.
Because when you have stupid and untalented players, they dont know that once a blocked kick goes beyond the LOS its a dead ball unless the defense touches it
That and stupid, out of touch, untalented leadership and coaches that fail to prepare their organization overall ,and players for success. Mistakes are made on every team, but not like this S show. Only a few (if any teams at all) have this level of inept leadership.
The same way a kick returner doesn’t catch the ball cleanly, or a punt returner muffs a punt or a kickoff or punt bounces off a blocker are also called fumbles.
Ok, you can sit in your little home, alone, watching the game, calling it a fumble when a kick bounces off of someone. Don't forget to shower every now and then.
Ok, you can sit in your little home, alone, watching the game, calling it a fumble when a kick bounces off of someone. Don't forget to shower every now and then.
A muffed punt by the PR or a touch by the receiving team on a punt that goes past the LOS is LITERALLY treated as a fumble according to the NFL rules book.

What are you wanting to call it?
I swear that didn’t used to a first down. Yeah, we touched it beyond the line. But even when they recovered, it was well behind the first down line. Doesn’t make any sense that it’s Cin ball in that case. Should still be fourth down.

Okay, I’m sure I don’t know the rule but still.

Of course, how in the heck do we still have professional football players that don’t know you’re supposed to leave that ball alone. I swear the ball found the only player that didn’t know that rule. Everyone else in the stadium, including the toddlers in attendance, knew the deal.
It's considered a turnover . New set of downs .
A muffed punt by the PR or a touch by the receiving team on a punt that goes past the LOS is LITERALLY treated as a fumble according to the NFL rules book.

What are you wanting to call it?
Call it what it is. Call it what you just called it. A muffed punt. Touching of the ball. You can't fumble what you don't possess regardless of how it is recorded statistically.
Call it what it is. Call it what you just called it. A muffed punt. Touching of the ball. You can't fumble what you don't possess regardless of how it is recorded statistically.
This is just a semantic issue.

However, the NFL rules book considers the receiving team “in possession” of the ball once a punt passes the LOS. Once you have possession there are only four ways to lose possession of the ball that I’m aware of off the top of my head.

1. You score and have to give the ball back to the other team
2. An interception
3. Failure to score or get a first down within four downs.
4. Fumble

I guess you want a fifth stat specifically for punts?
No. I’m irritated because the defense and special teams made multiple good plays only to have it taken away from them because a blocking ST player away from play merely touched the ball. What is arbitrary is that rule which allows for such stupidity to happen, and labeling the LOS as the “demarcation for a punt” doesn’t change that fact one bit. In this case the punting team didn’t even advance it past the first down without an actual physical change of possession and they still got the ball back and a new set of downs.
It’s like a shank punt that’s goes 5 yards if the receiving teams touch it At any point in bound s it a muff !
That and stupid, out of touch, untalented leadership and coaches that fail to prepare their organization overall ,and players for success. Mistakes are made on every team, but not like this S show. Only a few (if any teams at all) have this level of inept leadership.
Especially when it has happened to this same bunch before ,DENVER remember!
We learned not to touch the ball in middle school.
I know right. Even if you dont know the exact rules, instinctually you've been around the game long enough to know that only a bad thing can happen if the ball is muffed in that situation. Teams even have codes they scream to alert everyone the ball is essentially a bomb and to leave it alone. It's just baffling that professionals are out there completely clueless.
For starters, after the game, it was reported the player knew the rule but got caught up in the moment and had a brain fart.

Going for the punt block was a fine call. Not the mistake you all think it was.

I mean you guys are also missing a big problem with your theory - the offense had a bunch of three and outs and might have struggled to even get in FG range. Maybe they figured the punt block was the only way to make sure they were close enough to Aubrey’s range.
Your post is solid, however, based on what’s being reported this morning, it sounds like we did set up for the PR and just luckily had a guy come through untouched and block the punt.

It looks like we were playing for a return and if that didn’t get us in FG range, hoping Cooper could get us there given Aubrey’s cyborg leg.

I’m fine with either strategy btw.
I know right. Even if you dont know the exact rules, instinctually you've been around the game long enough to know that only a bad thing can happen if the ball is muffed in that situation. Teams even have codes they scream to alert everyone the ball is essentially a bomb and to leave it alone. It's just baffling that professionals are out there completely clueless.
It’s not that baffling really. They are professionals, but they still make mistakes because they aren’t infallible. The just make them far less often than a non-professional. Granted, this is one of the more “high school”-level mistakes you’ll see, but again, they aren’t infallible. Sometimes it’s hard to overcome instinct, even if you have knowledge to know better.
Call it what it is. Call it what you just called it. A muffed punt. Touching of the ball. You can't fumble what you don't possess regardless of how it is recorded statistically.
LOL, this is quite the hill to die on.
This is just a semantic issue.

However, the NFL rules book considers the receiving team “in possession” of the ball once a punt passes the LOS. Once you have possession there are only four ways to lose possession of the ball that I’m aware of off the top of my head.

1. You score and have to give the ball back to the other team
2. An interception
3. Failure to score or get a first down within four downs.
4. Fumble

I guess you want a fifth stat specifically for punts?
You also lose possession when a safety occurs.

But yes, a new stat would be nice. They change the rules all the time, they can easily add a new stat to track.
You also lose possession when a safety occurs.

But yes, a new stat would be nice. They change the rules all the time, they can easily add a new stat to track.
Correct. A safety, as well.

Well I guess stat nerds wouldn’t object to that lol
If you play punt return I'm sure you hear 1000x "don't touch it on a block", that's why whenever you see that happen and the ball goes past the LOS you see guys with their hands out waiving everyone away. No one on our moronic team did that.
Yes they did. I saw a few guys waving it off immediately.
The “rule” is an embarrassment. You effectively rewarded the team that got shut down by defense to make it 4th and 26 and then take away a blocked punt because a player who never had possession of the ball just touches it. The receiver can catch a ball and not make two steps and get it knocked out and it’s an incomplete pass — no change of possession. It’s a travesty of epic proportions and completely illogical.
I don't disagree with this take. It seems like a rule created for the sake of drama.

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