tyke1doe;2724458 said:
Because Brad Johnson was past his prime and couldn't deliver with an offense full of studs. When did Quincy ever have that?
It wouldn't have mattered what he had. They didn't limit him to one side of the field because of the weapons he had.
But that's relative to where they are picked in the draft and the talent around them.
Not for me it isn't. I don't think the guy was nearly as talented as some people still claim. Never did.
I can see if Quincy Carter was the No. 1 pick. But he was picked in the second round. Too high? Yes. But still, he took a severely undertalented team to the playoffs.
I believe Bill Parcells took that team to the playoffs, not Quincy Carter. 17 TDs and 21 INTs is not "taking a team" anywhere. I don't care who the QB is. That just isn't good enough. I have never looked it up but I'd be shocked if a QB with those 2 stats ever took a team anywhere.
Depends on where in Johnson's career we're looking at. As the leader of the Super Bowl Tampa Bay Buccaneers? No scorn.
As the backup who had to win more than one game for us to have a chance at the playoffs? Scorn level - high.
You can ignore the point all you want. Players who do not play great get scorned. Quincy did not play great.
But beyond the 10-6 season, were the expectations for Carter as high as the expections for Brad, given the talent the two had to work with?
Uh, no.
So because expectations for him were not high he deserves to be free from scorn?
Uh no.
So now you're a mind reader? LOL!
What do you mean "now?" You haven't heard the masses call me Nostradumbarse? Can I tell you about Brandon Everage?
It isn't mind reading. It's common sense.
I never said Quincy Carter couldn't be questioned.

I merely asked why the scorn.
Now we're going to play semantics? Do you honestly think there isn't a link between questioning a guy's abilities and outright scorn for the same? You're too smart a guy to believe in something that naive.
Safety Roy Williams was a far better football player than Quincy Carter ever was. Where are your questions about the scorn for him?
Quincy Carter could not stand in Terrell Owens shadow as far as talent and production. Where are your questions about the scorn for him?
That's what I mean about fake shock and awe. What is so hard to grasp about fans not liking someone who simply was not that good? It honestly is not hard at all. Yet we still hear from people who just can't grasp why he was so disliked. Let me clear it up once and for all.
Some of us never thought he was that good. Like all other players who under-perform he is subject to criticism. He is subject to scorn. he is subject to outright disdain and even hatred. Every other player is too. So he's not unique except for ONE thing. The fake shock and awe.
I'll settle on average. But he didn't have much to work with and, truthfully, who knows how much he would have improved if he didn't have the weed problem.
How much better could he have been if he were left handed?
How much better could he have been if he ate fish for every meal during the season?
How much better could he have been if he wore a different number?
How much better could he have been if he wore another pair of socks.
The idea that weed held him back that much just doesn't work for me and never has. You must think he smoked 20 to 24 joints a day and cooked hashish in all his meals.
I don't. I just don't think he was very good. I never did. I am never going to buy this supposed incredible upside he had. I try and be kind about my scorn for him for the most part because I know it upsets so many people who can't let go of the failed past. That is why I never shared the news that I received that he was going to be released unless he blew the doors off of the coaches in Camp. I would have been called every name in the book.
I already was called every name in the book without ever truly being rude about him. In fact in one thread where I said "I hope my daughters date nice young men like him" I got called a racist for not liking him. The exact same thread.
Forgive me for my sketpicism at the real nature of the shock and awe at the scorn for him. The fanaticism for this player was the most over the top adulation I have ever seen. It caused the scorn for him to be even greater. His fans caused more scorn than his play ever did.