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Not you, G, he's the one that thought it was Wednesday and is all bummed.Well all right!!!! I will let the wifey know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not you, G, he's the one that thought it was Wednesday and is all bummed.Well all right!!!! I will let the wifey know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try to remember that hindsight isn't really 20/20.Sorry to hear about your Grandson, you paid your dues, he should save that just for his parents. You deserve the well and on his best behavior Grandson.
ABQ, I didn't live in the moment back then, I relive those moments now in these moments with the very same regret you just shared. Ya know, I never knew just how many times I would live that saying I heard so many times growing up. "If only I'd known back then what I know now". Does anything good follow "if only" in a sentence?
It is a shame that we are not born with an inner alarm that sounds off when we are in a moment we should treasure more in that moment. All too easy to take those moments for granted and assume there will be more like this but there will never be another like that one, that very moment.
If I had only known then how I would have to look back with regrets, I would have taken better care of those moments for the future. The memory is often like an unwelcome guest, stays too long and breaks stuff.
So very true but the mind's eye can play tricks on you.Try to remember that hindsight isn't really 20/20.
You could always cheer me up pal.Try to forget it, maybe you'll feel better tomorrow.
Sorry to hear about your Grandson, you paid your dues, he should save that just for his parents. You deserve the well and on his best behavior Grandson.
ABQ, I didn't live in the moment back then, I relive those moments now in these moments with the very same regret you just shared. Ya know, I never knew just how many times I would live that saying I heard so many times growing up. "If only I'd known back then what I know now". Does anything good follow "if only" in a sentence?
It is a shame that we are not born with an inner alarm that sounds off when we are in a moment we should treasure more in that moment. All too easy to take those moments for granted and assume there will be more like this but there will never be another like that one, that very moment.
If I had only known then how I would have to look back with regrets, I would have taken better care of those moments for the future. The memory is often like an unwelcome guest, stays too long and breaks stuff.
Aww man, I hope the boy feels better soon and you both have a great time together!!
Okay, this conversation just took a turn.Heck, we can still have fun. It's just that now, most of it is when he's asleep and I'm just watching him. LOL......
@ABQCOWBOY a wonderful movie was made about a grandfather reading to his sick grandson called The Princess Bride. Your little vampire is probably too young, but you can still show him love in his weakened state. It's not as much fun, but the bonding carries just as much strength, maybe more.
I hope you didn't go through much sticker shock when your wife came home. I wish I knew why we enjoy shopping so much. I have two rescue dogs. One has no teeth (Mommaw because Beasley didn't stick) and the other has at least half of her teeth (Bailey named after Dan). I give Bailey a raw hide chew and she's not interested until Mommaw picks it up and gives it a good gumming. The entire time Bailey will sit and stare rapturously waiting for her to put it down. Mommaw is the best sales dog in the world.
Coach, I'm not sure how much regret we should take on our shoulders. Our parents went through their own youth, already walked in our shoes and knew we'd look back one day ourselves. I wouldn't go back in time without a notebook that current me wrote.
Okay, this conversation just took a turn.
I think the moral of the story is when a woman stops wanting to shop, she's lost her will to live. Hang onto and take care of your teeth in the mean time.That's funny that you mention this Xelda. The Grandma found him these little books that you can push little buttons and they make noise. He seems to like those. One is a book with sirens and the other is a book with farm animals. So far so good!
Wasn't too bad on the sticker shock. The most expensive thing was something that I had my Son In Law pick up for me. Had him pick up my Wife's BDay present while he was out that way.
So, just so I'm clear here, is the moral of the story that I'm going to lose my teeth before my Wife stops shopping or was I wide of the mark on that one?
Bless you Streetwise, in the deep South our brains are already cooked. I hope your day turn around.Goooooood Morning Pops and fellow Zonies and the entire refugee PJG crew.
Today wasn't any better being that yesterday that I thought was today. Now, knowing yesterday wasn't the day after yesterday really is today and not tomorrow...
The day before tomorrow.....
Okay, this humidity is clearly cooking my brain.
It sure did! It's raining so hard I may need to build a boat. Cut the humid stuff right down. We need rain, so it's a relief.Good morning Pops and Friends.
Coach, like your story about the young lady bagging groceries, daddy had the same gift. His appendix ruptured and he was in a great deal of pain. I went to see him in the hospital. A hospital worker came into the room to mop. He greeted her. She was in a mood and just wanted to get the job over with and move to the next room. He said "this place would close without you". She blew him off with an "oh, yeah". He saw the words didn't take hold, so he dug deeper and said "Think about it. This hospital would be filled with germs making people sicker without you." A light went off, her eyes lit up, her posture improved and she said "You know, you're right." Daddy wasn't through building her up and by the time he was finished, she was a different person. She thanked him and left his room with a fire in her belly. The way she closed his door, I was pretty sure she was marching to her boss's office to demand a raise.
Bless you Streetwise, in the deep South our brains are already cooked. I hope your day turn around.
Wishing a good Wednesday for all of you and your loved ones.