Roy Williams keep your head up


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Doomsay;3718355 said:
Why fall down? Why not just protect the ball, knowing that you are a slow receiver running a long way? Kind of simple. He cratered the game.

He's not slow. Did you miss the slant he caught early in the season and outran the entire D like 70 or 80 yards for the score?

He's a longstrider.. not quick and agile, but not slow by any means.


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The result of the play is obviously huge, a game changer. But those mundane items know, like protecting the football ...has to be taken very seriously.

This wasn't a runner coughing up the football while fighting through tackles. This was a pretty soft and highly improbable turnover.

And while this one play didn't lose the game, per se, Dallas would have been in business, 1st & 10 at the Saints 11-yard line. Up four with 3 minutes left and New Orleans with only one timeout to burn, yeah I like my chances very much.

Randy White

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CaptainAmerica;3718360 said: can talk to yourself about what ifs all night, but I'm talking about what actually happened in the game..

No, you're NOT..

What actually happened in the game was that the team fell back 17-0 before they decided to get their butts in gear and made a comeback.

What actually happened in the game was that they were playing a BETTER team.

What actually happened in the game is that both teams made plays that killed them and both teams made plays that were brilliant.

What actually happened in the game is that " there but for the grace of the football gods " go the Saints, meaning the Cowboys could have been on the winning side if not for inches or a foot.

In total: What actually happened in the game is that it was hard fought by both sides and unfortunately the Cowboys came up on the short end..

Everything else is just conjecture and biased crappy opinions with absolutely NO basis or reason.


More than meets the eye.
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As I said in another thread, the Cowboys need players who find ways to win, not players who find ways to lose. I'm a stalwart Longhorn fan and have been one of Roy's most staunch supporters. However, he seems to fall into the latter category rather than the former.


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forever22;3718357 said:
He's trying to score a TD and you can't outrun anyone while using two hands to cover the ball.

Roy Williams couldn't outrun anybody if he was in shorts and track shoes with a 10 yard head start.


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parcells316;3718159 said:
well, I was mad as hell at him but he made some real nice grabs in the ballgame and was blocking terrific all day. It sucks he didn't either see Jenkins or didn't realize at that point if he just goes down we have about a 99% chance of winning that game. I feel for the guy because his time here has been a downer and even when he does something to help it goes awry.

Sorry, how many of our top receivers have fumbled games away recently? It's just that simple. There was no reason for Roy to be so careless at that point.


just trying to get better
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High dollar veterans need to understand game situations and play accordingly.

Roy Williams didn't and it cost his team a game.

The silver lining is that it means a better draft position. Otherwise it stinks.


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ScipioCowboy;3718390 said:
As I said in another thread, the Cowboys need players who find ways to win, not players who find ways to lose. I'm a stalwart Longhorn fan and have been one of Roy's most staunch supporters. However, he seems to fall into the latter category rather than the former.

I don't think that he's very bright.


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Randy White;3718388 said:
No, you're NOT..

What actually happened in the game was that the team fell back 17-0 before they decided to get their butts in gear and made a comeback.

What actually happened in the game was that they were playing a BETTER team.

What actually happened in the game is that both teams made plays that killed them and both teams made plays that were brilliant.

What actually happened in the game is that " there but for the grace of the football gods " go the Saints, meaning the Cowboys could have been on the winning side if not for inches or a foot.

In total: What actually happened in the game is that it was hard fought by both sides and unfortunately the Cowboys came up on the short end..

Everything else is just conjecture and biased crappy opinions with absolutely NO basis or reason.

I don't disagree with you and really I'm just frustrated.

But you are ignoring the end of the game. When Roy got the ball inside the 20we had it in our grasp only to let it slip away. I know he didn't do it intentionally but dang, the guy is a curse.


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ZeroClub;3718405 said:
High dollar veterans need to understand game situations and play accordingly.

Roy Williams didn't and it cost his team a game.

The silver lining is that it means a better draft position. Otherwise it stinks.

Right, that is the ultimate question. He'd have to be brilliant this season to justify a Hurd-like salary next season IMO. Far too stupid.


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ZeroClub;3718405 said:
High dollar veterans need to understand game situations and play accordingly.

Roy Williams didn't and it cost his team a game.

The silver lining is that it means a better draft position. Otherwise it stinks.

Absolutely. Roy has done some good things this year, did some good things today. But a point you made there: understanding situations. That goes to awareness.

Only one thing puts your team in danger right there. Roy Williams has to understand that.


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brooksey1;3718110 said:
The defense made a great play to strip Roy of the ball. He played great today. I really like what he has been doing with his routes and he has great hands, the guy is an asset to our team. What happened was unfortunate but he switched the ball from his right to left when he saw the defender and another came in from his blind side and was able to a lot of hand on the ball for the strip. The loss is not on Roy Williams.

Way to go Roy great protection on that play. Loser player on a loser team.

CoJo JoJo

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Some of you guys are just hopelessly short-sighted. If the whole game came down to something as trivial as falling down at the 10, you've clearly fell short in many other areas of the game. Calling for his head is incredibly dumb. If it wasn't for Roy, we likely wouldn't have even been in the game to make it close. He played well, but came up short on a very good defensive play. It's easy to jump to some radical conclusion. If the defense had not given up 89 yards on 3 plays on the subsequent plays, Roy's strip doesn't mean crap. It's a team sport when you lose too.


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ilovejerry;3718450 said:
Way to go Roy great protection on that play. Loser player on a loser team.

After that post.. you're user name seems very humorous. :laugh2:


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burmafrd;3718151 said:
now people read minds. Of course the roy haters want to blame him. yes he did lose the ball. AND MCbriar screwed up the hold. AND TNew blew a coverage. And so on. There were more than enough mistakes made by the boys to lose two games let alone this one.

Actually the officiating screwed up the call on McBriar.

That was a drop kick.
We were on offense, and he had the ball, dropped it to the ground, let it bounce, then kicked it.

That's a legal play, but w/e. Didn't change much of the outcome.

Roy screwed up, plain and simple. He got greedy on the play. Instead of playing it safe and running down the clock (NO only had 1 timeout), he decided to go for glory. In a team first mindset, that's a selfish move. He knew he was surrounded by defenders who were taking the right angles. He goes down on the 10-15 yard line and we win.

He played well most of the game, but that was just a dumb move on so many levels, it's not even funny.


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RoyTheHammer;3718485 said:
After that post.. you're user name seems very humorous. :laugh2:

I love jerry when he sells this team cause I cant stand him anymore


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ilovejerry;3718554 said:
I love jerry when he sells this team cause I cant stand him anymore


Yea i feel ya man. I don't know if i'd go as far as selling the team, beause he is a good business man and does shell out money to get talent. I'd make him sign a lifetime agreement to stay out of all football operations for the rest of his life though. haha

28 Joker

28 Joker
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Randy White;3718361 said:
So, in other words, your boy, who's making more than Roy Williams, has been TOASTED for almost the entire year, is old and can't play man to man anymore, therefor he gets a pass, like senior citizens..

or do you mean " gets passed on " ?

I didn't give Newman a pass. Read my quote. I said he got beat bad on that play.

He's hardly been beaten deep like you claim this year. The Giants and Packers beat him down the sidelines one time this year. The Saints got him good at the very end of the game, because Roy Williams doesn't know how to protect the football.

I didn't hear you talking smack last year. Where where you last year when Newman shut down DeSean Jackson three times or shut down Steve Smith last year, again.

You and some others sure like to run on here and talk smack when Newman has a rare bad game or gets beat. Go ahead. Give your guy a free pass. You are defending Williams.

Williams put the ball on the ground and didn't give the offense the chance for the kill shot. Williams had the game in his hands and gave Brees a free shot that he shouldn't have had. It's just like a shortstop dropping a routine pop fly in the playoffs.

You don't know what your are talking about, with all due respect.

Newman got beat bad today, but your guy Roy Williams will not be on the team next year. I'd be willing to bet. We shall see which player is on the team next year and which isn't.

Marion Barber
Roy Williams
Leonard Davis
Andre Gurode

Roy Williams got more guaranteed money than Newman. He received more money than Andre Johnson. I'm pretty sure Williams' contract is more than Newman.

How has that worked out?
