Video: Troy Aikman on accuracy: You either have it or you don't


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Aikman is a washed up hater who has hated on the Cowboys ever since he probably had an affair/falling out with Skip Bayless.

Or whatever .

Who cares what that fruitcake Aikaman thinks?


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I long for the days way back when where you could criticize without the idea that you are a complete "hater".

We are getting dumber as a society when honest criticism is defined as "hate".

There is a difference between objective criticism and haters.


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He exactly "is what he is".

I just wish a lot of people would just acknowledge that.

He is not the guy that he was in his rookie season.

Right now, he is a QB that has next to zero pocket presence and if the run game evaporates, he is pedestrian.

What I just said is pretty much fact, but I will continue to wear my "hater" armband so I can be easily identified.

Spot on. I can understand Dak being careful with the ball but I get the impression that he lacks confidence in his arm and also smells a huge payday. He's content to just let Zeke and the D do their thing and just ride their success to his next contract.

I'm sorry, but his performance is putrid for a guy who's being discussed as the next franchise QB of any NFL team. But to the ill informed who don't know (or don't care) about what they're seeing, 20 for 25, 161 yards and an inflated QBR smells of greatness. And just think we need to re-sign Cooper who is going to demand huge money to play for a team with a QB who can't pass the rock. It'll be more wasted money.


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Troy don't like Dak, "Troy needs to find another team if he don't like dak". *wipes tears from face*

PA Cowboy Fan

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Both those guys did have league leading defenses as well. Not to take anything away from their greatness, but just saying. Dak has a good defense, but not on the level of the Steel Curtain or the Cowboys early 90s group.
Yea but that doesn't really have anything to do with Dak's accuracy. If it wasn't for our defense I don't know if we would have won 4 games. The offense has been that bad.


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Saying Dak has accuracy and consistency issues like most young QBs doesn't make someone a hater. Saying he is a backup QB does.
He's not a backup, but he is in the bottom 3rd of starters this year so it's makes it hard to ignore how many drives end on 3rd down when Dak simply misses a wide open WR.

He is good enough to win the whole thing by just hitting guys who are open. That's shouldn't be something that is questionable for an NFL starter but it is with Dak. That's why people call him a backup.


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Dude, there is a difference between acknowledging what is good play and what is just average.

What we have here is a full blown case of widespread delusion that he is even close to being a quality quarterback.

I don't need to hold him up to yardage benchmarks. I just go by what he does in the purest sense.

Prescott is just an average QB. He is not capable of taking an offense on his shoulders and passing them to victory.

If Dallas is behind by two TDs late in a game, you might as well pack it in.

Go ahead and label me a "hater" going forward if it makes it simpler for you. That apparently is the goal.

Deflect criticism by labeling it as something stronger than it is.

This is true. I love Dak and all but people keep saying he beat Wentz and has a higher rating and blah blah blah. Dak Prescott is nowhere near the QB Wentz is. He's just not. Put Wentz in Dallas with our D and Zeke and see what happens. There, I said it.................


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There is a difference between objective criticism and haters.

What purpose would any long time Cowboys fans have for "hating" a player on their team? Every single critic wants Dak and anyone else in uniform to succeed. I watch each game hoping to see Dak "break-out" and make me believe he can lead this team when everything else around him breaks down. The QB needs to be the most important and indispensable player on any team. Otherwise, we're just hoping for an outlier of a year where a Brad Johnson or Trent Dilfer type wins the SB. That won't cut it and not for the money the QB position will demand in today's NFL.


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He is good enough to win the whole thing by just hitting guys who are open. .

He was 20 for 25 today, that is hitting guys that were open. He also missed Jarwin when he was wide open, which was terrible. And we were up by 14 points with 4 minutes left in the game.

The issue isn't talent, its consistency. He is consistent enough to win, which is why we are 6 - 1 over the last 7 games even with a poor OL. But he clearly needs to improve in some areas.


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Nothing wrong with calling out players when they’re bad. I think the world of Zeke and Tyron and I would be he first to call out dumb plays. However the problem is to many, Dak can do nothing wrong. It’s always someone else.

I dont think there is anybody in this forum that thinks that. As all you gotta do is watch the game and you can see he steps on his own toes from time to time. And its magnified because he's the starting QB of the Dallas Cowboys.

And what you're alluding to, i think its on the opposite side of the spectrum. Anything bad that happens on offense its automatically Dak's fault.


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Doesn't know Dak.
You’re typing but all anyone really sees is


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At the end of the day, the only way Dak will truly be accepted is if the Cowboys win the Superbowl. Dak lovers or haters will never be satisfied unless he wins the Superbowl. As much as a large portion of Cowboys fans loved Romo, Romo was hated by a smaller more vocal portion, because he never won the big one.

Let me just say this Drew Brees has had multiple games this year under 200 yards passing. So anyone making the argument that Dak throwing under 200 yards is some kind of indictment of him as a player just doesn't understand how the game is played.

By the way no one believed in Drew Brees before he won the Superbowl.

Funny thing when Mark Sanchez went to multiple AFC Championship games people were saying he is the second coming. It goes both ways. I have patience, there's really not much I could do otherwise.

Should Dak be cut at the end of the season and bring in who? Jamis Winston, make a play for Nick Foles.

I'll be honest, I'd rather just stick with Dak. Then again I'm the kind of person who doesn't like change maybe some of you guys are OK with bringing in someone who was accused of Sexual Assault read Rape, maybe paying Foles Millions of dollars in the off season is the answer. I doubt it, though because, the flaws on this team are more than just Dak, the coaching, injuries and personnel decisions stand out as just as big issues for this team.


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This is true. I love Dak and all but people keep saying he beat Wentz and has a higher rating and blah blah blah. Dak Prescott is nowhere near the QB Wentz is. He's just not. Put Wentz in Dallas with our D and Zeke and see what happens. There, I said it.................

Wentz had more bad throws than Dak in the last meeting. Wentz is a better QB IMO but he has nowhere near the running ability and Dak steps up in cruch time while Wentz hasn't shown that yet.

I think its very much an open question which QB will be better over the long haul.


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dak would be just as good as Troy if he wasn't scared,could throw, and read the defense. They wouldn't be any difference, if he didn't suck.