Very odd quote from Weeden

My guess is that Weeden's comments would have raised Garrett's eyebrow. There's no doubt that Weeden's interests align with the team's: the size of his next contract, maybe even his continued employment in the NFL, depends on showing that he can lead this team to a reasonable modicum of success in Romo's absence.

But you would prefer that he speak of being motivated more by team success, and doing his part to help this team achieve its goals, than by what might happen when his current contract expires.

And, perhaps more importantly from Garrett's perspective, you would prefer that he be focused exclusively on this Sunday and not be thinking at all about what might happen this off-season. His best chance to succeed this Sunday is to worry only about the upcoming game and what he has to do to help the team win. If he approaches each game that way, one at a time, the off-season will take care of itself.

Conversely, preparation for the upcoming game won't be taking care of itself if he's spending his time worrying about what happens in March.
You are faking. Know how I know? You didn't mention Spaghettios.I love your posts though.

/noodeles are the carbs that giver life
//theenk ima jokin?
///why ya theenk the romans invaded chiner?

Dang son, I feel that we speak the same language. Mein father abandoned me in a mining town after a bad card game, we might be brothers. Tell Dad I forgift him and to send me monies and tattoo equipment so I can parsue mein dreams in Farmers Branch..
Didn't bother me. He just said the same thing every backup QB is thinking.

Didn't bother me either. Weeden is just being real and talking like an adult who understands the nature of the profession and the significance of the next few games for his career within that profession. Personally, I appreciate the mature business-like approach.
Yesterday, during the media hour at Valley Ranch, Brandon Weeden made the comment:

(paraphrasing) "I'm going to be auditioning for 32 teams out there. I hope to be back here, I love it here, but I know that's the reality of this business."

This is an extremely odd time to make a statement like that. That's a PRESEASON comment that you hear from bubble guys and undrafted rookies, not regular season backup quarterbacks starting games in September.

Weeden is the designated starting quarterback on a 2-0 team with Super Bowl aspirations heading into an eight-week stretch without Tony Romo. He's the guy. He has a great opportunity to contribute to the Cowboys, and his mind is on putting up some good tape for other clubs to see?

When I heard that, I was really glad they went out and signed Matt Cassel. That quote was just strange.

He probably thinks he will lose his job to Cassel after this season. (if not before)
Remember the problem Austin Powers had when he was blurting out his inner dialogue? Maybe Weeden has that same issue.
Probably knows that Matt Cassell is going to replace him if he doesn't play well. Odd quote though from a guy that Jerry told us was great a couple days ago. lol
you people are manic, man. this quote is nothing. he's getting the opportunity to showcase as a starter for a lot of teams this offseason. how does this topic get 5 pages? he said a basic *** statement lol. he wasn't sure he'd get the chance to showcase as a starter. now he is. on a good team. there is nothing wrong, weird, or abnormal about this.
Yesterday, during the media hour at Valley Ranch, Brandon Weeden made the comment:

(paraphrasing) "I'm going to be auditioning for 32 teams out there. I hope to be back here, I love it here, but I know that's the reality of this business."

This is an extremely odd time to make a statement like that. That's a PRESEASON comment that you hear from bubble guys and undrafted rookies, not regular season backup quarterbacks starting games in September.

Weeden is the designated starting quarterback on a 2-0 team with Super Bowl aspirations heading into an eight-week stretch without Tony Romo. He's the guy. He has a great opportunity to contribute to the Cowboys, and his mind is on putting up some good tape for other clubs to see?

When I heard that, I was really glad they went out and signed Matt Cassel. That quote was just strange.

the guy is like a deer in headlights right now. Poor guy.
So, it's not about beating the Falcons, it's about making a statement to New Orleans that if Brees can't go next year, Weeden is interested.

Sunday isn't about this year. It's about NEXT year. Cool.

Weeden would rather throw up a 110 QB rating and lose, then put up a 75 rating, and win.

Even if he thinks that, he shouldn't say that.

Where did he say any of that tho?
32 teams includes us. His job is on the line, last chance to shine...
Yesterday, during the media hour at Valley Ranch, Brandon Weeden made the comment:

(paraphrasing) "I'm going to be auditioning for 32 teams out there. I hope to be back here, I love it here, but I know that's the reality of this business."

This is an extremely odd time to make a statement like that. That's a PRESEASON comment that you hear from bubble guys and undrafted rookies, not regular season backup quarterbacks starting games in September.

Weeden is the designated starting quarterback on a 2-0 team with Super Bowl aspirations heading into an eight-week stretch without Tony Romo. He's the guy. He has a great opportunity to contribute to the Cowboys, and his mind is on putting up some good tape for other clubs to see?

When I heard that, I was really glad they went out and signed Matt Cassel. That quote was just strange.

that is a quote of a confident player that thinks he can start in this league.
Yesterday, during the media hour at Valley Ranch, Brandon Weeden made the comment:

(paraphrasing) "I'm going to be auditioning for 32 teams out there. I hope to be back here, I love it here, but I know that's the reality of this business."

This is an extremely odd time to make a statement like that. That's a PRESEASON comment that you hear from bubble guys and undrafted rookies, not regular season backup quarterbacks starting games in September.

Weeden is the designated starting quarterback on a 2-0 team with Super Bowl aspirations heading into an eight-week stretch without Tony Romo. He's the guy. He has a great opportunity to contribute to the Cowboys, and his mind is on putting up some good tape for other clubs to see?

When I heard that, I was really glad they went out and signed Matt Cassel. That quote was just strange.

Not strange at all, in my view. At the end of the day, regardless of the opportunity he has in front of him, he has absolutely no chance to steal Romo's job. He could look like the second coming of Montana for the next 7 - 8 weeks, and still not have a chance to steal Romo's job. So, if he is competitive, you have to know he wants a situation where he can be the man...and that is not the opportunity he has here, in my view. So, yes, he is right, the next 7 to 8 weeks is his audition for 31 other teams to be that guy.
So getting another contract doesnt beat working at Walmart?
So it's not about winning these games, it's about looking good enough for the other teams to sign you next offseason?

Actually winning games and looking good enough for other teams to sign you next offseason are kind of the same thing, if you think about it. If he isn't winning, not too people are going to give him a second glance to be the starter if all he did was play well enough not to lose.
Maybe it’s a sign of confidence.

A comment like that isn't a sign of confidence it's a sign that he's looking over his shoulder knowing if he doesn't play well Cassel will be in there and he could be looking for work at the end of this season. The Cowboys didn't sign Cassel off the street like they did Weeden they traded for him that sends a message to Weeden that the team may not have a lot of confidence in him. If the Cowboys felt real good about Weeden holding things down until Romo returns they could have signed Flynn or Ponder and not forfeited a draft pick.
That's exactly what he should be thinking. In a perfect world for us fans he would only be thinking about doing what's necessary to help the Cowboys while Romo is out... but Weeden is just being real. He's in a contract year and he's gonna be trying to play his best to secure another deal with a team, which could be Dallas, next season. It's actually a good thing for us because he's gonna be more motivated to play his best.
If Weeden tank this game or the next several the same way he did Arizona last year it's over for him.

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