While this post should not get a strong reaction, all bets are off.
Towards the end of last season, I was reconsidering the Cowboys as it looked like Stephen Jones was quietly doing the things that made this team great initially - I respect anyone with good football sense. Any decent salesperson or professional with people skills would just be quiet and let gravity tip them back into the fold and let them follow this team for a 49th year. Then came Deflategate. Acting like it's the greatest crime in sports history. And members engaging in Mortal Kombat that makes a civil discussion impossible. Plenty of things I might have said (including a couple of concessions), but the atmosphere is hostile. Things I never thought I would have said, but that's what happens in an online street fight like this.
Reality is not like a book you can tear out the pages you don't like and add pages of what you wish - it is what it is. I have never been a fan of anything that lets my loves or hates twist things into an alternate reality. Many of the things said on Deflategate (and other topics for that matter) would have deserved the response in 1954 Gen. Welch gave to Sen. Joe McCarthy: "Sir, have you no sense of decency?" A powerful admonition back then that is completely dismissed by many here and elsewhere these days.
This is my summary to set the record straight, if any here choose to believe it. Fully expect someone will misrepresent me to "agree" with their wishful thinking. Not much else to say.